02-17-2021 10:14 AM
Happy Wednesday everyone!
The new look for Community launched this morning and I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter (good and bad). I can't promise you that things will be changed, but we can work with Khoros to develop future improvements. Of course, some things can be changed so there's that possibility too.
I'm still going around and putting the final touches on things, but if you come across something that seems odd, doesn't work or you just need help finding where your favorite board is give me a shout on this thread!
Thanks again for your patience,
02-17-2021 10:40 AM
Hi Tyler, Personally I find the new format much more difficult to read and navigate, I usually like progress, but in this case the amount of screen real estate and scrolling required to find threads makes it difficult to use and read. The ability to only show the titles of the posts, and not a preview of the content of the post would be welcomed. as it stands the individual discussion area only show about 3 posts per screen, where as the old layout showed about 10, so much more scrolling involved. Not great from my perspective. The reorganization of the discussion areas is good.
02-17-2021 10:45 AM
Thanks for this @flyhooks4less - I'm not sure about removing previews (I'll check, it may be a simple check/uncheck option for me to do), but I think I can do something about the number of posts you see per screen before you have to hit 'load more'. Let me look into that
02-17-2021 11:18 AM
02-17-2021 11:37 AM
@marnotom! - I'm sad you don't like the purple color (it's one of my favorites after the teal), but thanks for giving me the heads up on the profile pages! I will have a look at that page to see if it's something I can adjust.
Re: colors in general, they should change based on section of the community you're in. Have a poke about and look at the others we have access to!
02-17-2021 11:51 AM
There used to be a search bar at the top of the page to search for products. I would like to see that return. Also is there a link that shows a list or menu of the boards? Thank You.
02-17-2021 11:58 AM
Howdy @flyhooks4less - following up on this one! Preview text is pretty hardwired, I can't do much with that. I can have the number of posts per page before you have to hit 'load more' adjusted. The Khoros team is working on upping that from 5 to a larger number (10-15 is the request).
02-17-2021 12:13 PM
Hi @strange*highways - the search bar for eBay items is gone, and there aren't currently plans to bring it back. The eBay logo in the upper left will take you to the eBay Marketplace page and you can search from there. So more clicks when it comes to that.
As to a complete list of boards, I can grab that for you! Screenshot follows:
This is a quick 'exploded' view of all the drop down images. I can make a text layout as well if you'd find that helpful!. 🙂
02-17-2021 01:44 PM
@flyhooks4less wrote:Hi Tyler, Personally I find the new format much more difficult to read and navigate, I usually like progress, but in this case the amount of screen real estate and scrolling required to find threads makes it difficult to use and read. The ability to only show the titles of the posts, and not a preview of the content of the post would be welcomed. as it stands the individual discussion area only show about 3 posts per screen, where as the old layout showed about 10, so much more scrolling involved. Not great from my perspective. The reorganization of the discussion areas is good.
I'm not seeing any form of a link with the header to return to your personal Seller Hub page.
02-17-2021 01:56 PM
Hi @lotzofuniquegoodies - that's correct, the overall eBay header is gone. You can use the footer links at the bottom or click the eBay logo in the upper left to get back to the eBay Marketplace side!
02-17-2021 02:39 PM
Hi tyler, I have very good eyesight but find the text is harder to read. Is it smaller than before? Or maybe a different type? Maybe I need to just get used to it. Overall, I do find it more confusing and have to scroll down more often. I guess I’ll need to get used to that awful purple colour too!
02-17-2021 03:15 PM
Ha ha! Aww, sorry to have hit a sore spot with the purple! It just doesn't say "eBay" to me. It took me a while to track down the teal, but I'm okay with that. I'm even okay with the "pumpkin spice" look of the eBay Town Square Cafe, or whatever it's called now. But purple and magenta? Really? 😂
02-17-2021 03:30 PM - edited 02-17-2021 03:31 PM
@msmaggie060 - yes, the text is something I've noticed as well. It's a lighter gray instead of a black. We're working on getting it adjusted to be something more readable, as well as getting more topics displayed before you need to scroll!
02-17-2021 04:10 PM - edited 02-17-2021 04:13 PM
I'm still looking around.
When I hover over someone's name on the board I used to get a pop up so that I could click on whether I wanted to see their listings, other posts etc. Now it brings me to a whole new page. That's annoying.
I also miss seeing who was the last person that posted on that thread without having to go into the thread.
I also miss having a link to 'my ebay' on the community pages.
I don't have a problem with the colors though!
I see that we can sign out now on this page...wasn't that missing before?
02-17-2021 06:31 PM
@pjcdn2005 - I agree with the pop up box - it made things really simple. With this new design a lot of the older customizations we've all gotten used to got removed. In most cases these types of customizations were leading to slower load times.
The last edited/last replied feature was super useful and one I'm going to see if we can get at least some of that functionality back.
The 'my eBay' link in the header is one I'm going to miss too - and that one is for sure out.
Glad to know that you like the colors! 🙂
02-17-2021 06:42 PM
This new format is quite an improvement, I'm using a desktop and 17" screen, looks great. My opinion may change once I have a chance to try it out on a smaller tablet or phone.
The slimmed down menu is much better than before. The text colour may be a little light, that's something that might be improved. Also I hate having to constantly load more discussions, scrolling a much longer list would be nice.
02-17-2021 07:11 PM
I do like that the Announcements are easier to see and access. Not that I ever read them, preferring to lead a life of blissful ignorance until Reality clouts me over the ear and screams "Wake up, quinie!".
I second (or possibly eighth) the request for more titles before we need to ask for them.
And it helps to know who posted last to a thread I have been following.
But on the whole, good job. Even the purple is... inoffensive? (I like bright colours. To me, red is a neutral.)
02-18-2021 08:19 PM
Are the posts no longer going to be numbered?
I find that useful when referring back to a much earlier post ("See post #18 of 385" , for example)
02-19-2021 11:05 AM
Hi @reallynicestamps - I'm working with Khoros on the numbered posts now (I also use them frequently).
I have a sneaking suspicion that we'll hear back that we can't have the indentation of replies and also have numbered posts.
I'm of a mind that I'd rather have numbered posts back, even if it means the fancy indentation has to get chopped. What do you think?
02-19-2021 11:55 AM
Hi @msmaggie060 - we got the text darkened a bit, is it easier to read now?