request for a refund

I purchased an item a month ago. It shows that the item was shipped. But the seller says the item hasn't been shipped yet. I want a refund and the seller tells me to refund through eaby's system. When I click refund, ebay tells me to wait until the last day of estimated delivery, which is in July.
How can I request for a refund? Thanks.
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Re: request for a refund

You are also covered by Paypal's Buyer Protection.

EBay's disputes start on the last estimated date for delivery. And eBay stupidly purges transactions over 60 days old.

Paypal's program starts on Payment and runs for 180 days.


Their Resolution Centre is at the top of your PP account page under Tools.

The first suggestion is that you Contact the Seller.

You've done that. Ignore the suggestion and ask PP to step in and Escalate to a Claim.

The reason in Not Received. If you can attach the seller's message it may help.

If the seller cannot prove delivery (not shipping, Delivery) you will be refunded.


You are also covered by the chargeback policy of the credit card you use to back your PP account. Card policies differ.

Go to PP first, though.

If your PP dispute fails for some reason, the chargeback is a fallback, but PP will not entertain disputes if there is a failed chargeback -- double dipping.


Also, there are reports that China has slowed or stopped shipping small purchases to Canada for a while. So the problem may not only be your specific seller. Avoiding purchases from there for a few months may be sensible.


More generally, it is not a good idea to purchase anything which the seller cannot deliver within 30 days.  There is a very good chance it will never be shipped, with the scammer seller hoping that most of his customers will forget they bought or will be unable to open a refund request.

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