04-20-2018 02:32 PM
hello people,
as of the last hour I have had 7 variation listings ended and can not relist them due to the fact that no variations are showing. Just talked to a rep and while he was on the phone I tried to list one through sellersourcebook and although it accepted the variations when it came to listing on ebay it was flagged #21916564 saying the category did not support variations which had that been the case sellersourcebook also would not have had it as an option. Is anyone else seeing ended listings? One rep asked if they were stagnant listings, the last one to end was listed last year so that would be a no...the only thing I see in common at the moment is..none have had any sales-not sure if that has anything to do with it. This is very annoying because I can't relist any since new listings are not showing ANY variation options no matter what category I chose.
04-20-2018 02:39 PM
I flagged the other thread about this, calling tyler and happy_pidgeon for help. It seems this shouldn't be happening, or at least not happening without warning. Maybe it's to do with the Hub rolling in? Or the New Listing Requirements Are Expanding to Additional Categories movement? But if that were the case, you'd think there would have been a warning or something first.
04-20-2018 02:50 PM
I'm getting one ending every 5 minutes now- every time I look at my emails there's another one...OMG...I just looked at my unsold and there's 24 there, I don't even have them in the emails...so it's happening like crazy....and now they are ending listings with sales that have been listed recently. I have over 3000 variation listings...if they all end this will be a nightmare!!
04-20-2018 03:48 PM
I'm up to 45 now and it's only been 3 hours!! can't wait to see how many end before things get fixed....
04-20-2018 10:22 PM
Same thing is happening to me. Spent the last hour on the phone with ebay. They're writing a ticket to tech support. He suggests that EVERYONE that is affected do the same (call ebay---get them to contact tech support), as the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
04-20-2018 10:23 PM
I'd suggest doing it ASAP before all of our listings are ended. One of my ended listings had 17 sales in the last month, but still was ended. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with sales.
04-20-2018 11:04 PM
I heard back from the last rep I talked to and he said it's a Canadian site issue and his manager is working with tech support to address it. Since I don't list at night I probably won't see any more end until tomorrow afternoon. So far I'm at 54 ended listings.
04-20-2018 11:05 PM
forgot to say, I have another 4680 more variation listings live so this could get ugly....
04-20-2018 11:08 PM
remember when you finally get to relist these listings to pay attention to what already sold or it will put the original amount back in and you won't find out until something sells and it's not there. I learned that when we had to change to Cdn funds
04-21-2018 02:14 PM
hello sellers, if you are having issues with listing/editing/relisting variation listings PLEASE call ebay. Only 3 of us have called and it's not enough for them to make a ticket and I'm losing listings every 5 minutes!!
04-22-2018 10:46 AM
04-22-2018 01:53 PM
Same problem in accessories. Can't create variations for colors.
Cell Phones & Accessories>Cell Phone Accessories>Cases, Covers & Skins
11:18 AM
- last edited on
11:59 PM
I got 3 emails from ebay over the weekend, as follows:
Good 'Til Cancelled Item(s) Not Renewed
Hi helen
One or more of your Good 'Til Cancelled listing(s) were not renewed and are no longer listed on eBay. The listing(s) weren't renewed because of the reasons shown below.
NUMBER OF LISTINGS NOT RENEWED REASON DESCRIPTION13 Listing(s) were not renewed because the site or category no longer supports Multi-SKU items for GTC listings.
You can relist your item(s) as long as you fix the reason it was not renewed.
To relist your item(s):
Learn more about relisting your items.
We appreciate your cooperation.
In other words, it is DELIBERATE that they are killing our listings WITHOUT ANY NOTICE or any work-around. I still haven't recovered from their bone-headed decision to kill US$ listings on ebay.ca and now they're doing it again!!!
04-24-2018 03:43 PM
FIX THIS!!!!!!!
04-24-2018 07:22 PM
This appears to be fixed. But after relisting it now shows 0 sold..So probably means the ranking has been lost for that listing...