PayPal packing slip

I have recently noticed that when I print out the Paypal packing slip that there is unnecessary information now being printed at the top and bottom.  The top has the information that is usually at the top of Paypal pages, et.  My Account Summary,  Activity, Send and Request, etc. and the bottom of the page has text that is usually found at the bottom, eg.  Help, Contact, Security.

This extra info is cluttering up the packing slip.   Has anyone else noticed this?   It is a nuisance to have to cut this off before putting the slip in the parcel.  

Message 1 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

yes, experiencing same...have no idea why as I have not changed anything and it is VERY annoying! I have emailed PayPal with a copy of a packing slip that shows what is printing out on the packing slip, so will see if I receive a response.

Message 2 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

I also have emailed Paypal.   Just got a reply that sent me to a Paypal site regarding Paypal status.   It looked as if one area was under maintenance but really didn't let me know if the problem I wrote about was being fixed.   Why couldn't they just say " yes, we are aware of the problem and are working to fix it"  ?

Message 3 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

That's more than what I got for a response...the only response I got was their request for me to phone them...

Message 4 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

I haven't used PP packing slips in a while but I just had a look and the info that shows up on their is really weird!

Message 5 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

PayPal just keeps telling me its my web browser...I have cleared cache & cookies, changed web browsers... all to no avail...

Message 6 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

....yep I have seen that too, another useless reason to get out the...


Message 7 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

@pmlinne wrote:

I have recently noticed that when I print out the Paypal packing slip that there is unnecessary information now being printed at the top and bottom.  The top has the information that is usually at the top of Paypal pages, et.  My Account Summary,  Activity, Send and Request, etc. and the bottom of the page has text that is usually found at the bottom, eg.  Help, Contact, Security.

This extra info is cluttering up the packing slip.   Has anyone else noticed this?   It is a nuisance to have to cut this off before putting the slip in the parcel.  

I'm curious as to why everyone else is experiencing this, the paypal packing slips are printing normally for me. There is nothing extra produced that I would need to trim off.


I assume everyone is opening the Transaction Details page and then clicking on the Print Packing Slip link located below the customers contact info. When I do this a print friendly packing slip is rendered by the browser's print software. Naturally, I toggle off  "show headers and Footers". The resulting packing slip almost always fits on half a sheet of 8 1/2 x 11.


The only way I found to print a bunch of unnecessary content was to open Transaction Details and click on the Print icon at the top of the page. Same result was obtained by right clicking and select Print.


Edited to add I tried both Chrome and Edge browsers, both rendered a normal print friendly packing slip after clicking on the "Print Packing slip" link located below the customer contact info found om the Transaction Details page. 

Message 8 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

Well, I did end up phoning and the customer rep was trying her best to deal with the problem.  She finally told me to open up a service ticket.  Again she was very helpful in terms of telling me how to go about this.   I was able to send a message describing the problem.   I received a reply ( in a timely manner), and was told that Tech Support was aware that this problem was affecting some customers.  He said they are looking into it and would let me know the results.  


Thanks to kawartha-ephemera for your post.   I am going to look into my printer and see if there is somewhere to turn off header/footer.    I never thought to do that because I haven't changed anything which would account for the headers/footers appearing. 

Message 9 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

I am going to look into my printer and see if there is somewhere to turn off header/footer.


If I click on Print in the line at the top of my screen, I get the whole page.

If I click on Control/Print I get the whole page.


If I click on Print on the packing slip, I get only the packing slip.


Nothing to do with my printer, only with which printing instructions I choose.

Message 10 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

have tried all the suggestions and so far nothing has worked to get rid of it,

Message 11 of 28
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PayPal packing slip



Because of the current issues with the packing slip that is created in Shippo was given the suggestion just to use the one in eBay Sellers Hub in Orders.....Print Packing Slip or Invoice.Trim as required.  Bit of nuisance but until I hear back from Shippo, method I am using.



Message 12 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

Yes, trimming off top and bottom of the PayPal packing slip is the only course of action available to me...

Message 13 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

@pmlinne wrote:

Well, I did end up phoning and the customer rep was trying her best to deal with the problem.  She finally told me to open up a service ticket.  Again she was very helpful in terms of telling me how to go about this.   I was able to send a message describing the problem.   I received a reply ( in a timely manner), and was told that Tech Support was aware that this problem was affecting some customers.  He said they are looking into it and would let me know the results.  


Thanks to kawartha-ephemera for your post.   I am going to look into my printer and see if there is somewhere to turn off header/footer.    I never thought to do that because I haven't changed anything which would account for the headers/footers appearing. 

Check the printer dialog screen that pops open in your browser. If you scroll down you should see a Headers and Footers on/off setting. Make sure that is set to "off". If that setting is set to "on" the web page's title will print in the header of the page and the web page address will print in the footer. Neither is necessary and just wastes paper and ink.

I've attached a screenshot of a what appears when I open a Paypal transaction details page.


Clicking the link circled in green produces a simple packing slip. 


For some reason they've added a second link there lately, so there are now 2 identical links. Clicking either one should work for you assuming you are being served the same sort of transaction details page.


Don't click on the Print icon circled in red at the top right of the page, that link prints everything on the page.



Screenshot (4)_LI.jpg




Message 14 of 28
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PayPal packing slip



As a BTW all is perfect according to eBay dot ca status. (Not to be compared with it was a perfect call.) open_mouth

Shipping Label Printing - Check



Message 15 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

Below is a screenshot of the printer dialog screen that opens using the Edge browser. Chrome produces the same result. 


The packing slip format is just the same as it has been for the last few years. 



Note that Headers and Footers are set to "off" which eliminates page title and address.


Message 16 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

It's unlikely that a problem with Paypal labels would show on an ebay status page. They have to go directly to PP to print a label there, it isn't connected directly to the ebay platform.  Do they actually EVER display a problem on that page?  Perhaps if it is affecting all customers but when it is only affecting some??


Message 17 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

How do you get to that transaction details page? Are you using the classic Paypal version? I don't see a page that looks quite like that and although the packing slip button is in a similar place, the results are different.   Here is my result when I go to activity or summary in Paypal and then click on the transaction....


PP transaction info.jpg

Message 18 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

When I click on 'print packing slip' on left side the packing slip looks normal but when it is actually printed or I use print preview it prints out over 2 pages. Headers and footers are not enabled.


PP packing slip .jpg

Message 19 of 28
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PayPal packing slip

I noticed I was getting a second page with very little on it.

So I set my printer to "double sided" which solved the problem.

Message 20 of 28
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