02-14-2025 05:31 PM
I was just wondering what other Ebay members thoughts were on the new automatic positive feedback score being given to new sellers that complete a purchase but have not received feedback from the actual buyer...? I've been buying and selling on Ebay for years and I have to say I don't agree with Ebay automatically leaving positive feedback for a seller just because they "successfully completed a sale." If a seller should receive a positive feedback score just for "completing a sale" then this should really apply to ALL SELLERS at all times when buyers don't leave feedback...(right?!!!!) and as a buyer I believe it's my prerogative to leave (or not leave) feedback for my seller (depending on my experience...?) I really don't think Ebay should do it for me and make the decision on how that transaction went...So from both a seller and as well as a buyer viewpoint I feel this is kinda a violation of what the feedback system is really supposed to be...? That's my opinion at least...
02-14-2025 06:02 PM
I see nothing wrong with it at all, it's tough to get started selling if you have no feedback or only feedback as a buyer. The auto feedback is also clearly marked as such and is only given to users with less than 10 feedbacks for selling.
02-14-2025 07:19 PM - edited 02-14-2025 07:19 PM
Another site I live on automagically leaves a positive feedback after 45 days if the buyer doesn't leave one. There was a big stink, especially from buyers about it when they started that a few years ago, it inflates the positive size, but does counter any negatives that are received "statistically speaking" from a seller perspective.
02-14-2025 07:21 PM
O.k, thank you for your response! I appreciate the input and You're definitely right that it is really hard to start selling...I had a hard start and it's still a struggle! It's frustrating when people don't leave feedback and not many buyers seem to leave feedback anymore...quite a difference from 5 - 10 years ago I would say!
But mostly from a Buyer's perspective, which is my main argument I guess...I really wouldn't want Ebay leaving any feedback "on my behalf" for a sale transaction in which I was the buyer...it seems disingenuous (I'm going to start calling it "fake" lol) ...and it should definitely be up to the buyer when, what, how or IF they want to post feedback for that particular transaction...
02-14-2025 07:31 PM
O.k, thanks for your input! What do you personally think? Are you o.k with it?
02-14-2025 08:41 PM
I personally think it's a good idea. I started selling relatively recently (2 years), and it's a struggle when over 30% of the buyers area not leaving feedback.
When you don't leave feedback , you are implying all went well. Otherwise, you'd been back and made your voice heard. So yes, I agree with the system.
02-14-2025 09:26 PM
I'm not sure it matters anymore, on the other site, it's simply a record of how many transactions the seller has made. Here its a record of how many folks cared to take the time to respond favourably. It avoids likely more neutrals, ie the buyer that is on the line leaves no feedback instead of a neutral, autopostives over rides that.
When I'm buying, I look at how the seller responds to negatives and neutrals. Not how many they have, but what they've said when they got them. That's what tells me whether I can rely upon the seller if there is problems. The site that provides autopositive, also doesn't allow responses to feedback, I don't agree with that.
Feedback in an ideal world would provide true/honest feedback from both parties about the whole transaction. I don't think that's possible to achieve.
02-14-2025 11:57 PM
Over 30% no feedback is more like over 60%.
And I believe most of that feedback is left by hopeful sellers not by buyers.
I believe in encouraging new sellers (unless they sell stamps of course) but on the whole feedback has more downsides than use.
For example, we see members leaving negative feedback rather than opening Claims when purchases are not delivered or are not as described.
Even sellers leave feedback when they are not paid, rather than getting their fees back with automated Claims.
I'd rather see the number of transactions the member has had, and the number of claims (successful or not) made.
02-15-2025 12:23 AM
@reallynicestamps wrote:Over 30% no feedback is more like over 60%.
And I believe most of that feedback is left by hopeful sellers not by buyers.
I believe in encouraging new sellers (unless they sell stamps of course) but on the whole feedback has more downsides than use.
For example, we see members leaving negative feedback rather than opening Claims when purchases are not delivered or are not as described.
Even sellers leave feedback when they are not paid, rather than getting their fees back with automated Claims.
I'd rather see the number of transactions the member has had, and the number of claims (successful or not) made.
When the power to leave neutrals and negs to those "occasional" difficult buyers was taken away from sellers, the whole feedback concept became a meaningless 1 way street. Going forward it's not really a value added option and has made it way too easy for a seller that has their own transactions that have gone off the rails due to no fault of their own to be punished for 365 days until it falls off a cliff. Same goes for buyers that rate shipping as expensive when they bought something that has limited (NO) other cheap shipping options available. I have also NEVER been able to rationalize inaccurate overly optimistic delivery times (provided by eBay) being the fault of seller. Similar to a buyer that pays for slowboat and then is shocked when it takes a few days/week extra (Customs, weather, inadvertent postal miss-sorts whatever the unknown cause may have been) . Must have been sellers fault!!!
Feedback now is just past its expiry date and maybe needs to be voted off the island.
I would like to be able to see number of non paid transactions a buyer has had or when a buyer does have a history of leaving negs/neutrals the types of items they were for. That information has become less and less visible as time marches on but very relevant when it is connected to the item in question.
02-15-2025 01:43 AM
Thanks for your input! I think I might have to disagree about the "implication of all going well" when feedback is not left though...maybe the opposite is acually true which is the whole point of the argument...It really shouldn't be Ebay or anyone else to "assume" how the transaction went...
02-15-2025 02:08 AM
I think I agree that it likely avoids more neutrals and with that being said it should actually be autoneutral as opposed to autopositive which I guess circles back to my main argument which is that it really shouldn't be up to Ebay or anyone else other than the buyer to "assume" how a transaction went...On that note, if is going to be assumed that a transaction went positively when feedback isn't left and there were no returns or claims or other issues (obviously) then I think this rule could arguably be implemented for pretty much all sellers indefinitely...
02-15-2025 02:33 AM
I think I agree that maybe the entire feedback system needs "to be voted off the island" or at least given a major overhaul to be a more accurate reflection of transactions - successful or not. One of the major problems is that sellers can't leave neutral or negative feedback for buyers and should be able to find info related to buyers activity (history of paid / non paid transactions etc.)
02-15-2025 04:56 AM
They need to revamp the whole feedback system. I think change it to a star rating out of five rather than positive or negative and base the rating from your entire selling career not just the past year. A lot of people don't want to leave comments so get rid of them. Just let them rate it if they want to, takes a second or two.
02-17-2025 12:39 AM
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their input! Everything considered, I think that although it is definitely good to encourage new sellers (and all sellers really)...giving them (or any member) any automatic feedback score(s) doesn't seem like the way to go...Implementing a system such as that doesn't actually seem to help anyone much I would think. I'm hoping Ebay will "revamp" or "overhaul" the entire feedback system in the near future in a way that won't be so biased or lopsided and might actually benefit both sellers and buyers alike (AND BE just for buyers and sellers...no automatic or "fake" scores lol)