Are insertion fees the same for books as for other categories?

I have been trying to find this out for 20 minutes.  Can't find anything on ebay that tells me what the insertion fees are for books.  I think they're the same as for everything else (20 cents with a basic store after free listings used up) but want to confirm before I list a whole whack of books.


I even tried eBay's fee calculator but it assumes free insertion fees for its



Any help appreciated.




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Are insertion fees the same for books as for other categories?

The fee schedule is always determined by the site where you list, regardless of the country where you ship from.


If you have a store and list on, the fee schedule is in US dollars:


If you have a store and list on, the fee schedule is in Canadian dollars:


If you did not have a store, the fee schedules would be different.

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Are insertion fees the same for books as for other categories?

thanks.  I found that page earlier but it doesn't specifically outline insertion fees by category.  I assume that means they're the same regardless of category but wanted to confirm it by asking here.  Books have often been treated a bit differently.  Years ago I listed in books and the insertion fee was much less but the FVF's higher.  Then insertion fees were the same as other categories and FVF's still higher (never did understand that one....that's when I stopped listing books).  Was also a time when insertion fees were high but FVF's a bit lower.


So I wanted to confirm that insertion fees are the same as for other categories, so as not to have some unpleasant surprises when my GTC listings on books start renewing.

Message 3 of 8
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Are insertion fees the same for books as for other categories?

Fvf differs in some categories if you have a store, insertion fees for fixed price listings do not.

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Are insertion fees the same for books as for other categories?

@fergua3 wrote:

I have been trying to find this out for 20 minutes.  Can't find anything on ebay that tells me what the insertion fees are for books.  I think they're the same as for everything else (20 cents with a basic store after free listings used up) but want to confirm before I list a whole whack of books.

Basic after 250 free is $0.20


If listing more than 500 items then Premium is your better choice for store.

Premium after 1000 free is $0.10


If listing more than 3700 items then Anchor is your better choice for store.

Anchor after 10,000 free is $0.05



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Are insertion fees the same for books as for other categories?

Community Member

They are not the same on .ca


Media items are 5 cents regardless of having a store or not.  They never changed from being that way years ago, when .com changed media items to the same as other items.  Assumed that was a glitch at the time but I guess not after this long

Message 6 of 8
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Are insertion fees the same for books as for other categories?

To further complicate things, your first 50 listings on dotCA are free. And you can list another 50 items on dotCOM also for free.


As you list each item, you are told how much you will be charged just before you click on List.


And that notice also tells you how much you have 'saved' on the listing.

Message 7 of 8
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Are insertion fees the same for books as for other categories?

Do we need to mention the shipping cap which is not-a-cap anymore?

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