08-27-2018 08:02 PM
Received a credit card bill, saying, with the potential Canada Post strike, here are your options..
I almost forgot it was that time again,, anyone heard anything.. I know last time / I think 2 years ago, I put my store on vacation mode, with hidden items, and when I came out of it .. It was close to 6-7 weeks before I got back to where I was prior for sales..
08-27-2018 10:00 PM
Talks continue....
"The earliest a legal work disruption can occur is at day’s end September 25, 2018."
08-27-2018 10:33 PM
Negotiation is at a critical stage.
The most important consideration is the time of the year.
And it is because of this time of the year, the government might step in a say... "No Strike"
and then ... Someone might put together an agreement that both sides ... must ... follow.
This negotiation has continued for too long a time period. ... and must be settled.
The biggest problem is the salary of Rural workers versus urban workers
It should be noted that the Pension does not appear to be a critical reality in 2018
08-27-2018 11:09 PM
The most important question becomes.....
Can Canada Post be defined as an .... Essential Service?
Defining a service as essential means there can be no labor strike ever again...
Are there enough people that depend on Canada Post to deliver parcels based on internet and mail order sales such that Canada Post can be defined as an essential service?
The internet has become a major marketplace....
Who are these people that depend on Canada Post.... seniors.... people selling to have supplemental income for individuals or for a family. What would a strike do to these people?
The union is concerned with the increase in the mailing of parcels. Yet that is what makes Canada Post more important today than years ago let alone decades ago.
The government of Canada might step in and do something...... The pension situation was adjusted... and is no longer a problem.... What next?
08-28-2018 04:25 AM
08-28-2018 11:21 AM
IMO this will follow the same path as the last "potential strike". There will be lots of posturing, extensions etc. The site will be filled with panic and what ifs. Lots of people will "close there store" or "put it in on vacation" but at the end of the day both sides will figure it out and avoid any kind of work stoppage.
08-28-2018 11:54 AM
08-28-2018 07:34 PM
people that depend on Canada Post.... seniors....
We don't get our pensions as cheques anymore (dagblast it!).
They are direct deposit to our banks.
And around this time the lineups for the tellers are long with little old ladies taking out large amounts of cash.
I've spent a lot of time arguing with various utilities about getting paper invoices, so far only Telus and BCHydro are refusing.
The Royal Bank will no longer update bankbooks, by the way. I was behind a very confused old lady (90+ from the look of her) when the teller told her that.
It's not that we old guys are not used to computers. I'm younger than Bill Gates, and have used them at work from around 1995.
people selling to have supplemental income for individuals or for a family.
We are a very small tranche of the parcels moving by mail.
More important are companies like Wayfair or those mattress in a box people or Canadian Tire, all of whom ship more value and probably more parcels each day than most of us here do in a month.
So it's nice to know that Andrea Stairs has been talking with the interim CEO of Canada Post, Jessica McDonald about our needs. This is where having one voice is useful.
Actually, whatever happened to that Ask Andrea thread that was supposed to show up after the eBayOpen?
If I remember correctly, while CUPW did a fair bit of posturing, the only stoppage Canada Post has had in years was a lockout by management, not a strike by the workers, who prefer to keep working (and getting paid) while negotiations continue.
This was the only 2018 story on Google when I looked.
08-28-2018 08:01 PM
..... a quick resolution to negotiations is in the best interest of customers and employees....
A strike in the months just before Christmas will create one big mess....
and ..... One should conclude that the government will most likely step in.
This possibility of a strike has been followed on CUPW's website.
Things appear to be quite calm.... so far.....on CUPW's website
08-28-2018 11:10 PM
Who are the people that sell on-line?
(1) Seniors ---- To earn extra money, and to keep busy
(2) People who have to stay at home.... They sell on-line to earn supplemental money for the family.
(3) College students.... making extra money to reduce the effect of college costs
These are groups of people( and there a probably other groups) that use Canada Post ... They rely on Canada Post... 100 %... to deliver items they sold on-line.
What happens to these people when there is a postal strike?
To these people Canada Post provides an ... Essential Service.
08-29-2018 02:47 PM - edited 08-29-2018 02:49 PM
There is a story in the G&M Report on Business today about the status of negotiations.
The union doesn't seem interested in anything than the arbitration.
But they haven't been for years, as I mentioned the only shutdown was a 'strike' by management who locked out the workers
The people who sell online are pretty small potatoes. CP is more interested in keeping the big boys, like AZ, Wayfair, WalMart, Canadian Tire happy.
08-29-2018 03:15 PM
@femmefan1946 wrote:The people who sell online are pretty small potatoes. CP is more interested in keeping the big boys, like AZ, Wayfair, WalMart, Canadian Tire happy.
Yep. A typical major account ships 1000's of packages a day. I can tell you first hand that Canada Post has always been deeply concerned of losing more of that business to UPS in particular. If they lose enough of that business their parcel profitability model falls apart.
08-29-2018 04:32 PM
My main irritation is how the problem is almost always addressed as a 'strike'.
CUPW has preferred discussion and arbitration for decades after the rough times under Parrot, which was in part a generational difference between the WWII veterans in management and the Boomers doing the work.
The last postal disruption was a management lockout of the workers in 2011.
Workers had rotating strikes that did not close the postal service in 2011, before the lockout closed the postal service down, but the last full strike in 1997 eighteen years ago.
08-29-2018 08:15 PM
Many things were never resolved in 2016.
We have the review.
The Pension situation has been adjusted.... no more a problem.... the government made the adjustment
Now.... It is rural workers versus urban workers, and the way each group is paid...
Then we have two different unions.... Urban workers separate from rural workers.
Will the urban workers go on strike if these urban workers say no strike and the rural workers decide to strike?
08-29-2018 08:41 PM - edited 08-29-2018 08:54 PM
@cumos55 wrote:
Now.... It is rural workers versus urban workers, and the way each group is paid...Then we have two different unions.... Urban workers separate from rural workers.
??? -- CUPW includes both urban and rural workers. One union, not two.
Update: 2 different bargaining units, same union.
08-29-2018 11:12 PM
Learn something new every day.......
08-30-2018 05:51 PM
And Canada Post is claiming to be losing money because of the Pay Equity decision-- that hasn't even come into place yet.
And the urban/rural pay question is also a male/female one, with more women working the rural routes.
09-05-2018 02:08 PM
Hi all--I've just posted a Seller News Article about this:
If you've been following the news closely, it probably won't contain anything you don't already know, but we'll add more information as things progress.
09-06-2018 12:11 AM
Why the heck should Canada Post have another strike so soon???????
09-06-2018 02:00 AM - edited 09-06-2018 02:03 AM
@Anonymous wrote:Why the heck should Canada Post have another strike so soon???????
The old contact expired at the start of the year.
Talks have been underway since late last year...