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List FREE - 500 auction-style or fixed priced listings Start Date * End DatePay no insertion fees on up to 500 listings. Plus, add Buy It Now for free. Learn MoreMay. 02, 201707:20:25 am PDTMay 06, 201711:59:59 pm PDT
Am I missing something or is PayPal the only accepted method of payment now?
Here we go again: By invitartion only August 17 - 26 Read the terms very carefully, then read them again and again.
My question of the day for any sellers which include Tax in their prices. If you sell an item to a country that you are not required to collect tax from, do you reduce the price by the amount of the Tax or Vat?
EBay's new App update has a huge flaw/problem. It impacts you if you list on .com because it affects how people view your listings.This is what they've done: All your items listed on .com now have the words "Brand New" or "Nearly New" in the item tit...
Hello, here's a good one ... One of my favorite seller and friend with who I buy from alot, has listed many items like as always.He list item on with shipping description for both USA and Canada. I saw a sudden publicity from ebay, as I log ...
This is the 2nd time this month that I haven't had a sale in 2 days.... This never used to happen before.
I have to say eBay is getting worse and worse every time. First they offer you the feature for Stock Photo, another feature for pre-filled information for the book and DVDs, VHS & Music and then they offered you Listing Designer and then they take al...
of stamp albums with lins that shoe say 100 more images. Is that active content?
I'm trying to print a label for Light Packet USA and there's NOTHING whatsoever wrong with it: the address checks, the phone number is there, dimensions correct but I keep getting that generic error message. Using Classic view. Anyone else?
Starting overnight, now I'm getting two confirmation emails from eBay: 1 says my item is sold1 says my item is paid for (and then a 3rd comes from PAYPAL confirming the payment) The 2nd email advising that the item is "paid for" is new, never used to...
Hope this is the right board. I made a deal with the buyer to give a better rate on shipping if she bought 2 auctions. She did now when I send her the revised invoice when she is ready to pay it defaults to listing rate and not the rate I agreed to r...
I have contacted the bidder but no response. No payment. It has only been 24 hrs, but usually I receive payment almost immediately. Not sure if they even want the item any more. How long until I can relist?
This is a first for me. My withdrawal/transfer of paypal funds on Saturday to my back account failed and was 'refunded' today with no explanation whatsoever on either line in the Account Activity. I kinda need that money in my actual bank account sin...
We are absolute dirt. Period. It is our DUTY to list more, sell more, pay more. I guess I was incorrect in previously saying ebay gives us nothing, as they keep finding more ways to take away and screw us.Everytime an email arrives from the scoundrel...
Hello all, I have been away from ebay for more than a few years...could someone please go into one of my listings and see if what I have entered for postage seems correct? I want my items to be available in Canada, USA and International. Thank you......
Have they made changes to ending auctions early. I tried to end some that have 7 days to run in bulk and get the following message. This feature cannot be used with this item because it is an Auction-style Format item. Does this mean auctions can't b...
It's the half that gets shipped out. The other side with the instructions is perfect. This is the second time it has done this. Yesterday I took another package to the post office and they shipped it out with just the expedited number. I hope it make...
I sold an item. The buyer requested cancellation, then changed their mind and still want the item. How can they cancel their cancellation? Any idea how to proceed with this? Should I just mail the item or cancel it and relist? It is an item that woul...
List 500 auction-style listings FREE. Includes Buy it Now!Pay no insertion fees on up to 500 auction listings. Excludes 1 and 3-day duration. Learn MoreStart: 04/21/17 00:00:00 PDTEnd: 04/27/17 23:59:59 PDTAvailable at Promo Sell now and save: 20% discount on Final Value Fees.Receive a 20% final value fee discount for 100 sold items listed during promo period Learn More
Forgive me .... I know this topic has been raised many times but I don't find the Search option on the Boards very helpful and I was looking for one particular thread. I've given the .ca/CAD a six-month trial and it just isn't working on my media acc...
Never thought I'd say that! As a preamble, remember that I'm "medium old" so I was too quick to blame myself here... Was listing new items, I thought I hit list item, but the screen that was before me was the listing screen that I was working on. So ...
Hi! It looks like the boutique chain BEBE is closing/liquidating all of it's stores by the end of May so any clothing resellers, you could probably get some excellent discounted stock for your Ebay store :). Here is the announcement on the news just ...
Again, Canada Post really messed me up on an order with a deadline. it started like any other. Customer bought something mid-March, shipping to USA, packed, dispatched same-day. I noticed after the end of the second business day that it still said 'I...
Hi! Buyer was confused when the package arrived and he refused it by mistake, twice.Here' the tracking if you want a clear picture: should I ...
Wow. This is a new one on me. One of my big items sells this morning at 3 AM ET a $999.99 boxlot on .com The actual item says its value is $999.99 and that it sold for $999.99 US$ but everything else shows the value jumping to $4,000 US$ plus shippin...
Active content in listing is being restricted in June 2017. There is an USA Weekly Chat on Active Content Thursday April 20 1 PM PT. Hi sellers, Thi...
On eBay.cafr (eBay-Canada Francais), : "Plus de visibilité à l'international : vous attirerez davantage d'acheteurs internationaux si votre objet apparaît dans les résultats de recherche des autre...
I googled what to do prior to refunding and came to a conclusion that I should refund through PayPal then ask for a mutual cancellation and that would assure me of eBay fees being retuned without a cancellation black mark. Problem is now I have no mu...