01-10-2017 12:21 PM
Hi There!
I currently have a successful online shop and am looking to expand my business online using multiple selling platforms, so I created a new business account on ebay. I offer stencils that I have designed and and professionally cut myself. Each stencil design is available in multiple sizes, however, listing each size variation per design counts towards 1 of my listings and my selling limit is capped at 10 items! I currently have over 150 designs and am always adding more! Multiply that by 5 size variations each (give or take), I'll need my selling limit increased to a minimum of 750 items!
Has anyone who operates another successful online shop with a large number of items to sell tried to expand their business using ebay and come across these issues? Were you able to make it work for you? If so, how did you do it?
Please keep in mind that I know this limit is set for the protection of ebay and all buyers to avoid scammers from selling a large # of items for unbelievable prices and running when payday comes. I completely understand the reasoning, but I feel there should be exceptions made if we can prove other platforms are successful. On my other site, I have a 5 star rating and zero cases against me. I know the more items and variations I have listed here, the more exposure I'll have which results in more sales.
Any recommendations and constructive criticism are welcome! Also, if you know of any other selling platforms, I would be interested to learn more!
Thanks in advance for all the help with this! Much appreciated.
Best Regards,
01-10-2017 12:52 PM
I know this limit is set for the protection of ebay and all buyers to avoid scammers from selling a large # of items for unbelievable prices and running when payday comes.
but I feel there should be exceptions made if we can prove other platforms are successful.
EBay doesn't much care about that.
You can ask every 30 days for a reassessment of your limitations.
You know that your customers' cleared payments will be Held against your good customer service for 21 days as well,eh?
This is through Paypal and if you use them on other sites, you might try asking their Customer Service to look at your record with them.
01-10-2017 01:42 PM
Have you tried setting up one listing for each stencil, with size variations? This is called a multi-quantity fixed-price listing. In order to create variations, first make sure the listing form shows fixed price, then you can choose between 30 days for Good 'til Cancelled. You could then include a photo illustrating the size variations. Until your selling limits are increased, you may want to use 30 day listings, and change around your inventory to showcase different stencils each month.
01-10-2017 04:21 PM
@maggiebvintage2010 wrote:Have you tried setting up one listing for each stencil, with size variations? This is called a multi-quantity fixed-price listing. In order to create variations, first make sure the listing form shows fixed price, then you can choose between 30 days for Good 'til Cancelled. You could then include a photo illustrating the size variations. Until your selling limits are increased, you may want to use 30 day listings, and change around your inventory to showcase different stencils each month.
That doesn't work, each item in a multi-quantity listing counts as "an item" if you have a limit of 10 items and list a multi-quantity listing with a quantity of 10 then you are maxed out.
Back to the OP's question.....Yes ALL new sellers or sellers who have not been active recently will have similar limits. This has been true since 2012.
I have opened new accounts I was able to get a small increase in my limits immediately by calling eBay and linking the accounts. Even with that the limits were still very low. Now flash forward 6 months and the limits became high enough that I would never use them all.
All you can do is ask for an increase every 30 days (do not do it more frequently), if things go well your limits will be increased each time and eventually you will have limits that allow you to list as much as you like.
eBay does this for your protection, for the protection of buyers and of course for their own protection because if you screw up eBay are on the hook and buyers have a low tolerance for substandard sellers.
One other tip, when you apply for an increase do it when you are already at your maximum and possibly doing it early in the monthly cycle rather than at the end when the counter is about to reset.
01-10-2017 05:58 PM
Thanks for that clarification recped, I did not know that - never used a multi-quantity listing when I had a low item limit.
06-09-2021 06:02 PM
"Now flash forward 6 months and the limits became high enough that I would never use them all." This gave me hope lol Thank You.
06-10-2021 12:17 AM
Hi everyone,
Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.
Thank you for understanding.