Final Value fee on shipping to Ebay sellers

This is ridiculous, I charge actual shipping and lose 1.42 which means it costs me that much more to sell on here. I called Ebay and they say it is t protect buyers from sellers who list items for 1 cent but charge 45.00 shipping on small items, but that has nothing to do with me. I am losing more than I am gaining on here, has anyone else noticed this change besides me. I alwys thought that when I bought something if I agreed on the terms I.E. price and shipping that it is a contract, but I guess I am wrong????

Message 1 of 91
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Final Value fee on shipping to Ebay sellers

 Sell it at a local auction and the commission could be 25 % or even 35 %



and then you would not get that price.


Sold a book, at fixed price,  for $750 US with $60 US shipping worldwide...


Sold to a buyer in Hong Kong  with shipping equal to $120 Canadian including insurance


sold at end of February 2009  with an exchange rate of $1.25 Canadian = $1.00


The price was close to $950 Canadian... a super sell.... with a net of close to $850 Canadian  before fees...


Subtract 10 % for fees.... and still a very, very good profit... because it was bought at a garage sale for $1.00... a looney.




If we want a good return  we have to pay for it.....


Also  the maximum eBay can charge as FVF for a sale is $250.....  recently discussed on


That maximum is important....


Local auction service charges  25 % on antiques and collectables....  total sale close to $30,000 in one sale....


It is 15 % on Firearms.... total sale close to $130,000 in one sale



Then the commission could be 10 %, or even less, for a farm sale... total sale close to $500,000



Where else can one sell it at about $2000?   .... What was your percentage for FVF ?


Super Sale!!!







Message 81 of 91
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Final Value fee on shipping to Ebay sellers

 Not really comparable to compare the fees here to an auctioneer doing all the work with no buyer or shipping risk


I have looked at maxsold (online auction that grew out of a Kingston estate auctioneer) once in awhile.   Everytime I see something that might be suitable for ebay, its gone for a higher price than multiples of it are sitting unsold on ebay.  The 30% fee is higher than ebay, but the seller does nothing but invite them to come to their house and take photos, with no shipping cost or risk involved.   Despite being aimed local only, and the higher fee, the seller usually nets more that way then if they did all the work and took all the risk to sell here   

Message 82 of 91
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Final Value fee on shipping to Ebay sellers

Community Member

I just sold my first item which had many complications, it seemed like one thing after another and no matter how much research I've done (and buying to gain experience as a buyer) I still could not have prepared myself for everything I came up against.  I was happy to finally ship the item today and now trying to figure out how much I made after fees, I see this shipping fee?! What the heck! That is the most ridiculous thing! Thanks ebay for convincing me to find alternative places to start an online business.

Message 83 of 91
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Final Value fee on shipping to Ebay sellers

"no matter how much research I've done"


Did you think of checking the fee schedule while doing your research?


If the item sells, you're charged a final value fee. Final value fees are calculated based on the total amount of the sale and are charged per item.

The total amount of the sale is the final price of the item, shipping charges, and any other amounts you may charge the buyer. Sales tax is not included.

Message 84 of 91
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Final Value fee on shipping to Ebay sellers

Not applicable

Wonder why eBay continue to charge for insertion fees while eBay owns other like Kijjii and others for FREE?  Why not eBay allow us to post our items FREE too???

Message 85 of 91
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Final Value fee on shipping to Ebay sellers

Q - "Wonder why eBay continue to charge for insertion fees...."


A - To make money!


While insertion fees have become a much smaller source of revenue for eBay over the years - having moved most of the fees paid by sellers towards FVF and fixed store monthly fees - those insertion fees minimize the amount of "garbage" available on eBay.


The revenues generated by Kijiji come from premium advertising mostly.


Folks wishing to sell something have the choice to use eBay and pay a fee or Kijiji and pay nothing.  Yet, most prefer to use eBay because it works for them.


It is not unusual for a company to offer similar products or services - some with a fee and others without.  Take the Toronto Star for example.  You pay for every Toronto Star newspaper you purchase and this accounts for a large portion of their revenues.  Toronto Star (Torstar) also owns Metroland distributing all those other newspapers for "free" with their revenues coming exclusively from advertisers.  Different business models, that's all.



Message 86 of 91
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Final Value fee on shipping to Ebay sellers

I use Kijiji and CL from time to time, mostly to promote events.


Yes, the basic ads are free, including pictures.

But there is a placement fee, to move the ad higher on the page. Around $5 I think.

There is a fee for including a website. Also about $5.

And there is a fee for....sorry, there is another one, but I've forgotten what it is.


I've never used anything but the basics, because I'm really really cheap.



Message 87 of 91
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Final Value fee on shipping to Ebay sellers

Well I recently needed a picture hook. Just one.

But Home Hardware would not open the pack of ten and sell me just the one I needed.

Terrible customer service.

Message 88 of 91
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Final Value fee on shipping to Ebay sellers

However........... that said: I could never understand how someone could make money selling stamps here at a few dollars a stamp............


but you did very well with stamps.


I can't speak for pierre of course, but there are two reasons stamps dealers can do well on eBay.

Multiple sales -- not just one $10 stamp but a dozen purchased at a time and shipped together. "Free shipping"on each, but the package is tracked.

And of course, many of the customers found on eBay turn into customers for the dealer's own website or mailing lists.

Not all stamps only cost a few bucks. On my stamp selling ID,  the stamps I offer are priced over $99 (with Free Shipping) and move quickly. 

Stamp collectors tend to be male, well-educated, and have high incomes. Our public stamp auction later this month has over 1000 lots and an estimated value of some $300,000.


Message 89 of 91
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Final Value fee on shipping to Ebay sellers

I agree with all you say - but did you know that KIJIJI is part of Ebay.

Message 90 of 91
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Final Value fee on shipping to Ebay sellers wrote:

I agree with all you say - but did you know that KIJIJI is part of Ebay.

Necro-thread alert: You just replied to a thread that was started in 2011 and the previous reply is almost 2 years old.


An aside: As for ownership of K (while true, totally owned by eBay) -- the Lithium forum moderators are absolutely sure it is not eBay and will delete it if they see it mentioned.

Message 91 of 91
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