Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

I've been an Ebay seller for 22 years and i've seen them go from bad to worse over the last 10 years especially but this new Managed Payments system is 100% garbage and just another money grab by ebay... 

I sold a couple small items 6 days ago and the money is still in Ebay's grubby little hands and has NOT been transfered to my bank account at all! I contacted them and they said my account is set up perfectly for managed payments... SO WHERE IS MY MONEY Ebay!?1? 

Paypal was soooooooooooo much better because we had control of the money we work hard to early and payments were INSTANT! Their fee's were excellent compared to the crazy high Ebay fee's for sellers as well. Another advantage with using Paypal is that we could use our funds from sales to make purchases directly but not with Ebay.

Now Ebay wants complete control over our money and they aren't being shy about it at all so i cancelled the last 96 items i had on Ebay and i'm done doing any buisness with them!

Ebay has lost thousands of sellers every year for the last few years and now they went too far! Many of us now sell on Facebook Marketplace and groups ect... with zero fee's.


Message 1 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Your final value fee has gone up, but you don’t pay PayPal fees anymore, so there’s that to consider, as well as the fact that you’re likely not paying listing fees anymore.
Message 61 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

@portfelt wrote:

Under their new managed payment plan they are charging me 16% final value fee where before it was only about 9%. 

9%  means you are taking a big jump back in time.

Before ebay started collecting GST/HST on fees.

You avoided the 3-4% fee that paypal likes to collect on money handling.

You had a store or had a TRS discount.




On a $45 Canadian sale with no store or TRS discount, and based in Ontario (13% HST).

pre-MP would have been 5.09 for ebay plus 1.61 for paypal = $6.70 or 14.9%

Under MP, that sale is $6.62 in fees and tax or 14.7%

A tiny decrease.


However, if the sale is going to any country or state that now requires ebay to collect internet sales tax (most American states, most of Europe, Australia, etc) then the fees become more expensive. Pre-MP, only paypal charged a processing fee on the tax money. Under MP an extra 0.5% to 2% of the sales price will end up as fees.  So if internet sales tax is involved MP is more expensive.


I also sell on amazon, and a $45 sale for a casual seller would be $8.24 in fees or 18.3% (dvds and books would be 20.5%)





Message 62 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

I sold an item recently and got an email from a **bleep** off prospective buyer. He claimed his bid was higher but did not register for some reason. I lost money on this deal. I've complained to ebay about why I cannot answer emails from people asking questions. Customer service said they would look into the problem but have not heard back from them. When attempting to answer an email I get an error claiming that I cannot answer an email that is over 90 days old yet it was only a day old. This is affecting my reputation. 

Message 63 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Have you tried sending a message from their profile or feedback page?  I've had the odd problem sending messages but it usually works later or via a different method.  I'm not saying that we should have to do that but just mentioning there may be an alternative.

Message 64 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE


I cannot answer emails from people asking questions. ...I get an error claiming that I cannot answer an email that is over 90 days old

Do you have more than one account or do you list on both dotCOM and dotCA?

When I see that Notice, I look at the upper left corner and check which account I am signed in on, then go to the correct account if that is the problem . (I have four active selling accounts so this is a common problem for me.)

He claimed his bid was higher but did not register for some reason.

And I am Marie of Romania.

You can look at the bidding on your Sold item and see if he bid at all and also how close to the end of the auction was the last bid accepted.

Remember that many buyers cannot comprehend that it is not the last bid that wins, it is the highest.

It is equally likely that he bid late, but his bid was still lower than the (hidden) maximum of the winning bidder, in which case all his bid did was raise that winning bid.

Neither you nor he can see the maximum bid of the winner, only the high bid which is set by the underbidder.



Message 65 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Because it is a slow day I researched the posters who were quitting because of MP.

One was a posting ID and one is a longtime poster who has been skeptical about MP (and eBay) for some time.

Of the other nine, four are not listing and five are. Three of the four seem to have closed accounts because nothing came up in Search Seller.

I have no hypothesis to offer about this.

Message 66 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Unless someone has items listed, their names will not come up at all when searching by seller so they could still have accounts and be buying.  There is a way you can search by URL but I can't remember exactly what the URL is. 

Message 67 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

When I want to look up another user on eBay I just type:


Where "NAME" is their username.

Message 68 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Thanks, I'll make sure to make a note of that this time.


Message 69 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

I am one of those who was rather adamant about leaving eBay because my very low volume/occaional sales, which really didn't warrant the hassles of setting up a dedicated bank account just for eBay ...

my other selling venues don't require a bank account and nothing in that direction has ever been set up for selling from those sites. However, I have continued to watch the process here on eBay and because hubby proceeded to set up the banking process for continuing to sell on eBay after being away from eBay for nearly a year, I have been a little more open-minded about it all...

However, with all the hassles that have beset Canadian sellers here on eBay.CA, I am still dragging my feet and now with the category changes, which would affect some of the categories I`d be using,am continuing to wait it out until things settle down again.

Sales elsewhere had been rolling along quite well...until they weren`t... things just seemed to come to a dead stop a few months ago...

and I would still like to get in on some of that holiday season selling...just not sure on what site I shall give it that big push...

Message 70 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

I agree with you as far as purchasing on ebay , Someone would have something I wanted listed on ebay and I purchase it with the funds from PAYPAL  which were from sales on ebay PAYPAL was like a 2nd bank account . Nobody at ebay thought of this . I'll be purchasing on Amazon using Paypal

Message 71 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

@northernsurplus50 wrote:

 I'll be purchasing on Amazon using Paypal

Good luck with that!!!!!!!

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 72 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

"I'll be purchasing on Amazon using Paypal"


hmmmmmm....have you actually bought anything on Amazon lately? ....I don't think PayPal is even an option as payment for purchases in the same way it still is here on eBay...

Fact is, Amazon doesn't let you pay with PayPal,but it does let you use a credit or debit card at checkout and/or a PayPal Cash Card, PayPal Business Debit Mastercard or PayPal's new virtual card, PayPal Key, with a PayPal account.

Message 73 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Here's what happened to me. And for the record, I do not have any active listings on eBay now! Please feel free to check this out.

I chose not to opt in to Managed Payments and I also chose not to end all my listings because I decided not to make it easy for eBay by doing so.  So after several months of being past my sign up deadline, (which was April 2021) eBay did finally remove all my listings  at the beginning of October but not before they sent me numerous emails with increasing amounts of credit coupons to encourage me sign up. I ignored them all.  Within a week of my listings being removed my previous buyers started contacting me to to ask me what happened and telling me they still wanted to purchase from me. I was more than happy to fill them in on the details.  Where there is a will there is a way.  I have no regrets about not selling on eBay anymore and am not hurting financially because of it. This may not work for other sellers but for me it has been a relief.  I am still selling but at a bit lower volume than before and with a huge amount of less stress. 

I always have and always will claim my online sales on my income tax so no wories for me in that department.  On occaision I will still check what is happening on eBay but I am not even buying on their site any longer either. I haven't purchased a single item on eBay since November 2020. So am I boycotting eBay? I suppose you could say that but for me it is more about the idea of not being interested in their site anymore.

Good luck to all the sellers on eBay who are still there. For your sake I hope this works out in the end for you. Just not for me anymore.

Message 74 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

well I did finally return to eBay and although I am not liking the "treatment" as a "new seller",  with its  limits/restrictions/payment holds,  I can tolerate it. Got my first sale  a few days ago, so that's all well and good. Will see how the next few months go and then I'll re-assess my presence here.

Message 75 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Ebay is just making it worse for themselves doing this.Its already crazy enough with their high listing and sellings fees now they took  out a fire wall against scammers.I never will list my banking account with Ebay.Paypal was the safety net.Ebay will just lose even more sellers.

Message 76 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

@ducaticanada wrote:

Ebay is just making it worse for themselves doing this.Its already crazy enough with their high listing and sellings fees now they took  out a fire wall against scammers.I never will list my banking account with Ebay.Paypal was the safety net.Ebay will just lose even more sellers.

You must have forgotten that when YOU gave you banking info to PayPal you WERE giving it to eBay. With PayPal if a scammer obtained your password they could drain any cash balance, run up any on file credit cards and access your bank accounts.


Under MP that is MUCH harder to do, maybe impossible.


Best thing that could happen for current sellers is to have a giant pile of small timers leave.



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 77 of 77
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