How do I get a buyer's e-mail address to send them an invoice for shipping?

How do I get a buyer's e-mail address to send them an invoice for shipping? I had a buyer purchase 2 items near the beginning of December. She wanted to pick them up locally to save on shipping. She paid for the items through PayPal even though I wanted cash on pick up.  She was busy with a move & the holidays so we couldn't connect.  Now I just want to send her the items.  I want to send a money request for the shipping cost.  But cannot e-mail it to her as I can't find it anywhere. I know eBay has become paranoid about transactions off the site. But this is totally legitamite. Any help would be appreciated. I don't have time to waste on this by phoning around.

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Re: How do I get a buyer's e-mail address to send them an invoice for shipping?

Community Member

Hi @2nd-time-around-jewelry - hmm...


Did your buyer choose 'local pick up' when they paid you? If so, there definitely wouldn't be a way to invoice through eBay for the amount (as they already paid), nor just generate a label since our system is assuming they picked it up. 


You may be able to dig up the email address through the PayPal transaction, though they've begun masking emails too from what I understand. 


Since the buyer has already paid, there is nothing wrong with requesting their PayPal information via eBay message too!

Message 2 of 14
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Re: How do I get a buyer's e-mail address to send them an invoice for shipping?

Go to original PP transaction, click on refund to see their Paypal email address. Then just click the browser back button to get out of that screen. There will be no refund done as long as you don't click on Continue after the first step.

Message 3 of 14
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Re: How do I get a buyer's e-mail address to send them an invoice for shipping?

I was able to ask for the e-mail through eBay messages. Usually it will not let someone leave it but it did this time. Thanks

Message 4 of 14
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Re: How do I get a buyer's e-mail address to send them an invoice for shipping?

(Correct me if I'm wrong) I believe the eBay message system lets you bypass the contact info blocks once a payment is registered for that particular transaction.

Message 5 of 14
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Re: How do I get a buyer's e-mail address to send them an invoice for shipping?

I think it's 'sale' that has to take place as opposed to payment.


Although I've never been flagged with that warning that others speak about, all my discussions about the when and where of a Local Pickup take place once the Sale is made and prior to payment. Like the OP, I request Cash on Pickup instead of PayPal. 

Message 6 of 14
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Re: How do I get a buyer's e-mail address to send them an invoice for shipping?

If you go to your orders next to each sale there is a drop down starting with sell similar.  One of the drop down options is view sales record.  You will find your customers email address there.

Message 7 of 14
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Re: How do I get a buyer's e-mail address to send them an invoice for shipping?

You will find the buyer's email address in the Sales Record (if you're using Seller Hub) right at the top of the page for the first 45 days. After that, it times-out and vanishes. 

Message 8 of 14
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Re: How do I get a buyer's e-mail address to send them an invoice for shipping?

As you mentioned the email address is the view records however, it’s possible that the buyer has different PP and eBay addresses so if you are sending an invoice, it would be best to look in PP as I described earlier.

Message 9 of 14
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Re: How do I get a buyer's e-mail address to send them an invoice for shipping?

I needed to check one this morning and the sales record now indicates that e-mail addresses are only visible for 14 days after the transaction. I used pj's tip and was able to get it that way. Thanks.

Message 10 of 14
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Re: How do I get a buyer's e-mail address to send them an invoice for shipping?

Fourteen days? I’m using the old Sales Record page (rolled back on my request) and mine still show for 45 days this way but that’s good to know this isn’t the case with the new Sales Record page.

I print a pdf copy of every order on dispatch (via that Sales Record) so I have email addressed going back to May of 2012. I discovered I needed this early into my selling career because of something that cropped up. A buyer was looking for something else and I committed to them I’d let them know when I had it to sell and create a new listing for them to buy, but Messages had timed-out and the transaction was 60+ days old and I was left scratching my head about how to reach them. I don’t think I had commit their user ID to memory, only it was ‘that lady from Kentucky’ so now I save everything. Everthing.
Message 11 of 14
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Re: How do I get a buyer's e-mail address to send them an invoice for shipping?

I wasn't aware we could roll back to the old sales record page.  That was a good idea!


Also a good idea -- printing all the pertinent sales/contact information before it disappears.  I usually only print the payment e-mail.  Being foolish and forgetting how quickly eBay changes things on their site, I always thought that I would find the necessary information in one place or another ha-ha.  I should have done what you do .... I will now.  Thanks for the info.

Message 12 of 14
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Re: How do I get a buyer's e-mail address to send them an invoice for shipping?

For anyone who still cares.......


If the buyer has already sent a payment and you want to invoice them for additional charges you can find their email in the original payment email from PayPal just look for the reply to address in the header section. This source of the email address never goes away and is never masked.



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 13 of 14
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Re: How do I get a buyer's e-mail address to send them an invoice for shipping?

@recped wrote:

For anyone who still cares.......


If the buyer has already sent a payment and you want to invoice them for additional charges you can find their email in the original payment email from PayPal just look for the reply to address in the header section. This source of the email address never goes away and is never masked.



It took me a minute to understand what you were saying.  It never occurred to me to reply to an e-mail from PayPal and, in fact, I didn't think you could, at least not to a payment e-mail.  But there it was -- the buyer's name and e-mail address.  I wish I had known this a long time ago.  Even if the e-mail address was not lost, it's a lot more convenient to find it this way because my "sold" and "payment" e-mails are always in an electronic folder close at hand.



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