Why have the number of watcher/views disappeared from my listings?

Earlier today I was able to see the number of watchers/ views on my listings.   I checked again and now all that information (watchers/views) has disappeared.   I did not make any changes to how I list things.   Does this happen to other sellers?  Is there a way to get the information to show up again?    Thanks!

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Re: Why have the number of watcher/views disappeared from my listings?

I'm not positive but I think that I read they were taking the views info off of the listings.But you can see it on my ebay or selling manager.

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Re: Why have the number of watcher/views disappeared from my listings?

Well, I guess it must have been a temporary problem because now everything is back to what it was this morning. Hope it doesn't happen again.... made me think I must have hit the wrong button!

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Re: Why have the number of watcher/views disappeared from my listings?

I've been moving older items to my Unsolds before updating for javascript or whatever eBay is moaning about now.

I noticed that the items on the Unsold list had lost their views.

Which is annoying, because I use that number to decide if it is a relist or a donate.



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