Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

Hello all -


I think those of us who have been following the boards all know about the discussions and complaints concerning what I call the "cart disconnect" between and other eBay sites.  I've had some very illuminating responses from Raphael in follow-up to this week's board hour (which wasn't terribly productive itself).  Please see my Post #39 in for my summary of his comments.  


Essentially, he finally made it clear that the carts are site-specific, were not intended to be universal across all eBay sites, and that a "universally workable" cart is not realistically feasible due to eBay's decades-old and complex site design. Basically, WYSIWYG.


However, eBay apparently believes the "cart disconnect" is not an issue for the vast majority of Canadian sellers.  My view is that the reason for this is because we can't be aware of something we don't see -- how do you measure the number of buyers from other sites (e.g., eBay.UK) who may have tried making a multiple purchase using their own site's cart, failed and given up?  


So, given the fact that we're stuck with what we have, I know my multiple orders were working fine before the .ca cart was introduced.  Perhaps --- just maybe -- if enough Canadian sellers ask for it, I wonder if the .ca cart could be pulled completely? 


It would be very interesting to hear from Canadian sellers on this thread as to:


1) Have you seen a significant downturn in multi-item orders from non-Canadian buyers since about mid-summer of 2014 (in comparison to earlier months or years)?


2)  Have any non-Canadian buyers contacted you to tell you they're having trouble getting through the checkout/payment process when attempting to make a multi-item purchase? 


3)  Do you sell regularly to U.S. buyers? 


A "yes" or "no" to each of the above would be enough -- I just thought it would be interesting to gather some numbers.  Whether it will do any good or not, well...  





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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

@maggiebvintage2010 wrote:

I did not read "lady.stark"s message that way.  I understood that she told the buyer to Commit to Buy on  You seem to understand that the .com site directed the buyer to the Canadian site.  I highly doubt that.


Perhaps "lady.stark" can clarify this for us?

Yes, I understood 'lady stark's' comment that way, too.  She said: "got another message saying the item was unavailable when using the shopping cart. Told the buyer to "Commit to buy" on"  This has nothing to do with any progress made by eBay on the problem -- nothing has been done by them.  If anything, I think sellers are beginning to get a better picture of all the problems. 


Putting a notice in listings directing U.S. buyers to use the .ca site is probably a good idea, but it relies on buyers:  (a) reading the notice; and (b) feeling comfortable going to a "foreign" site they're not familiar with.


When I asked at the last Wed. board hour whether eBay could introduce a pop-up message on Canadian sellers' items (or some other logical place) for U.S. buyers to see, the answer was that this was essentially impossible. For some reason they can design "vacation" pop-up banners for store owners, but not this.  


Although I've put my own notice up on my store home page to direct U.S. buyers to the .ca site to make their purchasesI've discovered that my multiple-item promo shipping discount doesn't always work even if a buyer does check out using .ca.  


The items combine, but the automatic shipping discount I've set up (in Preferences) doesn't get applied if there happens to be one or more items that already have free shipping.  So evidently there is a "disconnect" between the .ca cart programme and the "Preferences" as well. 


It's a big concern too if, as 'lady stark' mentioned, buyers are having trouble with mobile checkout through the .ca cart.  

Message 41 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

It's a big concern too if, as 'lady stark' mentioned, buyers are having trouble with mobile checkout through the .ca cart.  


According to many U.S. sellers the mobile app has many glitches so this particular problem may or may not be related to the cart here.

I use the classic site on my ipad, not the app so I can't confirm that there are problems with it, but sellers in the U.S. have complained about it for well over a year and there are still problems.

Message 42 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

I doubt anyone will read the information under Payment Information directing them to checkout at BUT I couldn't continue to stand idly by and do nothing at all. What I want to know is why they (meaning eBay) can't add a new 'question' to their FAQ on the cart summary page. You know, here:


About your cart

Why use shopping cart?
Are items in my cart reserved for me?
Why are auction or best offer items in my cart?
Where can I see the items I'm bidding on?
If I buy from different sellers, will I need to pay separately?
Can I pay for items from more than one seller or different types of transactions in one payment?
Why not another line with drop-down info that explains the Not Available error message. If eBay admit this was a problem to buyers at large, buyers would cease to expect it to work seamlessly and make other arrangements like contacting the seller which they would know to do instead of drop the item and walk away. Everyone thinks you can add an item from anywhere in the eBay world to your cart and checkout. If this simply cannot be done, eBay needs to TELL people so that they realize this isn't the doings of the seller in question.  
Message 43 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

I couldn't agree more.  This does seem like a simple, logical, easy and practicable interim solution.  I brought this suggestion up at last Wed.'s board session and was told it was pretty much impossible.  I even asked whether they could make it some kind of option for store owners, much like the "vacation" banner.  


The idea was quickly dismissed, I suspect not because it's technically not feasible, but because it would be an open admission by eBay itself that the cart doesn't function seamlessly across its sites.  


From eBay's point of view, why would they want their buyers to know that?  And why, in particular, would want to admit to their U.S. buyers there's a problem in purchasing from Canadian sellers?  It would make them look very, well, Mickey Mouse.  They're trying to look like a big commercial retailer.  Would Sears, for example, make such an open admission on their site?  I don't think so.  I think Sears would fix the problem -- ASAP.  



Message 44 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

They would simply have to spin the Question and Answer to make it like a feature, as opposed to a failing. No biggie. This kind of whitewash is done all the time in business, retail or otherwise. What is a 'clearance' sale if not an admission of 'we bought too much stuff that nobody wants at the price we were asking for it'? It doesn't have to be a big deal. Spin, my ebay masters, spin. 

Message 45 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

Again, all it would need to say is:


Q. Why is the item I want 'Not Available' now?


A. Contact your seller. You may need to navigate to the ebay site where they registered the item to sell <www.ebay.XX> in order to complete your combined postage shopping cart purchase. 


Now, this cannot be difficult to incorporate. Ebay always know when you're about to send a message to another ebayer who's registered on an alternative site because it warns you the text won't be translated for you and that information may be lost in translation.  Therefore, it should easily be able to determine if the Item Not Available error message is due to an incompatibility whether it's from or 



Message 46 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

This situation keeps getting more and more fishy. I strongly believe they don`t want to fix it. Canadian sellers clearly mean absolutely nothing to ebay. We might as well go talk to a rock in the forest.

Message 47 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

You know what, I'm beginning to agree with you.  


I have no doubt there are possible technical solutions (or more acceptable workarounds than having us all list on .com), but there are reasons why eBay HQ isn't interested in them.  And those are very likely not the reasons we're being told about (i.e. "too difficult technically").  These guys surely have bigger brains than that.  


The logical conclusion is beginning to seem that they want it to be this way, for their own purposes, whatever those may be. 



Message 48 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

But why? What on earth could those reasons be? Are and the only two ebays with the Global Shipping Program or something? 

Message 49 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

Alternatively, they may decide as part of their right-sizing that and don't need any of the others. Perhaps that is what is coming next. Elimination of and the other littles....?

Message 50 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

@mjwl2006 wrote:

But why? What on earth could those reasons be? Are and the only two ebays with the Global Shipping Program or something? 

That's the $64,000 question.  I can think of possible corporate scenarios that have nothing to do with caring whether eBay Canada lives or dies, in fact that would benefit from quietly sabotaging Canadian sellers. Since I'm playing speculation, let's see: 


1) Drive so many smaller eBay Canadian sellers to frustration that they leave en masse; 


2) Make it so unprofitable for Canadian sellers (because their U.S. buyers desert them, or because the defects add up to the point where they're practically "invisible" in searches) that they leave en masse.  Such recent innovations as the MBG and policies encouraging free shipping and tracked shipping haven't helped.  Such recent problems as the US cart disconnect and the vanished categories are adding fuel to the fire. 


3) Combination of 1) and 2); 


Consider this: If enough Cdn. sellers abandoned the site, that would provide a good reason for San Jose to close it down or simply absorb it into  Quite frankly, I'm surprised eBay hasn't set up parameters, features, shipping options, etc. for Canadian sellers on by now -- maybe they're waiting until they can phase out .ca completely.  I know there used to be a lot more staffing at eBay Canada than there is now.  Most of those people have gone.  Perhaps the site itself is next. 


I don't know what the GSP may have to do with this, except that there is no doubt in my mind eBay is making money off that deal (through Pitney-Bowes' fees).  So why wouldn't they want to get rid of a site (Canada) that doesn't need or want it?  I wouldn't be surprised that if surviving Canadian eBay sellers were absorbed into the .com site, they too would eventually be obliged to use that programme. 


Many years ago, when eBay was in its infancy, so was the whole computer programming world.  It may just have been simpler then to set up separate country sites.  That may no longer the case, and it would now be much more attractive from a purely financial point of view for to absorb us pesky little Canadians.  


Ever since eBay became a public corporation, the one drive has been increasing profits, at any cost (including the cost of making this site function properly, every day).  It's possible they've exhausted most of the easily available options for boosting profits (such as seducing the big retailers to list here), and are now having to focus on cost-cutting.  Perhaps they've gone through the high octane, and are looking for the cheap gas. 


Don't forget -- there's a new head at the CEO table of  And you know what new brooms do....


All mere wild speculation, but sometimes it's an amusing exercise (i.e. to see if any of it ever materializes). Woman LOL

Message 51 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

I see we came to the same conclusion.  Woman Very Happy

Message 52 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

You are probably bang on. If I had to bet I would go all in. Smiley Tongue

Message 53 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

You know what -- I'd take all of these problems with a big smile if it meant my eBay business was thriving and growing, and sales were as good as they were 2 years ago.  


I think eBay has broken so much now that the cumulative effect is to make selling harder on this site.  How's that for a business plan?  Actually, when I think about it, if these site issues aren't part of some plan, then the eBay big wigs are being phenomenally stupid for a bunch of supposedly brilliant people.  


I almost want to hope there's a nefarious agenda, otherwise the explanation is that it's just total chaos here that nobody has a handle on. Smiley Sad

Message 54 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

" I'd take all of these problems with a big smile if it meant my eBay business was thriving and growing, and sales were as good as they were 2 years ago.  "




And, at the same time, this is the problem!


Despite the problems you and other sellers suffer, despite your sales drop, eBay's business is still booming!  Their revenues are UP, sales by sellers worldwide are UP, sales by sellers in the USA are UP, sales by sellers using GSP are UP.


And that is what eBay is looking for,  Increased sales, leading to increased profits.


They have the results they were looking for.  They pat themselves on the back.  The changes they made are working for them!


From their perspective in San Jose, the fact some sellers suffer negative effects is regrettable but nothing will be done to solve the problems as they do NOT suffer.  Sellers would get more action fixing glitches and problems if eBay's sales and revenues were flat or down.

Message 55 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

@mjwl2006 wrote:

But why? What on earth could those reasons be? Are and the only two ebays with the Global Shipping Program or something? 

Both the and the uk cart were established well before the gsp was instituted so I don't see how this could have anything to do with the gsp. 


The .com and the uk carts only work for listing on their respective sites. So the theory that ebay has not fixed the cart because they want to close .ca then I guess they must also want to get rid of the Australia site, the German site, French site etc. etc.  Do those who believe that theory really think that ebay only wants to have 2 sites?

Message 56 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

If they want to get rid of Canadian sellers they would also have taken away the 20% discount that we get for being a TRS. U.S. sellers need to have TRS plus to get the discount which means they have to have uploaded and validated tracking, have 1 day or same day handling and offer a 14 day return policy.


I don't disagree that we are at a definite disadvantage in some ways but I don't believe that there is a big conspiracy to get rid of us.

Message 57 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

I think that a lot of eBay resources are being used to gear up for whatever improvements (???) or changes eBay is planning for the new 2015 Spring Seller Update. We all know these updates introduce many changes to the eBay system and make selling more challenging each year.


The new update should be announced the next week or two on a Tuesday morning if they follow the pattern of past years. Usually eCommerceBytes gets the scoop a couple of days before and posts on their site.


As mentioned by other posters in these forums, it would be nice if eBay allocated the majority of their resources to making the site work properly as is rather than change the site design constantly. Constant change does not help sellers and it must be just as frustrating to buyers.

Message 58 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

If they want to get rid of Canadian sellers they would also have taken away the 20% discount that we get for being a TRS. U.S. sellers need to have TRS plus to get the discount which means they have to have uploaded and validated tracking, have 1 day or same day handling and offer a 14 day return policy.


They haven't yet taken away the 20% TRS discount for Canadians, but what they have done, through the defect system (especially as it relates to shipping time, INRs, MBG, etc.) is to make it much harder for Canadian sellers to keep that discount.  That struggle is one more nail in the coffin that I forgot to mention earlier. 


US sellers, as you know, have tracking available to them at much lower cost than we do, so the tracking requirement certainly isn't as onerous as it is for Canadians.  US sellers have their own, huge domestic market in which to use such services, so unlike Canadians, they can sell in their own backyard without the risks many of us Canadians face in selling outside our own country.  And I believe US sellers who opt for the GSP internationally are protected from certain consequences or defects due to INR, slow delivery, etc.  So overall, I think US sellers are in a more favourable position to get and keep TRS.  


I don't disagree that we are at a definite disadvantage in some ways but I don't believe that there is a big conspiracy to get rid of us.


Oh, but isn't it more interesting to indulge in conspiracy theories than to imagine we're simply dealing with a bunch of bamboozled dunderheads in San Jose?  


I've had a very uncomfortable feeling about the changes made on this site particularly in the past year. As 'poco' said above, all these things may just be the preliminaries.  No doubt there is more to come very shortly...

Message 59 of 201
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Re: Cart "Disconnect" issue - A poll for Cdn sellers

I think it would be a great deal simpler for ebay to manage if there were only the two big sites and lesser ones set aside. Automatic listing text translation is already available in any language when you log into ebay.Italy or ebay.France or ebay.Spain so what's the need for individual sites. This would be a streamlined improvement from their point-of-view.


I received a message from a buyer in Australia this morning who is 'trying to purchase four items from your shop but each time I go to buy one item, it doesn't allow me to keep shopping for more than one item' so which site do Australians use? 

Message 60 of 201
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