07-02-2021 04:37 PM
Hi. I have a listing offering no international shipping but a buyer sent me a message on ebay asking if i could ship international ( from canada to france ). Since i have no sell yet and new to ebay selling, i wanted to keep it simple and sell in my country only but i've been trying since 4 months to do my 1st sell no one buy...
I did read here : https://www.ebay.ca/help/selling/selling/selling-internationally?id=4132#section1 that we need 10 feedback points and our 1st sell more than 90 days ago to sell internationally, is it correct? So i personally can't sell outside canada actually? I just found this while in my listings i had access to put international shipping since the beginning, i'm kinda confuse
I wonder too if ever i can sell it without the 1st sell 90 days ago and 10 points feedback rule, how it works for the shipping price of someone who would buy it now my listing while i'm not offering international shipping on the listing? Like this buyer if i'm telling him i can ship it, do you need to fix the shipping price manually or something when he buy
Sorry for my english my 1st language is french i hope i'm understandable. Even if i read a lot on how ebay works since like 4-5 months, it's still like a jungle for me
07-02-2021 07:41 PM - edited 07-02-2021 07:42 PM
eBay has become more complicated and I can understand that it could be confusing for new sellers. As far as I know, that 10 feedback rule hasn't been enforced for years so I don't think that you would have a problem selling outside of Canada. It is a good idea for sellers to start out selling by shipping just to Canada and the US until they get more experience. But if you are comfortable shipping to France, you should be able to.
Since you don't have other countries blocked, a buyer in another country could click on buy it now but they would not be able to pay until you sent them an invoice. But it would be best for you to revise your listing first so that if they purchase the item, the shipping cost is already set up. It is expensive to ship overseas so if the buyer does not know how much shipping is when they click on buy it now, they may not be willing to pay once they find out the cost of shipping to their country. If you use a Tracked Service such as Tracked Packet International it will be more expensive than if you use a service such as small packet International which does not have tracking. However, there is an element of risk if you don't use tracking as you have no proof of delivery if the buyer claims that they didn't receive the package. You would have to decide if you are willing to accept the risk.
I notice that you are shipping your cards in Canada as a parcel which has tracking so you would have seller protection if the buyer said they didn't receive the package but delivery confirmation showed that they did. Many Canadian sellers do ship small lower cost items by lettermail within Canada as it is less expensive, but there is more of a risk doing that in certain categories. Lettermail must be less than 2cm thick.
07-02-2021 09:27 PM
You are selling MTG and Pokemon cards which are a high value/high fraud category.
While overseas customers are no more or less honest than Canadians, I would not ship without tracking.
If you update your listings,use Calculated Shipping and Tracked Packet International as the service.
Don't get too upset about the high price of international tracked shipping.
If the customer is shopping overseas, it's because he can't find it closer to home.
Do you have your Solutions for Small Business number?
This gives you discounts on some postal services. Most sellers use them to cover the costs of packaging.
07-03-2021 03:42 AM - edited 07-03-2021 03:44 AM
Tracked packet has a limit of $100 insurance. If you're selling cards more valuable than that you'll want Expedieted (only available to Canada and USA) or Xpresspost but that limits the insurance to $1000 (which is Canada post's maximum limit). As to why you're not even getting domestic sales... well.. the magic cards are lands or commons, and commons which largely most people buy those in lots of hundreds or thousands of cards for the money you're asking. Right now there are a bit over one hundred and eighty three THOUSAND listings for MTG cards on ebay.ca alone, and yours do not stand out as good value. I found one seller offering a hundred random commons for $6USD with free shipping located in scarborough. I found another with a 500 card random lot offered for $28CAD including shipping. Anyone who played in revised era, likely has all the commons from that set they'll ever need and there's nothing really collectible about the ones you're offering. I saw a few I didn't own but I haven't touched my MTG cards at all in a decade, and that was to move them from one cupboard to another. I haven't actually played with my cards against another human being in two decades at least. And if i was to play again I'd likely use some of those 500 card random lots to get newer cards from newer sets.
07-03-2021 04:39 PM
Thanks guys for the answers and supporting, lot of useful infos
I checked the Tracked packet international option and the price Canada to France does not seems that bad, it would be 34.07$. I have concern about the insurance though. It offer a 100$ insurance but what about if the package have an higher value, do you must pick an option that cover 100% of the value or you can pick any amount of insurance? Exemple here i would ship a 117$ worth package, can i still pick the shipping option with 100$ insurance on that amount, or do post canada force us when we pick insurance to pick an option that cover the total declared value of the package
Second concern is about how it works if ever i'm doing that sale, i'm telling the buyer in private the price of shipping and if he wants it, to buy it now? And after i can set up the shipping price? My buy it now is with immediate payment so i dont know how he could pay immediatly while i don't offer international and shipping price is not on the listing
I'm still a bit confused about that 10 feedback points and 90 days last sale rule to have the right to sell internationally too, i don't want ebay to suspend my account, losing my item or anything...
07-03-2021 05:03 PM - edited 07-03-2021 05:07 PM
My price are probably not the best but really it's not bad prices either. I'm looking the prices for over 4 months and i seen those revised edition lands sold for 1$/land very often, while i have mine at 0.55$ each. We can't compare every set of cards together. I searched and got one quick exemple, it been sold today and the seller sold 5x of this card at this price: https://www.ebay.ca/itm/265153181556?hash=item3dbc5c7774:g:7d0AAOSwo2BglqxH its 4.00$ for Red elemental blast only, i have this exact same card in my 17 cards red lot, Red elemental blast + 16 other cards that have each their value too, for 13.60$. I don't believe my prices are the problem, i see a lot of those cards sold at higher prices, very often
07-03-2021 05:27 PM - edited 07-03-2021 05:30 PM
If the buyer is going to be active, there isn't anything stopping you from revising your lot to add a fixed price shipping amount for international for the amount that they'll be paying. Then when they pay it is automagically included.
You can insure the package for whatever you want. If you want only the base $100 that's all you have to do. I have 3rd party insurance so I always just use the $100. For your $117 example you don't want to go for the 2nd 100 because I think it's something like $2.80 per $100 so the extra $17 would cost you $2.80 + HST.
Regarding pricing, it sounds like you've done the research, other things that make a very very big difference is exposure. I see folks getting very high prices for stuff because they are using promoted listings etc to increase the visibility. Not all buyers shop around, and some much prefer better customer service than a low price and lack of same. Higher pricing does require higher patience for the sale.
I never usually price my item to be the lowest, in many cases I am going to be one of the higher priced sellers (I'm doing this full time yet competing against folks doing it for fun/extra cash so they aren't necessarily caring about their hourly wage as I am). Sometimes it takes 5 or more years for the right person to find my item so patience is required.
More than half of my sales are from repeat buyers, my guess is that is possible in your "field" as well if it is backed up by good customer service (especially when there are "problems").
07-03-2021 06:38 PM
@ricarmic wrote:You can insure the package for whatever you want. If you want only the base $100 that's all you have to do. I have 3rd party insurance so I always just use the $100. For your $117 example you don't want to go for the 2nd 100 because I think it's something like $2.80 per $100 so the extra $17 would cost you $2.80 + HST
Thanks that's what i wondered. Actually for my shipping options i had tracked packet international for around 35$ with 100$ coverage ( no option for higher ), and international parcel surface at 50$ with 100$ coverage ( up to 1000$ ). Wondered if we were forced to pick the 50$ option when you ship something over 100$ value... This is actually weird they do not offer an option for higher coverage with tracked packet international, looks like if you sell something exepensive you're forced to get the 50$ shipping option just to have the up to 1000$ coverage option... If you want coverage i mean
07-03-2021 07:33 PM - edited 07-03-2021 07:33 PM
No, you are not forced to use another service when you ship something that cost more than the maximum insurance coverage. You could purchase additional insurance from a third party insurance company if you really wanted to insure it for a higher value. But there is no rule that you have to have enough insurance to cover the full value. If the buyer paid $117 and the item was insured for $100, the insurance company would pay out $100 to you (assuming the claim was in your favour) but you would still have to refund the buyer $117.
07-03-2021 08:13 PM
THX for the catch @rocketscollectibles and @pjcdn2005 .
My apologies, I see that I provided some incorrect information. I had never noticed that tracked packet insurance was capped at $100 (mostly because I never use it as I use 3rd party).
One learns something here every day!
07-03-2021 08:20 PM - edited 07-03-2021 08:32 PM
@rocketscollectibles wrote:Hi. I have a listing offering no international shipping but a buyer sent me a message on ebay asking if i could ship international ( from canada to france ). Since i have no sell yet and new to ebay selling, i wanted to keep it simple and sell in my country only but i've been trying since 4 months to do my 1st sell no one buy...
I did read here : https://www.ebay.ca/help/selling/selling/selling-internationally?id=4132#section1 that we need 10 feedback points and our 1st sell more than 90 days ago to sell internationally, is it correct? So i personally can't sell outside canada actually? I just found this while in my listings i had access to put international shipping since the beginning, i'm kinda confuse
I wonder too if ever i can sell it without the 1st sell 90 days ago and 10 points feedback rule, how it works for the shipping price of someone who would buy it now my listing while i'm not offering international shipping on the listing? Like this buyer if i'm telling him i can ship it, do you need to fix the shipping price manually or something when he buy
Sorry for my english my 1st language is french i hope i'm understandable. Even if i read a lot on how ebay works since like 4-5 months, it's still like a jungle for me
----------------------Hi!Whoawhoawhoa!Let's recap.
- You opened your Ebay account in Feb 2021.
- To date you have no sales.
- You said" i wanted to keep it simple and sell in my country only but i've been trying since 4 months to do my 1st sell no one buy..."
No. This isn't the time for you to focus on OVERSEAS selling. With no disrespect to the advice you are getting from others, selling internationally has a fairly heavy learning curve. Worry about that later.
You need to list many more items and add some diversity to your products. Selling is seasonal. During the summer slow period forget about selling and focus on listing for the fall. Forget about France because your wasting too much time on that when you could figure out what sells in Canada and the USA. It much easier and much less risky.
After you get the enjoyment and knowledge of selling in Canda & the USA based on your items then branch out globally. OVERSEAS (not talking about the USA) is different for every country. If you can't manage things at home you certainly won't be happy when you're items are stuck in foreign customs.
You are already doing everything right by seeking guidance.
Stick to what you said " i wanted to keep it simple and sell in my country only but i've been trying since 4 months to do my 1st sell no one buy..."
Diversify and list, list, list.
After you've sold a few dozen items and have navigated Canada Post and the US
Customs then go back and read all this compicated advice people are talking about.
Oh yeah, you may not like this but
Change your Ebay name! Maybe you are not selling anything because most of it is "POISONXX". I'm sorry but if you are selling to a global audience there's nothing attractive about it. Maybe that's why you aren't selling anything. You should change it now as once you are established it's a lot more damaging to change a name particularily if you get an Ebay store. Sorry but a name is very important when you are new. I mean no disrespect just speaking from lots and lots of personal experience.
Stay positive!
07-03-2021 08:59 PM - edited 07-03-2021 09:01 PM
Actually i'm not trying to start a business and selling items from other categories. It's really my personnal stuff that i'm trying to sell. I have around 4000 vintage cards only that are worth a lot of money from magic, pokemon, yu gi oh, hockey from my childhood and i wanted to start slowly selling some of those cards. I might sell other items in the future, but my ebay account is really for selling some of my personal stuff. I started it to sell some cards but i did not expected it would be that hard to sell, and that complicated tbh
I agree for my name, i'll try to find an other... I had the same thoughts that it kinda looks agressive and clearly does not help. I personally think that my shipping price is one of my biggest problem, i'm selling 15$ listings and my shipping is 12-20$ into canada, ratio item price/shipping does not makes sense. It seems like the big deal breaker there but i can't do anything it's post canada price... As suggested earlier, i'm thinking about redo some listings and shipping as letters. For the low price cards, low shipping but no insurance, could be a good idea. My 0 feedback is clearly a deal breaker too i think that's another thing why some sellers have the same items at higher price, and still can sell them while not me
07-04-2021 10:37 AM
I agree with Femmefan1946. I would not ship without tracking and to
Europe it will be expensive. Perhaps give the prospective buyer the
option to pay for the tracking (you can get an amount at the postal outlet)
and if he does not wish to pay extra for the tracking do not ship.
07-04-2021 01:00 PM
It offer a 100$ insurance but
It's fine there.
All that postal insures against is loss in transit (very unlikely although the shipment may be delayed) and damage in transit (which either happens because You packed poorly or because a truck backed over it).
And then only the cost of postage is refunded after months.
I won't go into Cookie Jar Insurance here, but you can consider it in future.
And there is third party insurance, which can be purchased as a oneoff (shipsurance.com) or as an annual contract (we use Hugh Wood International).
I've talked about both often and you can Search for descriptions.
07-04-2021 01:04 PM
i'm telling the buyer in private the price of shipping and if he wants it, to buy it now? And after i can set up the shipping price? My buy it now is with immediate payment
If you have no bids at the moment, you can Revise your listing to show appropriate shipping. When you enter weight and dimensions then add the service (Tracked International is good) the customer automatically sees his shipping costs. And he will be billed those costs. No arguements.
EBay is being protective with the No International Shipping, by not encouraging you but not forbidding it either.
If you do complete the transaction, eBay will not be upset.
07-04-2021 01:11 PM
Perhaps give the prospective buyer the
option to pay for the tracking
Errrr- no.
It does nothing for the buyer except emotionally. Some love the warm fuzzies of being insured. Some are emotional wrecks watching the slow and often weird path a package takes with spoke and hub delivery to their mailbox.
Tracking is one thing the buyer should have no input about.
I currently have an Italian customer who specifically asked for no tracking on his purchase. Since I would not be tracking anyway on such a low price item, I didn't. But I also fully expect to get an Item Not Received claim in the near future.
07-04-2021 02:54 PM - edited 07-04-2021 02:55 PM
Got one more thing to ask. I seen in shipping options on post canada that there's an ''estimate duties and taxes'' calculator. I'm not sure to understand what it is... Here in canada as a personal seller and not a business, unless i'm wrong i don't have to charge any taxes. Is it the same for an oversea sale?
When i enter the item and price i end with around 25.00$ taxes, its added to shipping cost and it gives a total. It is actually like import charges?
Thanks again for the help btw, i'm doing researchs on my side but it's not easy to have precise answers just with them, it's really a jungle. I'm still hesitant about selling it to this france buyer, i'm scare to misunderstand or missing things
07-04-2021 03:47 PM
No you don't have to charge tax or duty. When you sell to some US states, Australia, the UK and the EU, ebay will automatically add on VAT (tax) to the buyers invoice. Otherwise, tax and duty are the buyer's responsibility, sellers don't add anything on.
The exception is if you have a gst number than you do have to charge Canadian buyers gst/hst.
07-04-2021 05:08 PM - edited 07-04-2021 05:20 PM
Thank you for listening. My advice is maybe more "tough love" & honest but it is up to date.
You're on the right track but like it or not this IS a business and getting more so every day. Ebay isn't Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist at least, not anymore. The category you have chosen is popular and most of your competitors know exactly what they are doing.
Shipping Costs:
Part of being a Seller in Canada is figuring out how to deal with your competition. In your narrowly defined category your competition is in the USA. I get that. So is mine. I would suggest first you find out the cost of shipping a card from Los Angeles to Orlando via USPS. That is your target. Next to compete you may need to sell your cards in lots of 2 or more. It costs about $14 to ship up to 250 grams from the Canadian west coast to Florida insured and tracked. You can't compete selling one $10 card. Either sell the cheaper ones off in lots or throw in a fog machine.
Let's say for fun you had a brick & mortar store next to 5 other Pokeman card dealers. Shipping isn't the problem. You have other problems like variety, selection, pricing and customer service. Ebay is no different. For example your only other competitor with the French version of your card clearly defines the condition in the section called "Condition". The reason they do that is because they know shoppers buy Pokeman on their cell phone, not their desktop. On the other hand, in your listing, under "Condition" you said “Overall lightly played, look at photos and description for condition”. Unfortunately Buyers often skip the "Description" where you define the condition. By not taking advantage of the Condition box you have eliminated most of your potential buyers. In 2021 the C Box IS the description. You should cut and paste it into the description just in case someone looks there.
The main reason I think that you need to diversify is so that you can sell something easy and less risky than a $114 item. You need to go through the shipping process and deal with lower level customer service. Mostly you need to feel how great it is to sell something! That is what keeps us going. I had a music retail center for 22 years and I still have the $2 bill from my first sale of guitar picks. Not a Yamaha $3000 DX7 ...guitar picks. Your first sale is your most important. When I opened that store in 1984 the only person who came in the door for two weeks was the mailman... with bills.
Surely you have other things you can list in a category much less cut throat than Pokeman. Most of the active sellers now are busy listing Back To School and Halloween items. You have no idea how easy it is to sell a fog machine.
You're right about fixing your zero feedback. There are so many counterfeit cards out there you need to get sales and build that trust rating before putting out your big items. I recommend you pull the French card until you gain some knowledge. It might not have occured to you but you can also build your feedback score by buying stuff from Ebay sellers to build that feedback. You can buy a guitar pick shipped all the way from Japan for $1.00 free shipping. You will get a positive feedback score of 1. You get the point...
I'm glad you agree on the name change. Many of my customers are sweet elderly Grannies buying gifts for their loved ones. POISONXX in a name will surely scare all the gifting Grannies away. Get a name that also allows for other categories.
Keep it simple, safe, low risk.
07-04-2021 10:34 PM
A few years back eBay gave us this boilerplate we could add to our Terms of Sale to make the question of import fees clear.
I still add it to all my Descriptions. Feel free to "steal" it, just as I did.
Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding/buying.