Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

What I mean by the title is that ebay requires a tracking number for verification that your have shipped the item, regardless of any other proof available.


In my case, I shipped out an item, the buyer received the item and left me a positive feedback (and given how rare that happens, you know they must've been happy).


I then contacted eBay to show them and asked that the funds now be released to me.  They said it only works if I use a tracking number, regardless of the buyer confirming they received the item.


So this means Ebay is essentially forcing sellers to use tracking on all packages.  Now I don't know where everyone reading this lives, but In Canada, tracking is not cheap, and if you sending something other then a letter, it gets allot more expensive, and if its to another country, even more expensive still.   Is Ebay paying this extra cost? No?  So they don't care if sellers incur this burden.


Now the result of this is that sellers have to lists expensive shipping options, which scare away potential buyers, or they have to sell their product at dirt cheap prices just to compensate and attract buyers.


More and more sellers are screwed over on this site.   




Message 1 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

@dark_phoenix9273 wrote:
If we have to use tracking for every item we send out then that jacks up shipping costs and as a result costs sales.  

You do NOT have to use tracking on eBay.ca -- it is not a requirement.

Message 21 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

@dark_phoenix9273 wrote:

I see your an ebay supporter. One of these, "no one should ever challenging ebay, just follow along and do whatever they say" guys.


So you think a buyer saying they received an item is not proof they received the item?


So Buyers should be able to leave negs but not sellers?  Why? Theres just as many bad buyers out there and they leave negs out of spite as well, I'm not talking about me, Im saying it happens to allot of people. 


If we have to use tracking for every item we send out then that jacks up shipping costs and as a result costs sales.  

I have received feedback before I even shipped. FB is not proof of anything.


The only time I use tracking is when I have to move up to Expedited because of weight. 90% of my 1000 sales a year, never have tracking.


Tracking is only required in the event of a dispute. Using tracking is entirely a seller's decision, eBay has never "required" it.

Message 22 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

First off this was feedback ALONG WITH buyer conformation that the item was received.  And by saying tracking is the only acceptable proof of delivery, they ARE forcing it.



Message 23 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

The easy way to deal with this is sell more and then the 21 day hold goes away. The hold goes away regardless of delivery confirmation. You "earn" the right of honesty.


eBay is a learning process and each of us uses the site differently.


Actually, tracking is not the only source of confirmation. They are working on a system for situations where there is no tracking where they send an email to the buyer asking if they got it.


I have never used tracking, except for Expedited, in 13 years. Why? It is not required except in the event of a dispute.

Message 24 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

Your so busy rushing to support Ebay your not even listening,  This goes beyond just the 21 day hold. If a seller wants to be protected in any way they have to spend extra money on expensive features. 


And your condescending "sell more" solution even though its irrelevant to my topic, is still offensive, as if it's just that easy on here to "sell more".


And the reason I reference that is because these practices of ebays hurt a sellers chance to move their product because they make selling that much more difficult.  If you have to use tracking, then you have to reflect that in your shipping costs, so now its too expensive for the buyer to buy your item, unless your also willing to lower the prices of your item and sell it dirt cheap or at a loss. 


So yes, your an old guard pro-ebay supporter, but if "ebay is always right in what they do" is your best argument, then save me the trouble of having to read it.

Message 25 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

@dark_phoenix9273 wrote:

Your so busy rushing to support Ebay your not even listening,  This goes beyond just the 21 day hold. If a seller wants to be protected in any way they have to spend extra money on expensive features. 


And your condescending "sell more" solution even though its irrelevant to my topic, is still offensive, as if it's just that easy on here to "sell more".


And the reason I reference that is because these practices of ebays hurt a sellers chance to move their product because they make selling that much more difficult.  If you have to use tracking, then you have to reflect that in your shipping costs, so now its too expensive for the buyer to buy your item, unless your also willing to lower the prices of your item and sell it dirt cheap or at a loss. 


So yes, your an old guard pro-ebay supporter, but if "ebay is always right in what they do" is your best argument, then save me the trouble of having to read it.

I understand your frustration, however, I am not defending eBay.


Seller protection is a myth and unnecessary. Except for Mexico, I generally have one or two INR claims a year, out of a 1000 sales. That has nothing to do with eBay.


I find selling from Canada to be easy and economical. I do a very good business and this business supports me.


Uncertain where you got what I hi-lited from. I certainly never said that, not even implied it. eBay has set rules. I work within the rules, quite successfully.


Forget the tracking, that is a red herring. eBay has said as much. eBay knows full fell, and supports CDN sellers who do not use tracking.  eBay provides Top Rated Seller discounts without the required tracking.


Forget the aspect of missing parcels. I have spent more on beer, in one day, than I have lost on missing parcels in a year.


eBay is simply a venue that I use, for my purposes, to make me money.

Message 26 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

Mr Elmwood. You're just feeding the fire. You know what you're dealing with. Walls don't listen.


I did get a chirp watching paint dry though

Message 27 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

Seller protection is a myth and unnecessary?  Now you really are just an ebay fanboy.


So sellers don't deserve any protection at all in your opinion?  Tell that to sellers who've been cheated by false claims and buyer out to get free items. Tell them that.


Just because Ebay has rules, does not mean they are right or that we shouldn't pressure for change on them.  This is what I mean when I called you an Ebay fanboy.  



Message 28 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

Jersey, you have no right to talk about other people not listening, In your minds Ebay is right 100% of the time and they never do anything wrong and we should follow them in a cult like manner.


If people read over the thread they will see how I have explained the manner in which Ebays selling policies hurt the business of sellers.

Message 29 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

@jersey..authentix wrote:

Mr Elmwood. You're just feeding the fire. You know what you're dealing with. Walls don't listen.


I did get a chirp watching paint dry though

I know that.



Message 30 of 40
latest reply

Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

Heres what I know:


Ebay requires Tracking as the ONLY valid proof of receipt by a buyer.


Thererfore if a seller wants to be completely protected, they HAVE to use it.


This raise the cost of their shipping which in turn hurts their business and chances of selling. 



Message 31 of 40
latest reply

Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

@dark_phoenix9273 wrote:

Jersey, you have no right to talk about other people not listening, In your minds Ebay is right 100% of the time and they never do anything wrong and we should follow them in a cult like manner.


If people read over the thread they will see how I have explained the manner in which Ebays selling policies hurt the business of sellers.

eBay's policies have helped me many times.


Then, there is the Pareto Principle. It states that 80% of results are done by the 20%. Basically, 20% of sellers generate 80% of the profit.  Sounds more like you would like to be part of the 20%. Well, it is possible as there are several of those sellers here.


No-one here has said eBay is right, and certainly not 100% of the time. That is entirely your statement from what you want to believe.


eBay is not for everyone.

Message 32 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

But Ebay could be for everyone, You have a cult like following to them.  You obey without question and just do whatever they ask.   We pay them for their services and as a result we are owed a voice in those services.    Not everyone is as submissive and obedient as you.

Message 33 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

Its almost sad.

Message 34 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

This is worse than sad. This guy is obsessed beyond words or hope.
Message 35 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

"Heres what I know:   Ebay requires Tracking as the ONLY valid proof of receipt by a buyer.   Thererfore if a seller wants to be completely protected, they HAVE to use it.  This raise the cost of their shipping which in turn hurts their business and chances of selling. "


I take it your mail order business experience is rather limited.


Those of us who have been selling directly to consumers for decades know your statement is out-of-wack with reality.  It reflects the paranoia we see affecting many relatively new sellers who feel an absolute need for "protection".


Looking at your feedback records I see why.

Message 36 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

I see the Ebay fanboys are hard at work, to you guys, everything Ebay does is perfect and we should all do whatever they say even if it costs us business or allows us to get cheated.  If someone from Ebay ran over your dog, you'd blame the dog.


We do need protection, just as much as buyers do.  Because there are just as many bad buyers out there as there is sellers. 


So your saying a buyer SAYING they received the package is not proof they received the package?


So ebay is only worth selling on if your willing to take the risk of getting cheated?

Message 37 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

"This is worse than sad. This guy is obsessed beyond words or hope."


Well either will happen , brain aneurysm or he gets kicked off the threads for the second time. 30 day suspension for the second offence?.
Notice how re repeats everything. Best to just leave him to rant on his own. Maybe he will listen to himself.
Written by the 100% Ebay supporter
Message 38 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

Why should I get in trouble, I'm the one bringing up points to support and explain my position,  yours and the others positions are simply, "Do what ever Ebay says, even when theyre wrong."  So yes my assertion that you and te others are just blind clut like followers of Ebay are fair critiques.


And I repeat myself because you don't address the points I bring up.  I've explained step by step how Ebay requiring tracking for proof of sending hurts sellers chances of selling and cuts into their profits.  We are expected to pay sellers fees, which means we are paying for a service, that gives us the right to question the business we are paying customers to. 

Message 39 of 40
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Ebay is responsible for low sales to sellers due to their policies.

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Message 40 of 40
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