My eBay Active page - how do I get classic view back

For a few days the My eBay Active page has a new layout, and it is driving

me crazy. Not opening in Firefox (lots of white space on the screen), but even in chrome I cannot find what I am used to looking for right away. some things can't find at all...


Searched high and low on how to switch back to the view that was there for years... I do not have an ebay STORE account with all of those

bells and whistles...


how do I get the classic view (before the change) back for good?


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Re: My eBay Active page - how do I get classic view back

@heartovermind wrote:

For a few days the My eBay Active page has a new layout, and it is driving

me crazy. Not opening in Firefox (lots of white space on the screen), but even in chrome I cannot find what I am used to looking for right away. some things can't find at all...


how do I get the classic view (before the change) back for good?

Unfortunately, you can't. The  inconvenient seller hub is around to stay. Lots of clicking to see where things are, and personalizing the preference settings to modify what is displayed to make it more useful to you.


How old/new is your Firefox?

I use the latest version of Pale Moon (a firefox alternative) and it opens okay.


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Re: My eBay Active page - how do I get classic view back

I am no longer a power seller, no longer even a small or low volume seller, as I have just 5 sales in the past 4 months, so guess I am now an "occasional"  seller BUT I have not been forced to use Seller Hub. I still have the ability to opt in/opt out of Seller Hub on both dotCOM and dotCA. However, I AM forced to look at this horrible "My eBay Active" page which touts the line:

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Re: My eBay Active page - how do I get classic view back

you cant!!!!!!!!!-just got off the phone with them-and if you are not using Google Chrome -you may be missing a few of the new tabs -such as me trying to relist 80 items at once-guess what  NO TAB for relisting ALL at same time ---I would have to do it one at a time -----WHAT?????----she said click on this new look selling tab ---I say--Idon't have it--What browswer are you using ??-Firefox -----you need to try it with Chrome


Now if it doesnt go from Bad to Worse---I need to update  to Chrome to sell on Ebay????-what **bleep**

What a pleasure to now after 19years on Ebay to put up with this now --Good luck to the rest of you and Your EBAY----might have to go back to good ole Craigslist and   Kijiji where its a pleasure to use-Peeved in Canada

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Re: My eBay Active page - how do I get classic view back

yes they really screwed it up. Simple things are not longer available.

I just don't see HOW it is an improvement when everything is so difficult to find and is not in the logical place you will look. Makes me wonder about the web designers they are using....


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