I listed several items yesterday, not showing in search

I listed several things yesterday, some had immediate views and watchers, they show in "distance nearest".  Great..  Others do not show in "distance nearest" and no views.  These are popular items, with many other similar listing.  One is doll parts, the other is netted glass fishing balls.  My titles have the same wording as those that show when I search and they are in the same category, so does anyone know why they do not show.  My listings that sell are always visible when I search.  I just wonder what criteria is the bot looking for?  Distance nearest is me, those listings MUST show when I search.  Can't get any closer.  When I search, the closest I get is listings 120 kms from me and so on.

Sorry I know I'm griping about this visibility issue again.  There is obviously a connection between views/sales and no views/no sales.  When I look at my summary page, it's very clear which listings are invisible, and I can predict which will sell and which will not.  Any suggestions, thanks.

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Re: I listed several items yesterday, not showing in search

There is a small possibility that some of your items have not yet 'indexed'. We are told that can take up to 24 hours.

But not usually for experienced sellers listing items they normally sell.


I see 12 listings for you.  How many should there be?



Message 2 of 11
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Re: I listed several items yesterday, not showing in search

When I check your listings I see this one: (and 12 items in total)

3 vintage hand blown netted glass fishing floats Red 5" Blue 4" Green 3"
Message 3 of 11
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Re: I listed several items yesterday, not showing in search

Yes 12 is right.  They only show to those who look at my site, not to those who actually search.  Most of my listings have 4 maybe 5 views before they end.  No point in "good till cancelled" when they are never seen.  Last week I finally sold some Royal Albert china, a pattern which others sell all the time for a lot more than I got, AND I had free shipping, so after a month of no views, all of a sudden it had views, and it sold.  I made no changes, and yet it became visible, so there is either a ghost in the machine, or it was my turn to be seen.

Out of the 12 current listings 3 have many views and watchers, the rest have 3-6 views, and they happened as soon as I listed them.  I now consider them to be dormant, and they will time out as usual.  I'll wait and see.

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Re: I listed several items yesterday, not showing in search


Is it only the distance search that you are having a problem with?  I don't know about others but I never search by distance so I wonder if I'm the norm or minority.


When I look at your listings a majority of them state that you are in BC Canada so you probably do not have a postal code set up on on those listings and  I believe the system calculates the distance based on zip and postal codes. The listings that do give me a distance show which city you are in, not just the province.

Message 5 of 11
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Re: I listed several items yesterday, not showing in search

I don't think that the counters are always accurate and it really only takes 1 view to be purchased.  Assuming that the views are correct...are you looking at your competitors listings and see if they are using different key words than you are?  Are your total shipping/item costs comparable?   



I may have asked this before but are you actually using usps to ship to Canadians?  If not , you need to change your shipping option to standard international or economy international


Also, for shipping to the US  you should consider using standard or economy  shipping from outside the US.  The expedited option you are using is only giving you a 2-5 business days delivery time.




Message 6 of 11
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Re: I listed several items yesterday, not showing in search

I searched again based on the title (netted glass fishing floats) and it came up fine.

As a note I never search by distance either.

I suspect/guess the majority of people search by:
-default of best match
-ending soonest
-newly listed

In that order with a minority using the other means...

As a note, yours came up early in the list*, and you are competing with a lot of other items - there were over 600 matches to just "netted glass fishing floats" that too could be why few views....I changed it to "*netted glass fishing floats red" to make the list manageable....

Message 7 of 11
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Re: I listed several items yesterday, not showing in search

All my listing show I'm in BC.  Yes my postal code is correct, that's why I find it odd that the search isn't working.  Whoever is the webdesigner must think that  the dropdown menu is helpful, otherwise, it's just a waste of space.


Thanks for the heads up with the shipping.  Allthough with free shipping that should not really matter.  If buyers search their items, and see free shipping, that should encourage buying.  Now if they could just find my listings, I'd be happy.


Message 8 of 11
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Re: I listed several items yesterday, not showing in search

I wasn't asking if your postal code was correct, I suspect that on some of your listings, your postal code is not set up under the item location. Without a postal code, the search by distance can't work.


The listings that do show a distance from me show that you live in W....., BC.

The listings that do now show a distance from me show that you live in BC...there is no city and probably no postal code under the Item Location in the listing.


 Have you checked the listings that you can't find when searching by distance to see if your pc shows in the item location? I don't know what listing form you are using but if I go to one of my listings and revise it, I see the Item Location area at the bottom of add shipping details. In the one listing I'm looking at, the location is Alberta, Canada.  If I click on change location I see that there is no postal code entered.  I think some of your listings are also missing the postal code there.

Message 9 of 11
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Re: I listed several items yesterday, not showing in search

Re shipping....I suppose that saying you are using USPS isn't a huge deal but if I was looking for an item that I was hoping to have within the next two weeks, I would probably not buy one that I thought was coming from Canada and then going to the U.S. to be shipped via USPS. Depending on the value of the item, I might also be worried about being charged duty/tax on the item when it reentered Canada.


There are various things that can go wrong with a transaction so imo its best to make sure that the information in the listing is as accurate as possible.  If part of a listing is inaccurate the buyer might think that other things about it are inaccurate too. Just a thought...



Message 10 of 11
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Re: I listed several items yesterday, not showing in search

I looked a few of your listings:


For some the Item location is: Westbank, British Columbia, Canada


Those glass floats and the doll parts have: BC, Canada


You might want to check to see what is setup in your listing for location.


I see your float listing when I do a Distance: Nearest first -- but only with an undefined location after all the other listings that have locations.




PS: It's been awhile since I've seen a woodpecker toothpick grabber Smiley Happy -- my parents used to have one for the special meals...




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