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its very strange they pulled my discounts without letting me know.all my boxes are getting remeasured at the fedex hubs before leaving to the us, and they are doubling some of the heights like for example if its 70 x 22 x 2 they are turning the 2 to ...
Just received an email from PayPal that an Unauthorized Account Activity has been filed against me for items I shipped over a year ago. I even refunded the buyer for some of the shipping since she bought 3 items from me! How can they expect me to fig...
Any one else having any issues when you go to relist an 'unsold / not relisted' item and relist it -- finding that it is showing / listing items that have actually been sold? I have had a BAD day today -- re-sold 3 items and have found a total of 14 ...
I just had a buyer purchase multiple items from me. She hasn't paid yet and hasn't yet asked me for a combined invoice. I list on .com in USD and the buyer is also in Canada. Should I email her or is there a button that works for her to request a com...
Is there a FREE listing special on the horizon ?
Two weeks ago I had a customer who could not "purchase" separate items without immediate payment. She purchased the items separately (paid shipping on each) and I refunded shipping. I then went in to my shipping preferences and changed shipping optio...
I have a buyer who stated that she never got the CD so I told her to go through ebay. Now I don't read German, which one gives the buyer a full refund?
This is a Thing, I guess, is it....? I don' t have "best offer" on my listings -- have just never bothered with it. I rarely list much but suddenly in 2 days I've had 2 offers anyway. One person wanted multiple items and offered 80% of the value, whi...
I recall getting a message that Turbo Lister would no longer be used in June. Is there more info on that?
I started using the new listing form today and I can't find the revise button. Now I'm not talking about revising the listing after it has already been listed. When you go to the bottom of the page there's only these options; List item/ Preview listi...
Well I sold a pattern that I have had listed since last April 2016. I have one more place to look tomorrow but if I don't find it, I need to inform the buyer that I have been looking for it for (Sun, Mon and Tues) 3 days and that I have to cancel. An...
This was found on Link to The scanner was run on two listings... The only thing identified as Active Content was the .......Auctiva Scrolling Gallery. Something I n...
Looks to me like sellers are being hammered left & right with increases in fees, taxes, the lowering of final value fees from 20% to 10% for TRS. I can't see any incentives anymore for someone to be a seller on eBay now. Also buyers are covered for a...
I've been trying to print a PP shipping label but can't because I get a message that the phone number is invalid. It this a glitch or do we now require our customers' phone numbers to use PP shipping?
Hi all,Quick question: are monthly store fees included in the tax grab..
The US boards have just opened a discussion on the 2017 summer update. What happened to only spring and fall This link should get you to it. I wonder if ours is coming...
I'm looking for opinions on Condition Description, the little 1000-character-limit text box that shows up underneath the Condition. I've only used it sparingly, mainly to guide the buyer to the Item Description itself as I prefer to keep my listings ...
My paypal account shows app $19,000 earned to date from Jan.1/17.I have read on the boards here that one can earn up to $20,000.00 before it is reported to Canada Revenue. Question is that in US funds or Cnd funds and also does that include the shipp...
A buyer contacted me and asked if I'd sell a $160 item for $100. I told her no. Then she agreed to the $160 and asked if I'd upgrade shipping to a signed for method because she lives in a high crime area. I told her that would be expensive but I'd ge...
Let's say I sell an item for $10. I charge an extra 13% for hst. Total comes to $11.30. Does PayPal and eBay take into consideration the $10 or the $11.30? Fyi, I do not include the hst in the price. The seller sees the hst once they do the checkout.
I finally have someone bidding on a listing. There are currently 4 watching. They show on my summary page, but not on the actual listing. I see on other listings the number of watchers, so I'm wondering why not on this listing. Another glitch?
I received an email saying I can use Seller Hub, so I went on it, and it has all these reports, If I am associated with Ebay Canada (and sell on is my site mixed up
I sold an item, the buyer paid, and received the item 10 days ago. The buy left positive feedback (very satisfied with the item). but the usual "Your funds will be available on: xxxxxxx'" does not appear under this "sold item". It looks like ebay doe...
Hello, I cant print a shipping label, it says the title is to long, I am unable to shorten the title as the item is sold and I cant revise the listing. Has anyone else had this problem ? Thank you
I have found an item on Alibaba I would like to sell. It costs $1. Others are selling a similar item for $7 with FREE SHIPPING. I just went to Canada Post to get a quote for my product and they said: $9.14. How is this possible? How can somebody sell...
I bought some stuff from a seller in Estonia and may have to return it as a SNAD Here is what Canada Post wants for return postage with no insurance or signature. Options Mailing Tube$1.50Delivery ConfirmationIncl.Signature Option$2.50*Coverage Detai...
What concerns me about watermarking my images is what happens if eBay bands watermarking completely in the next year or so. Will eBay force Sellers to remove their watermarked images? This concerns me if they force Sellers to revise there listings wi...
I have been a bit distracted recently due to a bad medical diagnosis in the family. Yesterday I was relisting 30 day items in bulk, and accidentally clicked the delete button instead of sell similar. With 750 items in my store, I have no way of knowi...