GSP and me sigh

I found something I needed. Basic price was good. Shipping was dead accurate. Seller is using GSP. Okay.


Listing states shipping at $9 something which I know is right. Parts are $40. GSP blah-blah is $5.19.  I figure okay as the seller is charging everything fair. I get to checkout and the GSP fees jump to $8.35.




$8.35 on $40?


I wrote the seller.


Hopefully I will not get the curse laden beat-down the other one hit me with.

Message 1 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

I have purchased items with GSP, just one or two. It has been a little longer than 30 days since my last GSP purchase, so I can't go back and look at the details which upsets me. I should be able to look at order details and it's not an option on the right hand side.


On paypal, it seems it doesn't show the GSP charges separately, only one total? I might be wrong, but I don't see it.


I have looked at items recently, and found that the import charges show $0.00, strange because it usuallt shows. It does say something about it's only an estimate, but it always so far has been the same amount at time of checkout, not different. So your problem is very concerning!

Message 2 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

It is odd that the fees changed at checkout but the final amount does sound about right. $5+ for taxes and then PB usually adds on about $3 for a service charge.

Message 3 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

I've bought two GSP items, and I know for certain the second one was repackaged and I suspect the first was as well.


If you're buying a hammer it probably won't matter. :smileyhappy: .......... but if you're buying a breakable item be careful with that.

I've been reading about broken repackaged items and now I understand what's going on.


They treated my 100 year old antique like garbage.

They removed the protective packaging and paperwork and tossed it into the bottom of box and jammed bubble wrap on top.


The item cost about $40 and my landed cost was almost $90.

The item weighs well under 100 grams.


I don't why they're repackaging but I suspect it's to reduce their cost of shipping which you've prepaid according to the seller's calculations.

I also find it suspicious that they're removing the seller's paperwork and not including any of their own.  Who knows what that's about but it's Way Odd!



Message 4 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

I will still abstain from commenting on the GSP unless a purchase directly affects me.


Some new scenarios could still present themselves so i will still read the posts.

Message 5 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

@bb_cool_stuff wrote:

I will still abstain from commenting on the GSP unless a purchase directly affects me.


Some new scenarios could still present themselves so I will still read the posts.

I get that.


If it hadn't happened to me I'd have questions too.


I didn't believe they were repackaging in spite of the reports, but there is no doubt they opened my parcel and removed the seller's packaging and paperwork.  


I suspect they used their own bubble wrap and replaced the seller's box with their own smaller box as well, but I don't know that for sure.


Like I said .............. that might not matter so much for hammers and saws, but it matters very much for some items.


AND........... It's SO intrusive!!!!!

My seller took a lot of time to send a safe attractive parcel and they tore into it like it was a worthless piece of trash.


Customs has a legal right to open personal property, but does a freight forwarding company have the legal right to rummage around in your personal mail like that and remove paperwork?

Message 6 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

Very Simple, New Scenario, New Posts, That Is Acceptable.


Cannot comment as i have no experience in regards to you concern.


Only comment i can make, a package was opened by US Customs years ago for a shipment to Florida.


Where it was opened I don't know, but the buyer sent a picture of the package with the yellow customs tape affixed.


I guess they thought narcotics were heading for Florida & found out it was a DVD, a Disney DVD. Smiley LOL

Message 7 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

That is Acceptable.


Good Gawd that comes across as me being an arrogant twit.


Who am i to decide what is acceptable or not.


Never my intention.

Message 8 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh


smileysurprised:Smiley SurprisedSmiley Surprised


Well, yes.  And I don't believe you.


 Every seller who posts here cares very much about how they package their items, and I think you do too bb.

P-B is stripping all that fluff away.


My seller, for example, was "mortified (according to him).


This is not the same as customs opening suspect parcels.


P-B opened my parcel(s) and tampered with the contents.


The question is why????

Message 9 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

$8.35 on $40?


That makes sense. HST in ON is 13% plus handling charge.


Would have cost more by mail is taxes had been charged by Canada Customs, plus flat $9.95 service fee at Canada Post, regardless of value


However, I am a bit confused about the listing showing $5.19 only.  Was that based on MB or ON shipping address?

Message 10 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

Can't answer that question & can only answer questions in regards to my experience with Customs opening a package.


I would sent the pictures to the powers that be. See what happens, worth a shot.


I would be concerned if a package arrived that way but i have no experience with that kind of situation to offer a proper comment. 

Message 11 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

Well, the point is simple............  some buyers and sellers will care and others won't.


There have been accusations that P-B is opening packages shipped via the GSP and they have denied that.


However................ That is a blatant lie.


P-B is in fact opening packages and tampering with the contents.






Message 12 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

I think we should give Inuk a hand here as it is a totally different concern.


Though i & others understand the concerns on an opened package, i think it should be on another post, if it isn't already.


Unintentional hijacking but the GSP threads are all starting to look the same.

Message 13 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

BB......... Hijacked, Yes, but not by me  :).


I pointed out to inuk that if he's buying a hammer or something not breakable then he's probably good to go but to be careful with breakables.


That's when you stepped in and hijacked and the thread.  ................... and you're still doing it!!!!!




Message 14 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

"P-B is in fact opening packages and tampering with the contents."


That is an assumption and nothing but an assumption.


There are so many possibilities including the most obvious: the item was repackaged by the seller prior to shipping. Or the parcel was repackaged by one of the carriers somewhere along the way. Or... Or... Or...


It is so easy to always blame PB or eBay without any evidence whatsoever.

Message 15 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

Good catch Pierre. Not real sure. I went into and entered "V belt BT3100" available to Canada. Selected what is currently the top widget. GSP said $5.19, click buy, it asks me to sign in, price then changes to $8.19. Back out.


Go in, again, already signed in and the GSP is $8.29.


Let me see if I am following this. When I shop and I believe I am signed in, I get one price. Commit to buy and it changes because eBay has differrent prices for signed in or not? If I wasn't signed in, where did the ....


Okay, now I am fully baffled. Go in through dot ca, select available to Canada AND free shipping and the listing is showing on dot ca with no charges along with free shipping. I am not signed in, but, it knows who I am because my name is in the upper left corner with (sign in).


Sign in, my MB address shows up, and yes, the charges are $5.29. Change to Ontario and the $8.19 shows up.


Now I get what is going on, but, three prices, really?

Message 16 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

I think what is happening is that PB calculates no tax or GST (5%) only until it knows where you want the item shipped.  Once the system knows you live in ON (you have to remember that) the 13% HST is calculated and incorporated in the "import charges".


By the way, did you red the local paper today?  There is a new flea market opening today at the old Trudeau building (Station Road, East of Pinnacle).  You may find stuff of interest.  We are planning to go this afternoon to check it out.  Mary already suggested I should look into renting a booth or table to get rid of my leftover inventory!

Message 17 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

Pierre........... I'm not going to respond to that here other than to point out that is not correct.

As BB pointed out this thread really is about inuk's concern and that's a question for another thread.............  Isn't it?  

Message 18 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

Oooops!  Forget the flea market today.  The newspaper was wrong.  It only opens next week, Labour Day weekend.

Message 19 of 23
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Re: GSP and me sigh

"that's a question for another thread.............  Isn't it?  "




I was answering your comment on this thread!

Message 20 of 23
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