No longer able to get email addresses

I cannot find a way to get a buyers email address. I communicate with buyers through the eBay messages.


I recently had a transaction where a package I sent was returned because the buyer didn't put her full address on Paypal. I told her I would be happy to return it, but I needed to just return the cost of the item, not the shipping. She told me to forget it, so I decided to refund all her payment.


A couple of weeks later she decided she wanted it after all, and sent a payment through Paypal, but I couldn't do another label on Paypal because I had already done one for the transaction. I decided to send it by SnapShip, but I had to have an email address. Contacting the buyer through the eBay messages they wouldn't allow me to ask, or her to send the email address.


How are we supposed to get the email address in such a circumstance?

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No longer able to get email addresses

Email address is on Paypal....


eBay sends an email indicating and item was sold......  This information is printed and kept as a record of a sale........ Buyer's email address is on this email from eBay...

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No longer able to get email addresses



In Seller's Hub you should be able to view your buyer's email address in the transaction detail (as long as it's in the last 90 days) and there is also a contact buyer button in the drop-down area.




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No longer able to get email addresses

@cumos55 wrote:

Email address is on Paypal....


eBay sends an email indicating and item was sold......  This information is printed and kept as a record of a sale........ Buyer's email address is on this email from eBay...

I checked and it's not there on any of my recent transaction.

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No longer able to get email addresses

@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:



In Seller's Hub you should be able to view your buyer's email address in the transaction detail (as long as it's in the last 90 days) and there is also a contact buyer button in the drop-down area.




I have never gone to seller hub, it's something I have resisted. I find that at my age it's hard to use new formats, I have kept using the old one. I suppose that one of these days I'm going to have to bit the bullet.

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No longer able to get email addresses

For a long time, I resisted using Seller Hub on dotCA, but I had used Seller Hub on dotCOM from its earlier inception, so when I finally got tired of the horrid changes that had been made to some of the seller pages I gave Seller Hub on dotCA a go and haven't looked back...

As a senior who hates change, I'm rollin' good with Seller Hub and find it's easy to work with...

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No longer able to get email addresses

Yes, I noticed this the other day.

It used to appear when we went to Refund (even if we were not refunding), but this is no longer true of eBay sales.

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