Nothing seems to sell anymore

Community Member
Is it just me or has anyone noticed that EBay is not what it used to be. Nothing seems to sell anymore, except the poor quality cheap merchandise from China! Too bad those large quantity sellers are allowed. Facebook auctions are the new trend. Selling is fantastic.
That's the way I am going now.
Message 1 of 120
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119 REPLIES 119

Nothing seems to sell anymore

You seem to only view eBay from your own perspective, when this place is the epitome of diversity.


As someone who is making and selling DIY products, and can buy my materials at relatively low cost and then sell high, could I possibly know how what it is like to buy and sell fine china and fragile collectibles, like gifts_of_elegance  does? I can’t even image how tight the margins must be, but you seem to suggest that her sales numbers equal her profits, which we know is impossible. Plus the shipping, that alone would keep me up nights.


And rose-dee (who I would like to take the opportunity to thank for giving of her own value time to school myself and many other on this board on the inner workings of eBay policies), could I possibly know the dedication and commitment required to pursue a venture when the love for what you do sometimes outweighs the financial reward? Honestly, I can’t. But, unlike you, I sure can admire it.


You buy and sell vintage and collectibles – a noble trade, in my opinion, and something we have in common (I have sold vintage items, on eBay, with the user name stonehook, since 2000). And, I know it is a passion that you really have to possess to fully understand – the thrill of the hunt and the ever-present possibility that, at any moment, you could strike it “rich”. And, to be fair it takes a lot of work – from finding the darn thing, to getting it ready for resale – every item you sell needs a new description, and not just an ordinary description but a fine-tooth comb description: a new set of photos from every possible angle; and the endless search for packing materials to meet every unknown dimension.


But, I can also buy something at a garage sale for $5.00 and turn around the next day and sell it for $50.00, $100.00, or even… pretty good return on my investment, but I recognize that not all sellers have it that good.  And, those items are unique which is undeniably an advantage, when it comes to eBay’s and even Google’s search engines, over people selling new product.


However, the one thing that I am certain that you are correct about, is that for a someone such as yourself, who is selling vintage, pop culture and sports’ collectibles, particularly aimed at men, eBay does (for the moment at least) remain the most viable venue.


I certainly hope that eBay doesn’t ever completely abandon its vintage roots and hang you out to dry, but I know that it could happen someday – and I would expect that, as a smart business owner, you have at least contemplated, if not planned, for that possibility.


Happy picking,


Message 102 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

While I appreciate your post. I must rebutt.

I do not view eBay solely from my perspective. But from a business perspective. And from what other posters have said that I cannot agree with. So I will say what I think. And I will be the bad guy. As a side note, I've noticed that the regular big dogs of these boards have not chimed in. Could it be that they don't want to disagree with their friend on this one?

I never said nor suggested that her (gifts of elegance) sales equal her profit. Never even came close to saying that.

As for Rose-Dee, I never put into doubt her passion nor her love for what she does. Only the business side. And you assume that I don't admire her passion for what she does. My interjections were solely business based. I am insulted that you even presumed otherwise. Because I never eluded to such thing!

As for the rest of your post. I have no argument. I agree!
Message 103 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

When referring to your perspective, I didn’t mean your perspective on life or your perspective on death, for that matter…your business perspective was fully implied. And again, I will say that your business perspective cannot be the same as mine nor anyone else's.


I am having a difficult time understanding if you believe that by conforming to your point-of-view, we will all be successful as a result, or that you take some pleasure in insinuating that people, with real business concerns (that are different, for good reason, than your own) are simply inept and incapable  – “Seems that some sellers have gone soft. Toughen up or shutdown your business'. It's nit a social club and it's certainly not for you! Arrrrrgh!”  


I have been around business owners my entire life, each one with their own tale to tell. I could fill a book with the advice I got when I first started in business – and this was from grizzled, old guys who couldn’t stand up straight from years bent over pieces of machinery, and who waved fingers at me that ended at the knuckle. I learned a lot, from the good, to the bad, to the business-saving. But not one of them ever implied that I was a coward or that I was a whiner who was “fishy” and not to be trusted.


But I am not offended by anything you had to say about me, I am have been around for too long for that; but I have been known to take offence when it comes to the poor treatment of others. And from my perspective on life, that is how your comments translate, whether it is intentional or not is hard to tell.




Am I not certain who “their friend” is, but it wouldn’t be me as this is the only thread I have ever posted on.

Message 104 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

Again! I never implied that you were referring to my perspective other than eBay. I don't know where you got that from. But certainly not from my posts. I was referring to business decisions in general that affect almost 100% of the sellers here!

I never said that anyone should comform to my point of view. Nor did I imply that they would be more successful, if they did. Please stop reading between the lines. And then, read the real lines.

And again, you are putting words into my mouth. I never said that you were a coward, a whiner or should not be trusted. This is not only insulting, but also has me scratching my head. Do you read the posts? The only comment that is true is I said that maybe you weren't telling us the whole story and something seemed fishy. And low and behold, the issue of the digital sales popped up. And I guess I was right. There were other issues other than PayPal. In which was a uneducated reason to leave eBay. As I stated and was confirmed by Pierre Lebel!

This thread is exasperating. Please do and say what you will. Not all businesses succeed and I can understand why. Having a business does not automatically make one a business person.

Good luck to you with your business on the other venues. And I do mean that.

P.s. I didn't imply that you were their friend. As I said, they haven't chimed in. So this obviously can be about you!!!
Message 105 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

"However, the one thing that I am certain that you are correct about, is that for a someone such as yourself, who is selling vintage, pop culture and sports’ collectibles, particularly aimed at men, eBay does (for the moment at least) remain the most viable venue."

Interesting that you think that it's aimed at men. I don't discriminate. As I have had several sales to women. And why not. This brings up another observation, the most resistance and arguments here came from four women. Interesting!
Message 106 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

It seems impossible for you to respond without making an insult, and I think you diminish your argument if you are going to make this business discussion about gender.


All I meant in my comment about vintage sales, on eBay, wasn't that you would discriminate against women buyers, but that with the advent of televisions shows aimed at "man cave" collectibles, such as : Storage Wars; Storage Wars Canada; Treasure Hunters; American Pickers: Canadian Pickers; Pawn Stars (and all their spin-offs); Thrift Hunters; Salvage Hunters; etc., that demand for items these types of items (the kind that you are selling) is a growth market.


And there was nothing "fishy" (your word used in reference to me) about the fact that 7 years ago eBay ended our business by no longer allowing digital sales, for reasons we still can't comprehend. And, as you can see, we reinvented ourselves successfully, despite eBay's efforts. And now we have come to the conclusion we will be happier and just as successful selling elsewhere - and after 29 years we feel that all our hard work and self-determination has earned us that privilege, without the harsh judgment of others who could not possibly know our experience.




And, despite your efforts, I remain baffled at how anyone can defend a selling platform's payment system that threatens a seller with policy violations or worse for offering, in their listings, the option to a buyer of paying by cheque or money order. We know our customer, and many of them are not comfortable using any form of online payments - this eBay policy has negatively impacted our sales and we have confirmed that by a huge jump in revenue on other venues that are not as restrictive.

Message 107 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

No problem!


Look at the crystals on the wings.  The large oval ones.  Mine are all the same color.  The other seller's are not.  This is the second one that I have had.  I sold the first one in 2004 and I still have the picture from it.  The crystals are supposed to be all the same color.  


What is the point you are trying to make here?

Message 108 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

Here is a picture of the Peacock pin I sold in 2004.  The crystals in the wings are all light amethyst, just like the one I have for sale.


If you look at the other seller's Peacock, you will see that not all the crystals are light amethyst, some of them are clear.

Message 109 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

Of course the other seller's can't be right. I can't be another version.

So I randomly looked at another item of yours.

And then a sold item:

Yours is at $7500 USD plus $250 ($350 to the U.S.) for shipping and the other sold for $4800 USD and $76.32 (free to the U.S.) shipping. But I guess that there is something wrong with this other set. And that your prices aren't too high! Thus impeding your
Sales on eBay. Or the low visibility via Google.
Message 110 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

How and when did I insult you?

You brought gender into the discussion!

I really do not understand your analogy about the television shows. Many have women in them and many have "finds" that are more geared to woman I.e. Vintage clothing, vintage hair styling equipment (1930's permanent wave machine) sewing patterns, jewelry etc....and you are the one saying that these are all geared towards men. When there are plenty of women who collect sports cards, comic books, how are these shows about "man caves" you've lost me there?

I'm not defending any payment system. I simply said over and over and over that the buyer can pay with other forms of payment. Please, oh please read what I have posted before putting words in my mouth, once again!!!!
Message 111 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

No, there is nothing wrong with the other person's set.  He sold it for what he wanted.

I have sold 5 sets already in this pattern, all for the same amount.  Actually I should ask more because Minton has gone out of production almost 3 years ago and Dynasty is now manufactured by Wedgewood.  Check item 231396092624 for comparison.

Message 112 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

Wedgewood Dynasty retails  for $3,485 for a 5 piece place setting or $27,880 for 8 - 5 piece place setting.

Minton Dynasty is becoming increasingly rare and hard to find and I expect its value will increase even more.

Message 113 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

"As a side note, I've noticed that the regular big dogs of these boards have not chimed in."


As I am reading this thread this morning (lots of posts over the weekend!) I am wondering: who are the "big dogs"?


It seems to me that all regular posters (regardless of size or weight!) had some input on this thread.


Who did I miss?  Who are the "big dogs"?

Message 114 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

I thought that you would say that. Good luck!
Message 115 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

What I meant when saying this is that they have not come to their friend's rescue!
Message 116 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

" Check item 231396092624 for comparison."

Are you really going to compare your 8 place setting set to a 12 place setting set with serving pieces?

That seller started a $60000 and dropped it by half. And we'll see if it sells.
Message 117 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

"Wedgewood Dynasty retails for $3,485 for a 5 piece place setting or $27,880 for 8 - 5 piece place setting.
Minton Dynasty is becoming increasingly rare and hard to find and I expect its value will increase even more."

Are you really going to compare the price of Minton to Wedgwood?
Message 118 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

@gifts_of_elegance wrote:

No problem!


Look at the crystals on the wings.  The large oval ones.  Mine are all the same color.  The other seller's are not.  This is the second one that I have had.  I sold the first one in 2004 and I still have the picture from it.  The crystals are supposed to be all the same color.  


What is the point you are trying to make here?

As someone who has some experience selling vintage designer jewelry, however I would not put myself in the same class as gifts_of_elegance, the difference in the 2 brooches was immediately obvious to me. 73rhc, no offence to you but you missed this entirely and then with your statement "Of course the other seller's can't be right. I can't be another version." you basically proved that you know little to nothing about this genre of item and are therefor woefully unqualified to comment on the pricing. The other seller's brooch has, in my opinion, had those stones replaced. The brooch is quite an uncommon piece but I have seen one or 2 in my day and the stones in question have always been, and are all supposed to be, so far as I know and have found through my own research, of the same color and in particular light amethyst. There is also quite a significant difference in the cost to replace the stones with "original authentic" pieces in the amethyst color vs the clear ones either authentic or knock-off.

Even if the 2 pieces were identical, and again they are significantly not, if one seller chooses to sell their piece for substantially less than it is worth that is their business and IMHO does nothing but hurt the market for everyone, including themselves. Should they find another piece of the same type, for example, with perfect stones, they will have a tough time justifying a higher price after setting somewhat of a precedent with their earlier piece, especially after making no mention of the off color stones.

I see this quite often with sellers who panic after they have been unable to move a piece that they may have significant investment in or perhaps the seller is in need of a fast influx of cash, who knows.Myself, I have dropped the price on an item I probably should have had more patience with and regretted it later but such is life and I know full well that I did myself no service by lowering my price standard. Less significant, less expensive items have the pricing fluctuate all over the place quite often, and especially with those that are in no shortage of supply it has very little effect on the market if you have to dump one once in a while for whatever reason.

As far as the second example of the Minton china set is concerned, my opinion, again having some experience in this area, is that the set that sold, the one you used as an example, was seriously undervalued. With very little effort you can find similar sets that have sold and newer listings being offered in the same price range as gifts is offering their set.


At this point to me anyway, this appears to have become more about you trying to find any means possible with which to attack gifts_of_elegance. I'm at a loss as to what your motivations might be but I'm sure I am not the only one that sees it this way. You are trolling gifts' listings and commenting on items that you obviously have little or no knowledge of. That is not meant as any sort of insult, as we all have our areas of expertise, but the direction of your questions and your responses make it obvious that you are out of your depth questioning gifts on the pricing of these items. The simple fact alone that you question the pricing as being too high based on ONE other selling item without 1) noticing the huge difference in the jewelry pieces and 2) not even bothering to look for and find china sets having sold and now being offered in the very same price range as gifts' set does nothing more than add solid credence to my statement that you are now just grasping at straws to attack gifts_of_elegance.


I'm not going to get into an argument with you over this. I have said my piece where I feel it needed to be said and have done it without needing to be snide or insulting. The facts, in this case, speak for themselves.


All the best to everyone that has voiced their opinion in this thread.





Message 119 of 120
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Nothing seems to sell anymore

I'm locking this thread since it has become off-topic.  If you want to start a new one discussing the original topic, please feel free to do so.



Message 120 of 120
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