Site Issues
Report issues you are encountering with the eBay or Community site here.
Having lots of problems with my site, 1. When I answer a question it keeps showing I haven't answered question2. Getting requests for shipping, when shipping calculator is there.3. Message from Ebay there are technical difficulties with my store.Very...
Hi - you used to be able to search by width, colour, style etc in mens shoes. These options appear to have disappeared for me. Have they moved somewhere or are they gone? This also broke my saved searches that used these filters. still seems...
What happened to the idea of a feedback system when you can no longer warn other members about non paying bidders with a neg. Seems you can only post positive feedback now ...
Hi, long story short, whenever I try to search for something, all of the advanced search options are gone. For example, I searched Haswell (i.e. intel CPU), normally, I would get further refinements such as core count, socket type, processor speed, e...
What has happened to the search refinements such as brand, size/scale, colour etc?
Item# 122688664063 & all of my other items with calculated shipping. Calculated shipping calculator does not work if the quantity is more than 1.Please see attached picture for reference.The item is less than 500g each. They are about 26x26x5 size ea...
when i go to check out.I keep receiving an error message that says try again..any ideas
There seems to be an upgrade over the last 2 days, and the search by 'brand' option is no longer there. What happened?
My shopping cart is unreachable. Anyone else with this problem
It's currently impossible to delete multiple items in collections. We can only delete one item at a time and the process is very, very slow with multiple clicks, saves and page reloads. Please fix.. Thank you.
I went to edit one of my listings the description and suddenly item specifics compatible models were all gone for a product I sell. It only shows one compatible now. Listing new item has that problem too the compatible models and features are all gon...
These pop up surveys that ALWAYS come up when you open your page are driving me crazy. How do you get rid of them....or EBAY STOP with this VERY IRRITATING NONSENSE.
I have an issue when trying to list 7 day auctions. My listing shows up as a 7 day Fixed Price! Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
Item that sold does not appear in sold items. Can find the transaction through PayPal and can see it in Help and Contact. Why - how can this be fixed?
Bonjour, suite à une demande d'aide, j'ai reçu une solution du vendeur qui fait mon affaire. Je tente maintenant de fermer le dossier en cochant la case appropriée, mais rien ne se passe. J'ai toujours un retour au même écran, que faire maintenant?
Help!!! Sometimes when I am browsing eBay and stay on an item page for a minute, I would be redirected to some bogus online survey without me pressing anything at all. I don't know if my computer has been infected with some sneaky Trojan viruses, but...
On October 16, i posted this on another discussion board: "Yesterday i tried listing a pair of athletic shorts. I created my listing, selected "regular" and when i attempted to click the pulldown menu for size (which has an asterisk beside it so it's...
Hi, when I search for let say "capacitor" on my saved sellers the result show only 1 item but should show thousands! Someone having the same issue? thank in advance for a reply.
Hello Please can anyone help me ?I can sell i dont know what i make wrong im good seller and i respect all buyerThanks who help me !!!
Use to work... not sure when it stopped working but I've been adding a lot of stuff to collections the past few months, and when I now go to the collections, nothing new shows up, in fact, many things that were added are now missing. For example... I...
I was on my feedback page and clicked on the community link and it took me to the .com discussion boards instead of the .ca discussion boards.
Tried to be pay for an item partially with my Ebay Bucks and it would not let me, the part where you enter the number they give you would not even highlight so you could not even fill anything in, am I doing something wrong or is it ebay? Ended up pa...
Can't Ebay Canada kill the long running script problem? I have to use the U.S. site when I get fed up.
How do I get back to eBay United States. Somehow I ended up on eBay Canada and don't know how to get out!
I actually have two issues re ebay messaging,One is written customer feedback to ebay in the first place via email - other than this process via the community, it seems to be impossible to contact ebay except by phone. The second issue is about messa...
Can't sign in to ebay.comNo problem signing in to however options limited on the Canadian site, would like to be able to access U.S. Site as there are many U.S. Sellers happy to ship to Canada. Have never had this problem before.???
I figured the eBay "Trading Assistants" (individuals who would sell you stuff on ebay for you) was a dying breed a few years ago when there were only 2 or 3 in my province. I checked again today on the map,
I have run the same searches every day for years. Lately on, I get only a fraction of the number of results I had gotten used to. Out of curiosity, I tried searching on the US site and got the full amount of results that I used to get on the ...
The tick box appears in the invoice, I click it, the screen blinks, no bucks applied.