New Community Layout - What do you think?

Community Member

Happy Wednesday everyone!


The new look for Community launched this morning and I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter (good and bad). I can't promise you that things will be changed, but we can work with Khoros to develop future improvements. Of course, some things can be changed so there's that possibility too. 


I'm still going around and putting the final touches on things, but if you come across something that seems odd, doesn't work or you just need help finding where your favorite board is give me a shout on this thread! 


Thanks again for your patience, 


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Re: New Community Layout - What do you think?

Numbering  is more useful than indentation.

Message 21 of 27
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Re: New Community Layout - What do you think?

Yes, thank you Tyler, much better! I’m getting more used to the new format, not getting so confused now. 😀

Message 22 of 27
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Re: New Community Layout - What do you think?

I waited to post review of new community forums. Finally got used to it and I am more familiar with it. I mainly review posts on my iPhone 7.

I find there is a lot of spacing and a lot of scrolling. I find it is hard to tell if a post is read with subject bold unread no bold unread. Now I have iPhone font settings at 115% size so I don’t know if that is part of issue. Old eyes here but still good enough to read. I do have reading glasses but I have to remember to have them with me.

Main text font colour is light and hard to read as mentioned by others.

One issue I have is with helpful and kudos used in different forums. Helpful show blue colour when a helpful is given. Kudo does not instead showing subtle change from Kudo to Kudoed spelling. Lol. Hard to notice that.

Also took me a while to find my settings and profile info.

On main community page, showing 5 newest topics is a pain. It was 10 and I had asked for old community to be increased to 25 but never happened. Please get it back to 10 at least.

Overall I find it a bit bloated and more work to use. But manageable. I only tried it once on desktop computer so need to review it there on Windows 10. Also have an iPad and will look at it there too.

I do like the number of forums reduced to a more manageable size.
Message 23 of 27
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Re: New Community Layout - What do you think?

Hi @richardcm - thanks for giving it some time and providing your feedback - it's very thoughtful and I appreciate it. 


I'm not able to increase the 'darkness' of the font further, but I am working on the topics display. As funny as it sounds, with this new display I have more control over what will show, but I have to get the tech crew to turn over the keys. That should happen sometime in the next few weeks (once all 14 community sites are brought over to the new display). 


The kudos to helpful thing is really interesting to me - will you let me know where you're seeing 'kudo's still? I thought I had gotten them all switched to be 'Helpful's. 


Message 24 of 27
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Re: New Community Layout - What do you think?

Community Member

Happy Monday! We've gotten numbered posts back (@reallynicestamps FYI)! They're now on the left hand side just above the Helpful box, but they're back!

Still working on the total number of displayed posts before having to click 'load more'. 


Thanks for continuing to work with this! 

Message 25 of 27
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Re: New Community Layout - What do you think?

Community Member

Update: the number of posts that display under 'Latest Activity' has been increased, so you should be able to scroll for a bit longer before having to choose 'load more'. 

Message 26 of 27
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Re: New Community Layout - What do you think?

In each topic there is a section at the end called Twitter Stream. Obviously it has to do with Twitter, but what is its purpose in a topic post. Is this feature to be implemented in one day soon? If not can it be made not visible since it just waste valuable screen space.

The new forums are so bloated with needless white space and so much extra scrolling and clicking. It discourages me from reading the forums. Especially from my iPhone.

I fail to understand why so called changes and improvements always dumb down and make it more time consuming to use.

Another question. Why is the word Kudo used in the Question and Answer forums and Helpful in the regular forums? Make the two consistent with same word.

Unless I am mistaken it seems like topics and posts have dropped off a fair amount since the new forms were started. I used to check the forums a few times a day and find new posts. Now I check less and find less.
Message 27 of 27
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