USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

Community Member
So I got something shipping from the US to Canada, latest update was just a few minutes ago. USPS texted me saying that someone in Glendale Heights, Illinois picked up my package from the post office. Is this right?? How could they have messed up that badly
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

I have 2 packages on route to me and both from different parts of the US. They just updated to say left with Individual at Glendale Heights, IL 60139' also. So I will patiently wait for then to start moving again, lol

Message 101 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

items that sellers pass off to ebay is the worst, i bought a item from a seller in new jersey cause i thought it was relativly close to newfoundland up here in canada, and that it wouldnt take long to ship, nah the seller passed it off to ebay distrubution and now its being processed in chicago before it will start to come my way and its been there for weeks. the distance it traveled to be processed in chicago is pretty much the distance it wouldve been if it shipped stright to me. ebays in service international shipping and customs process oof

Message 102 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

Almost all carriers, including the USPS and most airlines, use a hub and spoke delivery system.

spoke and hub Air Canada 1.jpeg


Try to get to StJohns from FortMac without changing planes on this map of Air Canada domestic routes.


What is the last estimated delivery date  for your purchase.

Put that on your calendar and don't watch tracking


If the delivery is late, you can get a refund through the Money Back Guarantee.



Message 103 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

OH MY GOD the exact same thing just happens to me and I paid 160 for it
Message 104 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

Reassuring thread. Im in for 2400.
Message 105 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

What is the last estimated date for delivery?

Put that on your calendar.


You are covered by eBay's Money Back Guarantee for 30 days after that date.

You are covered by Paypal's Buyer Protection for 180 days from payment.

You are covered by your credit card's chargeback policy for 180 days from payment.



Message 106 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

Same thing here ...shipping to Canada on May 07 / 24 from   MALAKOFF  Texas Shippment stop at Glendale Heights IL

60139,, Never to be seen again.  


Message 107 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

@diese-2591 wrote:

Same thing here ...shipping to Canada on May 07 / 24 from   MALAKOFF  Texas Shippment stop at Glendale Heights IL

60139,, Never to be seen again.  

If the last estimated date for delivery hasn’t passed, I don’t see much reason to continually check on the tracking, @diese-2591.  It’s not going to make any difference to how your item progresses through the system.

Message 108 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

It is pass the deliver help from anyone.Shows still sitting in the Hub.  Glendale Internationale

60139 since May 7 /24

Message 109 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

@diese-2591 wrote:

It is pass the deliver help from anyone.Shows still sitting in the Hub.  Glendale Internationale

60139 since May 7 /24

Hmm, interesting. Usually the last estimated date of delivery is about three weeks from the shipment date and it hasn’t quite been that long yet, @diese-2591.

Check the tracking on the Parcelsapp website in case there is any information on your package that hasn’t been sent to or by eBay.

If there is no useful information there and the last estimated date for delivery has indeed passed, consider filing a non-delivered claim through eBay’s Money Back Guarantee scheme. Make sure you mention that this item is being handled by eBay International Shipping or eIS.

Message 110 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?


Message 111 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

@horiryu wrote:


So far, everything looks okay with the shipment of your item, @horiryu.  No need to involve eBay or PayPal at this point.  Read through this discussion and get back to us if you have any questions about how the eBay International Shipping system works.

Message 112 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

Just about to lose my 3rd package through GSP. 


Package just sitting at Glendale Heights for the last 2 weeks. I get that I will get a refund if I ask for one. But in my case, I want the package not the refund. And that's been the case all 3 times. I buy collectibles from US sellers to Canada through eBay and often I either find insane deals or I snag something "rare" which is a must-buy. And with my luck, 3 of these items now have been "lost" because of GSP. Worst part is, the last 2 times the item was actually confirmed to be at their international shipping centre but for some reason they didn't have my address. Apparently all they needed was the seller to intervene and confirm it. But that's too much work, the sellers just close the case and have eBay refund me.


Honestly, I don't know why the global shipping program exists. It has zero benefit to the buyer and 100% benefit to the seller. Not only does it take 3x longer to receive items in Canada from the US. But the cost of shipping is also 2-3x more than if they just dropped the package off themselves at post office. And why does it need to be re-routed!? Honestly, it's the only service that actually loses packages. I'm at the point now where if a seller refuses to ship something outside of GSP then I refuse to buy it.

Message 113 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

"It has zero benefit to the buyer and 100% benefit to the seller."

No, there is NO benefit to the buyer...but Yes indeed it does have benefit to that US seller. US sellers ship items out through the EIS and that's the end of THEIR responsibility!...the rest eBay deals per the EIS program and this is how it is promoted to USA sellers by eBay:

"you are only logistically responsible for shipping the items safely to the domestic eBay International Shipping hub. Restrictions, customs paperwork and international shipping are done on your behalf."

Message 114 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

@lundon44 wrote:

Just about to lose my 3rd package through GSP. 

You've probably booked it out of these discussion boards, @lundon44, but I'll post a few thoughts on your post just in case you haven't or in case somebody else finds the information remotely useful.


By the way, I'm guessing you're referring to the old Global Shipping Program rather than the newer eBay International Shipping system because you've used the old program in the past and had success with it, amirite?


@lundon44 wrote:

I buy collectibles from US sellers to Canada through eBay and often I either find insane deals or I snag something "rare" which is a must-buy. And with my luck, 3 of these items now have been "lost" because of GSP. Worst part is, the last 2 times the item was actually confirmed to be at their international shipping centre but for some reason they didn't have my address. Apparently all they needed was the seller to intervene and confirm it. But that's too much work, the sellers just close the case and have eBay refund me.

So we know that two of those items weren't actually lost, but they had to go through some sort of confirmation process in which the sellers refused to participate.  This is the first I've heard of something like that, to be honest, and I wouldn't mind a bit more information on these situations if you come back and feel comfortable sharing it.  At any rate, I'm not sure why you're blaming eBay International Shipping for what appears to be seller failure to understand and work with a system that they've presumably agreed to use.


@lundon44 wrote:


Honestly, I don't know why the global shipping program exists. It has zero benefit to the buyer and 100% benefit to the seller. Not only does it take 3x longer to receive items in Canada from the US. But the cost of shipping is also 2-3x more than if they just dropped the package off themselves at post office. And why does it need to be re-routed!? Honestly, it's the only service that actually loses packages. I'm at the point now where if a seller refuses to ship something outside of GSP then I refuse to buy it.

eBay International Shipping and the GSP (it's still a thing in the UK) are glorified forwarding services.  Buyers can opt to use their own forwarding services to have items held for pickup or for forwarding if they don't want to use the seller's choice of shipping, but they forego most of eBay's Money Back Guarantee protections if they go that route.


Yes, using direct USPS shipping can be a bit faster than going through this forwarding scheme, but as you note, eIS has a lot of incentives for sellers to use it.  In fact, eIS has more protections and benefits for sellers than domestic sales. 


There's a lot of ignorance, fear, apprehension, and some paranoia over international shipping expressed on the US eBay discussion boards.  If eIS didn't exist, I suspect that most US sellers wouldn't have their items offered for international shipping at all and buyers like you would have no choice but to have a US address on file and have their items sent to that address for pickup or forwarding if they wanted them badly enough.


In fact, you might want to start searching with your location set to a US ZIP code.  Items that can't be forwarded through eIS are sometimes resold by a third party to help eIS pay for handling the dead-ended shipment, but that party may not ship outside of the United States.  If those items are being sold on eBay, you just might find them again. . . 

Message 115 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

Yeah, I think you've hit on the problem's likely not the GSP that's the issue in these cases of antiques and collectibles; it's that the sellers know they've got a more valuable item than the price sold for at auction and don't want to fulfill the order, but found some way to game the system (mailing a box filled with packaging alone, maybe and putting a small dent or crack on one corner so that it looks tampered with; or getting one digit of the info for the address of the hub wrong deliberately?); or, there's identifying info about the contents on the package and someone is stealing them at the hub:

"In fact, you might want to start searching with your location set to a US ZIP code.  Items that can't be forwarded through eIS are sometimes resold by a third party to help eIS pay for handling the dead-ended shipment, but that party may not ship outside of the United States.  If those items are being sold on eBay, you just might find them again. . . "

That's essentially what you're describing here, it's illegal. Why would there be items that 'can't be forwarded' unless there's an error on the buyer's address? How does the third party get ahold of them? Do they have particular items that they target? Do they have 'insiders' at the hub that they pay to keep an eye out for items that can be resold at huge gains? Ebay should have extra insurance when dealing with items of potentially significant historical or artistic interest, because this is a form of embezzlement pure and simple. It's only ever happened to me with pieces that are of this nature, and I have had sellers say after purchasing an item "it's lost, I'm sorry" before even shipping, and they refund immediately, and months later I see the item relisted at double the price. But that's easy to catch. It's a lot tougher if the seller has figured out a way to 'fulfill all their responsibilities' by shipping and taking payment (that they know they'll be refunding) only have found some sort of method to rig it. 

Message 116 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

So, a lot of people are saying don't pay attention to the tracking unless the parcel hasn't updated or arrived by the very last estimated day on your checkout page, and I get that, I don't worry until it happens. Ok, so what happens then, other than Ebay beginning a refund process? As many customers have indicated, they don't want a refund, they want their item. Is it time to panic? Is there ever an incidence where an item is late arriving by 2, 3 weeks or more, or does it just get lost, broken, the ether? I have had over 200 items successfully arrive through the GSP, and recently 2 items, same brand, very old, in exceptional condition, both things that many museums of decorative arts would covet, have stalled at the Glendale Heights hub, and so far no updates from Ebay. One is past the last date of arrival now, the second is dangerously close to it. I am not one to believe in conspiracy theories, but I also find coincidences like this a little difficult to swallow. 

Message 117 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

@bookbug82 wrote:

So, a lot of people are saying don't pay attention to the tracking unless the parcel hasn't updated or arrived by the very last estimated day on your checkout page, and I get that, I don't worry until it happens. Ok, so what happens then, other than Ebay beginning a refund process? As many customers have indicated, they don't want a refund, they want their item. Is it time to panic? Is there ever an incidence where an item is late arriving by 2, 3 weeks or more, or does it just get lost, broken, the ether? I have had over 200 items successfully arrive through the GSP, and recently 2 items, same brand, very old, in exceptional condition, both things that many museums of decorative arts would covet, have stalled at the Glendale Heights hub, and so far no updates from Ebay. One is past the last date of arrival now, the second is dangerously close to it. I am not one to believe in conspiracy theories, but I also find coincidences like this a little difficult to swallow. 


One would think IF these programs had a, shall we say high success rate for completed on time sucessful deliveries they would be screaming from the rooftops as to how well it/they was/were doing? To date I have missed that memo.


Message 118 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

Exactly. I guess it's collector beware on sites like these; if I had deeper pockets I'd just use Christie's and Sotheby's...where stuff still probably goes very wrong, but just hopefully not as often. 

Message 119 of 137
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USPS delivered my package to some guy in the US?

I can update in this case that it appears to have been simply system not updating tracking information during the handoffs; Ebay customer service emailed today to say that a Canadian courier has issued a tracking number late last night, it just wasn't appearing on the item purchase info. So fingers crossed I may still see my wonderful antique.

Message 120 of 137
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