Standing up for her Christian beliefs whereas many won't, controversial yes but the right thing to do. What would you have done?
Miss California’s Christian Witness
By Jonathan Falwell
In most Christians’ lives we face times when unforeseen challenges
serve to test our capacity (and our willingness) to step into the
proverbial fire of standing up for our faith. These moments actually
serve to define who we are: bold followers of Christ or faint-hearted
individuals who retreat from conflict.
Carrie Prejean, the California representative in this year’s Miss USA
competition in Las Vegas, was faced with one of these situations
recently when she was asked before a national television audience to
voice her perspective on same-sex marriage.
In a now famous statement, Carrie replied, in part, “I do believe that
marriage should be between a man and a woman; no offense to anybody
out there. But that’s how I was raised and I believe that it should
be between a man and a woman.”
As a result of this assertion which reflects her Christian faith,
Carrie has been bitterly assailed by critics, most prominently by
homosexual activist and blogger Perez Hilton, who posed the question.
(It should be noted that Carrie is a student at San Diego Christian
College so it is interesting, to say the least, that Mr. Hilton would
target Carrie to answer the pointed query. But we know that God works
in strange ways.)
On Wednesday, my brother Jerry Jr., the chancellor at Liberty
University, introduced Carrie to our student body during a convocation
service. She told students that the unexpected event has opened more
doors than she ever dreamed possible to speak about her faith in Jesus
“This has given me an opportunity to proclaim my faith with millions
of people,” she told a cheering Liberty University audience.
She said that when Mr. Hilton’s question was posed, she immediately
knew that she had come to a spiritual crossroads. “I knew right there
that I was either going to please man or please God. And I knew there
was no choice,” she told our convocation audience.
Then she reminded students that the Christian life is often full of
challenges. “You’re going to be persecuted, you’re going to be made
fun of and you’re going to be called names. But when you are given an
opportunity to stand up for Christ, do it,” Carrie said with a radiant
“We deeply appreciate what you did,” my brother told her.
As I consider Carrie’s testimony, I cannot help but ponder a situation
that took place in the sixth century B.C. The Book of Daniel, chapter
three, tells us of three men—Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego—who
refused to bow down to a gold statue of King Nebuchadnezzar. As a
penalty, all three were condemned to be cast into a raging furnace.
But they remained undaunted. “Our God whom we serve is able to
deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from
your hand, O king” (verse 17, NKJV). And as they were tossed into
that blazing oven, the men were unharmed even as those around them
perished. And as the king looked into that furnace he could see the
astonishing image of God standing with the three men in the midst of
the fire.
My friends, we face many fires and tests in life. But just as God
stood with His servants in the killer furnace of King Nebuchadnezzar,
He will stand with you. As Christians, we must remain true to the
Savior who is always true to us. I’m thankful to Carrie Prejean for
reminding Christians everywhere that God will never forsake those who
know Him as Savior. --
"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown