12-02-2012 06:41 AM
Folks, it's been awhile. Never too late for good cheer, right?
12-06-2012 03:24 PM
Good afternoon! It's been way too long. I'm in Penticton right now and we're planning our return voyage. LOL
I wish you:
Smiles when sadness invades you.
Confidence when you have doubts.
Comfort when you need it most.
Friends to light up your life.
Rainbows to climb up to the heavens on.
12-06-2012 03:40 PM
PS ... happy Sinter Klaas everyone!
I wish you:
Smiles when sadness invades you.
Confidence when you have doubts.
Comfort when you need it most.
Friends to light up your life.
Rainbows to climb up to the heavens on.
12-07-2012 05:40 AM
Good Night & Good Morning!
I wish you:
Smiles when sadness invades you.
Confidence when you have doubts.
Comfort when you need it most.
Friends to light up your life.
Rainbows to climb up to the heavens on.
12-07-2012 07:03 AM
Good morning Jannie!
Have a safe trip home and watch-out for black ice! 😉
12-07-2012 10:36 AM
Reading this has brought back some memories of old........
For a couple of years, we lived on Vancouver Island on 10 acres on the ocean. Our property formed two arms out into the sea with a cove in the center. I used to take my morning coffee and go sit in an old deck chair and watch the amazing activity that the sea provided. Our little cove had a tiny island with a lone evergreen tree that soared high into the sky. At its base were harbor seals. Seems our little cove protected them from the Orcas that were ever present a few hundred yards out.
Atop the tree was a bald eagles nest. I watched two families of eaglets grow until they finally flew away to their own destinies.
Evenings were also pleasant. The sun setting over the ocean painted a new tapestry every night.
And the mention of Penticton. Spent my first summer away from home there. It was in the late 60's. Nineteen years old and no mom and dad to tell me I shouldn't stay out so late. I didn't sleep much that summer. Worked at Canadian Canners for 12 hours a day, seven days a week. Partied the rest of the time. So many girls...................so little time.
Hope you all have a pleasant day and an even more pleasant festive season.
And for all those old folks like me who are not known for their political correctness - MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!
12-08-2012 12:27 AM
So we made it from Penticton to Creston ... it's 11PM (well, just after, but we checked in at 11) and we've only gotten 547KM forward today.
The first couple of passes were not too bad ... drive slow and they are do-able.
We got to the Kootenay pass ... the snow started to fall ... by the bucket load ... we got most of the way up the hill and then the avalanche people stopped us all ... when we were cleared to continue the drive ... the car would not move forward ... we tried for the better part of an hour to get it going. OIY!
Sooooo ... we turned around and went back down ... then over to Salmo ... over to Nelson ... over to Balfour ... onto the Ferry ... arrived just now at Creston.
We had an accident in Regina ... we hit black ice ... we're in a rental vehicle ... catch this ... no snow Tires!!!!!!
So in the morning, we will head to Cranbrook and to the Budget rent-a-car people and insist on a vehicle that is legal in BC. OIY!
It's been a challenging journey so far. We should have been home tonight. Held up in Regina to get all the insurance stuff looked after ... and it has just snow balled ... we are getting behinder and behinder.
On the other hand ... we are now safe & warm! Have a super night!
I wish you:
Smiles when sadness invades you.
Confidence when you have doubts.
Comfort when you need it most.
Friends to light up your life.
Rainbows to climb up to the heavens on.
12-08-2012 12:32 AM
And a very Merry Christmas to you puckstopshere!
I wish you:
Smiles when sadness invades you.
Confidence when you have doubts.
Comfort when you need it most.
Friends to light up your life.
Rainbows to climb up to the heavens on.
12-08-2012 07:08 AM
Good Saturday morning everyone!
Wow Jannie! That's quite an adventure to travel out west and to say that here we have no snow at all (we had a dusting one day but it all melted).
Today I am making my tourtières (yum) and next week it will be the "ragoût de boulettes", I only make those for the Holiday season so it has become a tradition.
Hope everyone has a great weekend and Jannie, please be careful out there.
12-08-2012 08:01 AM
and a good Saturday morning from Halifax.....such a joy to step back in and have people join in...new friends and old. Puck thrilled to see you stop by...and Roni...OhMyDog....it's been so long. Jannie...that's awful....glad you're ok now, but what took you to BC this time of the year??
12-08-2012 08:03 AM
it's going to take me a while to remember to stop in here again....traditions change. But funny, it was the Christmas season that did it for me.....card exchanges and the like.
Now if Annie, were near and Holly it would seem complete. Remember the night-owl thread? I could get up and catch Bud and Stepha, Holly and Jane....
12-09-2012 12:44 PM
Good morning, all
It feels so comfortable sitting here drinking my coffee, looking out the window at the snow covered trees, and visiting my friends here. As you said, Marian, now to remember to stop in here when I'm on the 'puter.
Last Thursday, my youngest son invited me for lunch and surprised me by showing me the ring he bought for his GF. He purposed to her that day, at her workplace during a staff meeting. Brave soul. He was so nervous he forgot his speech to her ... but, she said yes to next August I'll gain another DIL and a first granddaughter. YAY!!
Puck, your memories make me long for BC. Those summer getaways (early 70's) were some of my best, although how I can remember them so clearly when I'm sure I killed many brain cells during that period in my life. lol
Have a great one!
12-09-2012 03:22 PM
Good afternoon all!
A return to good times.
Spending most of my time getting the house in order for the holidays.
Good luck on your trip home, jannie.
Thanks for re-starting the coffee thread, Marian. Hope all is well in Halifax.
LTNS, Roni and Sherry.
Claire, I think of you every time I see my fawn rock ornament in my garden.
Are you still making and selling jam, Nan?
Welcome to Puck. I don't think you participated in the last coffee thread.
Enjoy your day folks.
12-09-2012 03:43 PM
Susan....yes. Hope life in TO is suiting you. How did your landscaping turn out?
I'm moving this month, but it is all so positive. My son stays in his neighbourhood...we are just escaping the smoking facilities we're in now. Moving to an historic building in the Hydrostone area.
12-10-2012 07:06 AM
Good morning Marian ( good luck on your move!) & all.
Nice to see so many familiar faces and new ones stopping in to the cafe.
Congrats on your new family circle changes Roni! Susan, last I remember your landscaping was underway but not done! Claire, I had tourtière last week ( but alas, it was not homemade); made me think of you and Pierre ( well, not together, ha). Jannie, hope business is roaring, and that you've made it home safe and sound!
Did you stop to see Nan, or at least wave wildly on your way by?!
PSH, nice to read of your nature experiences; made me smile. Nice to see you, Senile!
Marian, you must be working non-stop to get ready for Christmas AND prepare to move at the same time. I don't know how you do it and work and parent full-time, too. I'm tired just thinking about all that.
Freezing rain here; buses cancelled. still too dark to see what the lake is up to this morning.
12-10-2012 08:02 AM
Good morning everyone!
We had snow during the night but it has turned to rain now so not that much accumulation but the roads must have been a mess early this morning.
Roni, congats on the new family addition.
Susan, I'm so glad you're still enjoying the little fawn, I miss the little guy and would like to eventually paint another one.
Sherry, the river is not frozen yet so we still have lots of geese and ducks. 🙂
Marian, hope you get well soon!
Have a great day everyone!
12-10-2012 04:56 PM
Good afternoon all.have meant to stop by sooner, but it's been crazy busy here. Making,packing , wrapping.
Am so glad to see all of you and your updates!!!
Janie you were only 7 hours from LOL
12-11-2012 03:39 AM
Hope Jannie made it home with no further adventures.
No wrapping for me this year. I have to pack over the holidays and move.
My son wanted money only.
OK I did buy him a few treasures.
12-11-2012 11:57 AM
Good morning all.
The landscaping turned out perfectly and we are really enjoying the new look.
Marian, it's a tough time of year to have to move and I hope your new location makes it al worthwhile.
Toronto is cold and dreary; a typical winter day for us.
Off to get my hair cut and coloured for the season. I am now a blonde!
Hope Jannie got home safe and sound.
12-11-2012 01:12 PM
Good afternoon ladies!
Taking a break from painting, kind of last minute decision to paint a small foot-stool for my grand-daughter. Will post a picture on fb.
12-11-2012 01:47 PM
Good afternoon, ladies!
How old is your wee lady now, Claire? What a wonderful Christmas it will be at your house!
I have now joined you and Roni in the Grandma department, and this will be our baby's first Christmas, too! As I said earlier, my cup runneth over:)