05-11-2021 01:52 PM
Hi everyone -
Opening the chat for your questions. It's just me this week, and I'll begin working on answers tomorrow afternoon!
05-11-2021 07:00 PM - edited 05-11-2021 07:06 PM
Why is it that under Top Rated Seller Benefit that qualify for this option and is stated on many sites including Ebay Canada that shipping fees would be calculated and charged to what ever Domestic Shipping is, but i have noticed the past 8 months the system only does it for singles purchases and not multiple purchases.
Better explanation on it
Single item sold
If sent to Canada $3.00 to USA $4.00 Europe $7.00
so no matter where the item would be sent fees (SFVF) would be charged on the lowest $3.00 under that ruling.
Now when 5 items are purchased and say the seller offers combined shipping with 0.50 per extra item
The fees should be as such and no difference where the items are sent to as per ruling
First item (SFVF) on $3.00
then the other 4 items should be
(SFVF) on each one should be seperately thus (0.50) X 4
But if those items are being sent to Europe that sytem over rides that ruling thus has been charging (SFVF) on the entire amount of $7.00 +0.50+0.50+0.50+0.50 and then the total of $9.00 diveded up by the 5 items, which under the Top Rated Seller Benefit ruling is wrong and with this error method the system has been over charging on shipping fees.
I reported this 8 months ago as i increased listings from 50 to the 200 free monthly allowence and noticed with multiple combined purchases that the system was incorrectly charges on the shipping fees and nothing has been done about and i beleive this was is a major system flaw and many top rated sellers that qualified under this term were/are/have being over charged on shipping fees and who knows the exact time frame of how long this has been going on and feel Top Rated Sellers should have or been notified of this issue and possibly funds given back to them for being over charged under this benefit ruling that they rightfully qualify for.
Going forward to the new Management Payment System will this benefit contuine to be active and if it is how will seller know that fees are being totaled correctly cause now between selling and shipping fees are shown combined in one transaction rather then being shown seperately as it was before.
05-11-2021 07:13 PM
Hi Tyler,
I've been trying to read everything I can about Managed Payments before I regisgter. From what I can see, we don't have a choice, it's going to happen anyway, If this is so, how much of what we do will change after we register? Will I be able to print lables the same way? Right now my payment for printing lables is coming from my paypal account, but if all our money will be put into our bank accounts, I'm guessing that will change as well. (getting is tough, everything new seems so complicated)
Also I'm still not getting any messages from this site, it's been over a year. I didn't even realize you answered my question last week because there was no email, which I used to get when you responded.
Any help would be great, thanks
05-11-2021 10:40 PM
05-12-2021 02:45 AM
@33nhl wrote:Why is it that under Top Rated Seller Benefit that qualify for this option ... that shipping fees would be calculated and charged to what ever Domestic Shipping is, but i have noticed the past 8 months the system only does it for singles purchases and not multiple purchases. ...
Going forward to the new Management Payment System will this benefit contuine to be active and if it is how will seller know that fees are being totaled correctly ...
1. This not a TRS benefit. It is available on .CA and .COM for Canadian sellers (and others).
2. Managed Payments is currently calculating the rate correctly for one item sent internationally. Although the info is not clearly displayed.
If in Managed Payments, https://www.ebay.ca/sh/fin/transactions -- select Transaction Details -- look at the International fee and you will see a dollar value. That value will be the modified total with the adjusted shipping (lowest of domestic or actual). Fee calculations use that value.
05-12-2021 02:58 AM
Buyer GSP problem.
I don't use GSP, but my brother does and he ran into a payment/refund problem.
Bought and paid for item in early April.
Within a couple of hours the Seller refunded saying Problem with address -- a really fake reason since it was a GSP address.
Portion of money paid to Seller was refunded back to Buyer.
GSP portion was not refunded.
Fast forward to this month and an Item-Not-Received case was opened to get the GSP money back.
Case was immediately closed by the ebay bots, no reason given.
Problem: What is the proper way to recover the GSP money and why is eBay.com not properly managing this refund.
05-12-2021 04:08 AM
Difference between ebay.CA seller hub and ebay.COM seller hub.
When looking at order details .COM displays the delivery dates -- it would be useful if .CA did the same.
delivery dates shown on ebay.com
no delivery info shown on ebay.ca
05-12-2021 06:09 AM
Hello Tyler. I am having problems with the managed payment system and the team at MP doesn't or can't seem to fix the problem. The problem is basically that I cannot receive my payouts. I have put all my listings on " time away " until the problem is rectified. I will outline what has hapened so far.
Apr 28th ... Signed up for managed payments thru my online bank portal ,which I was guided to thru Ebay during the sign up procedure. Received my message from Ebay that I was all set up and good to go.
Apr 29th... Made my first 2 sales ... One to a USA buyer and one to a Canadian buyer.
Apr 29th- May 3rd... payments were showing as processing
May 4th .... Received message from Ebay stating that payout was sent to bank and could that it could take an additional 1-4 Days to arrive in bank account - money did not show up.
May 6th...Received message from Ebay stating that payout was sent to bank and could that it could take an additional 1-4 Days to arrive in bank account - money did not show up
May 11th....Received message from Ebay stating that payout was sent to bank and could that it could take an additional 1-4 Days to arrive in bank account - money did not show up
Between May 3rd & May 11th....Put all my listings on "time away". Have talked to rep(s) from MP team at least 4 times. One rep has called me back 3 times himself to "monitor" the situation. All stating that all seems good on their end and must be a problem with the bank. Have called my bank at least 3 times and thet see absolutely nothing happening on their end...No failed or pending deposits and are unable to recognize the bank transaction ID # that was supplied by the MP rep. Banks reps all ask " Why don't you get set up for Paypal?" Explained that I did use them for almost 20 years but got forced into "an easier way to get paid" by Ebay.
I really want to get this fixed or have the option to return to using Paypal until Ebay gets this sorted out.In my early days of selling on Ebay, I honestly used to receive money orders in the mail quicker than this and then after swuitching to Paypal, I used to enjoy my funds being in my bank account within 2 business days.
Please do not suggest that I go on to any form of social media to talk to Ebay reps as I do not have and will not set up any form of social media account (s).
Thank you in advance for your help.
05-12-2021 10:12 AM
Hi Tyler,
I noticed this morning that the categories for sports cards are all falling under the "sports trading cards" -> "trading card singles".
Is there no longer a specific category for football, baseball, hockey etc.?
The template has also changed. All the old fields are still there plus some new ones however they are re-arranged and appear different. As an example one field used to read "card manufacuturer" and now just reads "manufacturer".
These are not pressing issues however I would like to know if changes have been made to sports trading card categories and template / fields as I've noted above.
Thank you for your time.
05-12-2021 10:39 AM - edited 05-12-2021 10:43 AM
In the Seller Hub overview, module Seller Level (Region: Global). Why is it showing Sales (last 12 months) in US Dollars? I list on eBay Canada in Canadian dollars. No listing on eBay.com USA.
Is there a setting somewhere I need to change?
Please note that this is my buying eBay ID that I am posting with.
05-12-2021 11:02 AM
@richardcm wrote:In the Seller Hub overview, module Seller Level (Region: Global). Why is it showing Sales (last 12 months) in US Dollars? I list on eBay Canada in Canadian dollars. No listing on eBay.com USA.
Is there a setting somewhere I need to change?
Please note that this is my buying eBay ID that I am posting with.
This has been a system defect for ages. Totally irrelevant number like not clearly showing Shipping/Tax as a separate total for a sellers sales. Shipping/Tax are not profit in the scheme of things. Having it in US funds is meaningless because the amount floats with the exchange rate.
05-12-2021 11:25 AM
Hi Tyler, just wondered if you have had a chance to see the thread on the Seller board titled “Why is a buyer allowed to open a case so early”. It seems that the US buyers are seeing a much shorter delivery time than what we are putting on our listings. This is causing problems for Cdn. Sellers. I know I already received a nice red donut for one of my listings because the buyer thought it should have been delivered much faster than what I had on my listing (11 to 23 days). With hardly any buyers leaving feedback these days it really brings down a sellers percentage. Any help is appreciated.
05-12-2021 11:48 AM
@vintagenorth wrote:Hi Tyler, just wondered if you have had a chance to see the thread on the Seller board titled “Why is a buyer allowed to open a case so early”. It seems that the US buyers are seeing a much shorter delivery time than what we are putting on our listings. This is causing problems for Cdn. Sellers. I know I already received a nice red donut for one of my listings because the buyer thought it should have been delivered much faster than what I had on my listing (11 to 23 days). With hardly any buyers leaving feedback these days it really brings down a sellers percentage. Any help is appreciated.
Hello Tyler,
Quick follow up to the above question. Are the previous announcements (dot ca/dot com) regarding seller protections for extending delivery times still in affect? Unable to tell if those announcements have an expiry date or are until further notice. Or do the bots "trump" those announcements? I've received the Seller Protection emails several times over the past 6 months but they appear to be the same information each time and there is no way to tell which transactions any defects relate to. Helpful info for sellers to understand where problems are happening.
05-12-2021 01:10 PM
@vintagenorth wrote:Hi Tyler, just wondered if you have had a chance to see the thread on the Seller board titled “Why is a buyer allowed to open a case so early”. It seems that the US buyers are seeing a much shorter delivery time than what we are putting on our listings. This is causing problems for Cdn. Sellers. I know I already received a nice red donut for one of my listings because the buyer thought it should have been delivered much faster than what I had on my listing (11 to 23 days). With hardly any buyers leaving feedback these days it really brings down a sellers percentage. Any help is appreciated.
In case you haven't read that thread yet, on .com the choice of 'economy shipping from outside of the US' states in the listing form itself that there is a 11-23 eta and that has always carried over to the listing itself. Recently that was changed so that US buyers are seeing 4-10 business days plus handling time which is similar to the 'standard shipping from outside the US.' some of the sellers have had cases have had to refund because although the listing form showed that htey had specified a longer eta, ebay had cut that time in half.
05-12-2021 01:18 PM
Standard shipping from outside of the US has also had a glitch for quite a while. The eta in the listing form shows 5-10 business days. If the seller has a 1 day handling time the buyer should see 6-11 business days . Item 274593901952 has 1 day handling and shows the buyer 5-10 business days so there is absolutely no handling time included in the eta. Listing 274769794562 has a 2 day handling time and the eta shows 6-11 business days instead of 7-12. As it is, the 5-10 business days is cutting it very close so they should at the very least include the handling time properly.
05-12-2021 01:23 PM
We may as well get all of the shipping eta problems in one thread. 🙂 (This is copied from the thread mentioned by vintage but the thread is so long that I thought that it would be noticed more here.)
As I mentioned a a few months ago the eta on .com for the generic standard and expedited international to Canada were changed and still haven't been fixed.
As shown in item 274593901952 (1day handling) a Canadian buyer sees an eta to Canada of 12-21 bus. days for standard international and 13-23 bus. days for expedited intl AND for economy shipping to Canada. There had always been a shorter time span for expedited & standard intl but for some reason they changed those 2 estimates last year and left economy the same so all estimates are almost identical.
I realize that particular setting could also be used by sellers in other countries shipping to Canada and isn't just for Canadian sellers but all 3 options should'nt be the same. It's ridiculous for a buyer in Canada to see a minimum of 12 business days for delivery from a Canadian seller. It's definitely not encouraging sales from Canadians.
I honestly do not remember what the previous estimates were but perhaps 3-8 for expedited intl + handling and 5-12 + handling for standard intl would work for now?
05-12-2021 01:49 PM
@bunbar wrote:
Hi Tyler,
I've been trying to read everything I can about Managed Payments before I regisgter. From what I can see, we don't have a choice, it's going to happen anyway, If this is so, how much of what we do will change after we register? Will I be able to print lables the same way? Right now my payment for printing lables is coming from my paypal account, but if all our money will be put into our bank accounts, I'm guessing that will change as well. (getting is tough, everything new seems so complicated)
Also I'm still not getting any messages from this site, it's been over a year. I didn't even realize you answered my question last week because there was no email, which I used to get when you responded.
Any help would be great, thanks
Hi @bunbar ! Sorry you're not getting email notifications. I had sent this to Khoros who told me it was handled, but it sounds like I need to have another chat with them.
When it comes to payments:
Will I be able to print lables the same way? - Yes and no.
You can continue to print your labels via Shippo or PayPal and you can also continue to use your PayPal account to pay for them. However, once you're on managed payments money from your eBay sales will be sent to your bank account, so you would need to either load your PayPal account regularly from your bank account or use a credit card as a funding source since you won't have money coming into PayPal from eBay any longer. There's also a new eBay Labels option that lets you use your funds from managed payments to pay for them. You can see more about that here.
05-12-2021 02:00 PM
@33nhl wrote:
Why is it that under Top Rated Seller Benefit that qualify for this option and is stated on many sites including Ebay Canada that shipping fees would be calculated and charged to what ever Domestic Shipping is, but i have noticed the past 8 months the system only does it for singles purchases and not multiple purchases.
Better explanation on it
Single item sold
If sent to Canada $3.00 to USA $4.00 Europe $7.00
so no matter where the item would be sent fees (SFVF) would be charged on the lowest $3.00 under that ruling.
Now when 5 items are purchased and say the seller offers combined shipping with 0.50 per extra item
The fees should be as such and no difference where the items are sent to as per ruling
First item (SFVF) on $3.00
then the other 4 items should be
(SFVF) on each one should be seperately thus (0.50) X 4
But if those items are being sent to Europe that sytem over rides that ruling thus has been charging (SFVF) on the entire amount of $7.00 +0.50+0.50+0.50+0.50 and then the total of $9.00 diveded up by the 5 items, which under the Top Rated Seller Benefit ruling is wrong and with this error method the system has been over charging on shipping fees.
I reported this 8 months ago as i increased listings from 50 to the 200 free monthly allowence and noticed with multiple combined purchases that the system was incorrectly charges on the shipping fees and nothing has been done about and i beleive this was is a major system flaw and many top rated sellers that qualified under this term were/are/have being over charged on shipping fees and who knows the exact time frame of how long this has been going on and feel Top Rated Sellers should have or been notified of this issue and possibly funds given back to them for being over charged under this benefit ruling that they rightfully qualify for.
Going forward to the new Management Payment System will this benefit contuine to be active and if it is how will seller know that fees are being totaled correctly cause now between selling and shipping fees are shown combined in one transaction rather then being shown seperately as it was before.
Hi @33nhl - I am not aware of a Top Rated benefit that works as you describe, could you please provide me a link to the pages you are seeing that spelled out? I'd love to do some reading on it.
When it comes to Final Value Fees on Shipping, it should work like so for international shipping:
I understand your assertion, that for combined international shipments you are expecting to see the domestic price + additional-per-listing charge. I don't have information on whether or not that is correct, but I will escalate and request more detail. Thanks!
05-12-2021 02:19 PM
@retrogamersparadise wrote:
Hey Tyler,
simeovivia0 mentioned last week that a ticket could be opened with eBay's partner to get my payouts changed to USD, I have tried going through chat and phone support several times and I am just getting told over and over that I need to be registered on .com to get USD payouts and they won't help me with my problem. I'm just wondering if you'd be able to help me put in a ticket with the team that handles these issues or help point me in the right direction. Also sorry for all the posts/messages on the same topic, I'm just pretty stressed out with the whole situation and it feels like I'm not getting anywhere.
Hi Cody -
It's understandably stressful. I would have hoped that this would be resolved for you by now. I don't have an update on this but will continue to push for more info.
05-12-2021 02:22 PM
@ypdc_dennis wrote:
Buyer GSP problem.
I don't use GSP, but my brother does and he ran into a payment/refund problem.
Bought and paid for item in early April.
Within a couple of hours the Seller refunded saying Problem with address -- a really fake reason since it was a GSP address.
Portion of money paid to Seller was refunded back to Buyer.
GSP portion was not refunded.
Fast forward to this month and an Item-Not-Received case was opened to get the GSP money back.
Case was immediately closed by the ebay bots, no reason given.
Problem: What is the proper way to recover the GSP money and why is eBay.com not properly managing this refund.
Hi @ypdc_dennis - the GSP portion of a purchase should be automatically issued when a full refund is sent via a cancellation. However, sometimes things get stuck for whatever reason. In that case, a buyer has to contact CS for a manual refund request. I personally prefer the social media team because I know the folks there and they're very good at what they do.
If your brother has a Facebook or Twitter account please have him contact us there and they'll take care of him. Thanks!