Why can't I contact Ebay by email?

Is there an email for Ebay's customer support? or a Contact US that isn't a phone number? I am asking because emails contain the conversation log and offer a record of what was stated should a dispute ever arise.  Perhaps it is highly unlikely that a dispute would arise with Ebay, but if one was to occur there would be nothing to reference or use in support?  

Being a Rogers Customer will change the way you communicate. 


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Re: Why can't I contact Ebay by email?

Because that would be easy and convenient!

But seriously, the only way to contact eBay directly is by phone. If you are concerned about keeping a conversation log, I would suggest taking notes during the calls detailing times, names, what was discussed, what was (or wasn't resolved), if they said they would take any action, etc. It might not be a perfect paper trail, but it's better than nothing.

I have little experience with eBay customer support, so perhaps someone else here who has had more experience can better assist you.

Message 2 of 6
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Re: Why can't I contact Ebay by email?

eBay choices are:


1. you phone eBay or eBay phones you


2. weekly forum (when it runs) -- http://community.ebay.ca/t5/Weekly-Chat-Session/bd-p/23000000073


3. lettermail




When dealing with a buyer/seller use the eBay email system.



Message 3 of 6
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Re: Why can't I contact Ebay by email?

4. If you ask your question on the boards here it's possible that you won't have to contact ebay.

Message 4 of 6
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Re: Why can't I contact Ebay by email?

Responses/answers in this thread are not Ebay's.  Although Ebay might review the content and even contribute under the veil of several user accounts, three is a bigger chance that hell will freeze than there is to using the contents in a forum as a binding agreement in any legal context. 


It is surprizing that email communication isn't that prevalent.  All the major companies, especially financials intuitions spend a fortune recording conversations and records retention, and staffing call centers, and so much $ can be saved if emails were prevalent.  Sadly,for most companies that's not even an option offered to the consumer, even for some that are entirely Digital. 


My recent experience with Rogers made me realize that during a phone call to customer service, with essentially any company out there, they can offer u the world to get you to agree to whatever they ultimately want, and should the terms turn out to be different then the consumer is SOL because they have nothing to support their claim.  It is no coincide that the telephone message states that this call MAY be monitored or record ...as in we'll only ever use it if there a benefit to us.   Regardless of what is in question, misunderstanding whether by error or stupidity, can be costly..  anyone buy insurance over the phone lately?


I am not saying that there is intentional fraud, but emails would contain a record, and would allow for equal access by both parties and ultimately result in fewer misunderstandings.  Not to mention that this will ultimately save companies a significant amount of $ on records retention, and lower staffing needs (Generic pre-drafted response), and also lower the number of calls made since any repeat questions that were previously answered are available for the customer to review.  Hopefully some of the savings would be passed on to the consumers as well, but that I suspect might be wishful thinking. 


Ebay, if you are reviewing this thread, please consider the points above.  It is frustrating that there was no way to contact you without creating an issue for a recent transactions, and I don't do phone calls. 

Message 5 of 6
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Re: Why can't I contact Ebay by email?

Although Ebay might review the content and even contribute under the veil of several user accounts,


EBay rarely contributes to these Boards.

We do see some notes from Lithiun who moderate them.

When both eBay and Lithium post, they do identify themselves.

Recently the eBay staffer has been tyler@ebay.com


EBay also has a weekly (more or less, mostly less) Chat Session with the tiny eBay Canada staff which are posted under News and Information Weekly Chat.

Usually those are opened for questions on Tuesday and answers as well as live responses are posted around noon EST on Wednesdays.

They all went to Las Vegas this week, though.


Some of us Boardies are here because we are bored or helpful or just busybodies. Would be nice to get paid to give advice. Maybe I should take up fortunetelling as a new retirement project.


And there are also some  quite experienced eBayers who use posting IDs, with only a few or even no transactions. Many of us are more open about our activity.

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