Return requested.

This morning I woke up to a return requested from the US.  I sell CD's and apparently the buyer stated that the CD skips.  Now the CD looked to be in excellent condition, but I don't test all of them.  Sometimes the CD looks perfect but one song usually there is an issue, this has happened before so I know it is possible.  The CD was $14.99 US with $4.25 US shipping.  I no longer have another copy.  


My feeling is just to refund the buyer and let it go.  I will never be able to sell the CD so why would I want it back.  I also checked the buyers feedback and they seem quite honest. 


What do you think?

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Return requested.



I did give a full refund and let her keep the CD.  It was $14.99 US plus 4.25 US shipping and personally I wouldn't want one that skipped either not at that price.  I did send her a personal email apologizing for the CD and explaining that it is impossible to predict that, especially since it looked in like new condition. 


Hopefully she will not give me a negative or a neutral because of it.  

I've found that when both the seller and the buyer are reasonable and work together to resolve the issue quickly, the buyer does not leave negative feedback.  They either leave none or they leave a positive saying something like the issue was resolved to their satisfaction.

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Return requested.

I know, USPS's version of find-a-rate seems to deliberately obscure all the cheapest options in favour of the priciest ones. It's not a subtle arm-twist either, the user has to REALLY look and then work to find the less expensive options. If I didn't already know that there was a service called First Class International, it would be all-too easy to overlook. 

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