02-19-2018 05:26 AM
We've found posts on ebay Canada Community that go back to the end of October of 2017 which state a seller noticed this problem with the ebay Canada Shipping Calculator where it won't show postage choices on the Item Listing page for destinations outside Canada that started earlier in the month. (This is not official, mind you.) Sellers on the French side of ebay Canada had been reporting a problem similar to this since the summer. Are they all the same problem? Different variations of the same problem? Are some user-generated problems? Only slightly-related problems? A hybrid of two problems? We don't exactly know.
Another thing we don't know is the reason this is taking as long to fix as it has been broken. Calculated Shipping is a fundamental tool for ebay.ca sellers. If you as a seller are experiencing problems as a result of this broken tool, please add your voice to the Weekly Chat with ebay staff (overnight Tuesday evening to Wednesday morning) and/or call ebay Customer Service to add your user ID to the ticket opened for this 'bug'.
What we do know is that there are workaround options. There are two ways to compensate for this which users have found to be successful for themselves and other users have confirmed it also works for them. A third is a drastic shift to how you might calculate postage for your listings but, theoretically, one you wouldn't have to un-do once this problem is finally fixed.
1. Tell your buyers to Add to Cart to check postage costs for Fixed Price listings. OR
2. Remove Air Parcel service* from Auctions to see the other postage costs displayed properly for USA and international destinations. Of course, this will leave buyers in countries served by Air Parcel with no easy way to checkout if they buy something from you until you manually invoice them.
3. Switch to flat-rate shipping which is a method many sellers on ebay Canada and Canadian sellers from Canada on ebay.com use anyway.
*For whatever odd reason, the glitch seems to be tied specifically to Air Parcel, and possibly also the less-used Surface Parcel. I can tell you, however, that if you attempt to (temporarily) remove Air Parcel (or Surface Parcel) from listings as your workaround, please note that doing so via Bulk Edit will not actually save the changes.
This is a bug with the Bulk Editor; I've experienced this phenomena in the past with bulk editor bulk changes to international postage options, you can make the changes but they won't take. (It's been like this for probably two to three years, luckily I have few reasons to do a massive bulk edit of that field of data.) You have to make the changes via old fashioned Revise Item one at a time, or using Bulk Editor but selecting the items Edit Listings Individually. Of course, if you have items of varying sizes/valued selected, you might want to do it that way anyway.
Any of the ways that you chose as a workaround, it presents a very time-consuming effort. And likely one that is not ideal if you rely on sales to countries served only by Air Parcel, or don't want to long-term pay the cost of adding Fixed Price upgrades to your running Auctions. And one you'd need to undo when the Shipping Calculator is fixed. With a switch to flat-rate, however, you might decide to stick it out that way after all the work is done.
For now, I'm merely removing Air Parcel service from my Auctions only, as Add to Cart for Buy It Now (BIN) format listings shows postage as it should for international buyers looking to purchase BIN items. If you are a seller whose business model relies on Auctions, you might consider that or instead adding the Fixed Price upgrade to those listings (fees apply, however, maybe you could appeal to ebay to get these refunded) so that your buyers can at least get a postage estimate that way.
My business model doesn't rely on Auctions, they are mostly an after-thought here. And, as I've stated elsewhere, my outside-Canada sales don't seem to be affected by this problem as significant as it is, since I use primarily Buy It Now (Fixed Price) Good Till Cancelled listings. Oddly, it is my domestic sales that have dropped in recent weeks but those are not affected by the glitch. That decline in domestic sales does, however, occur periodically in my category. If the problem truly began in October, it didn't affect my toy sales over the holiday at all.
Switching to flat-rate shipping is also an option but one that requires thought, planning and time as it's set up to work in a way that users accustomed to Calculated Shipping might struggle with to start. I used flat-rate shipping at first when I began to sell on ebay but soon found Calculated Shipping to be much to my preference, and it worked flawlessly for me for 4.85 of the past five years I've used it. Until this.
There have been countless threads opened on this topic over the past few months, as you can imagine, so I will cite only a few for background should you wish to read through them. Some of the threads were created as Questions in the Answer Centre and you may have to click Comments or View Entire Topic to read all the pertinent discussion available to be shown.
Solved! Go to Solution.
02-23-2018 02:15 PM
Hi everyone! I just wanted to update this thread and let you know I received word this morning that the fix our product team has been working on was rolled out. Buyers are now able to calculate shipping rates on listings (including to the US).
The 'invalid postal code' message display issue remains and is being worked on currently. Thanks for your patience while this has been sorted out!
02-19-2018 12:00 PM
02-19-2018 12:02 PM
Bugs, glitches, problems, lack of fixes, workarounds, the never-ending litany of eBay "service" to its users.
Considering eBay has stated that over 70% of sellers use flat rate shipping, and that it took eBay nearly 2 years to fix the cart problem (at which point they managed to break some related features), how long do you think it will take for eBay to address this issue?
My motto for eBay sellers: Sauve qui peut.
02-19-2018 12:09 PM
Holy Hannah, this really should not be happening. I mean eBay's been around for awhile. What the heck is going on?
I've been on eBay for over 15 years and frankly, in all that time they've never been able to sort out their buyer checkout/payment system to make it fully and reliably functional for any reasonable length of time. What's worse is that they keep breaking things that did work (at least for a while).
02-19-2018 12:42 PM
02-19-2018 01:40 PM
Also, if I may comment on this: "I'm afraid to go back and try again to see what might show up next. I think I will leave it for awhile in the hopes that it is indeed being worked on, and hopefully will soon be fixed."
Yes. I too am reluctant to invest 20+ hours of contortions to 'fix' a problem that should be fixed four months ago. Whether that's eliminating Air Parcel from Fixed Price listings as well as Auctions or adding the Fixed Price (not free) upgrade to auction listings so that buyers can get postage estimates like that... well, I just don't want to do a pile of work that would need to be undone when the problem is fixed. (I think maybe ebay was trying to get rid of Surface Parcel and messed up Air Parcel but that's pure speculation on my part.) Regardless, we're somewhat stuck.
For sellers relying on time- and price-sensitive Auctions, this is a big problem.
There is a fourth option that comes to mind but it's probably the least attractive of them all: making every listing free international postage. But that's such a wild card. International postage with tracking can be $85 CAD to some places and $40 to others so.... you'd have to be working with items or orders of high value before that would make any sense whatsoever.
We must wait and see.
02-19-2018 02:25 PM
02-20-2018 01:29 PM
My suggestion is to remove all listings from ebay.ca and put them on ebay.com
Ebay.com is properly supported, whereas ebay.ca simply isn't.
When you rent a car, do you choose the one that works, or the one that doesn't work, and doesn't get repaired?
02-20-2018 02:05 PM
If you switch to dotCOM, you have to use Flat Rate Shipping, unless you are fortunate enough to live near the border or to use ChitChat Express or a similar reshipper.
DotCOM only supports Flat Rate shipping for non-US sellers.
So if a substantial number of sales are going to Canada, the seller has to deal with Regional/National rates. This may also have some impact on US rates.
And if you are going for Flat Rate shipping, there is something to be said for going all in and using "Free" shipping, which buyers love.
02-20-2018 04:55 PM
If you list on .com you must use a flat rate for shipping unless you are using usps.
If you list on .ca and use flat rate shipping there is no need to use the calculator.
So please explain how moving your listings to .com because of the calculator problems would be a “fix”?
02-20-2018 06:34 PM
First, off thanks to momcqueen for the tips. I'll have to give the flat rate opopti a try.
This week week I finally made a sale to a USA buyer after no international sales over the last few weeks. The shipping costs didnot show upuin the cart and I had to create a new invoice for the buyer.
I will say i am terribly disappointed in ebay over this and have been looking other options for selling.
02-20-2018 07:45 PM
Thank you for commenting and I'm sorry to hear that Add to Cart did not satisfied the function it should have at that point for your buyer. Based on user reports, we are trying to determine the reason this workaround apparently doesn't work for everyone when it works for others.
Would you be so kind as to screenshot and post your postal choices as well as the size of your package and weight for that listing? Do you recall what error message the buyer got when he tired to Add to Cart? Also buyer location etc.
02-20-2018 07:55 PM
Also, the weekly chat is open. Please share your concerns about this with Tyler overnight for his response tomorrow.
02-20-2018 08:41 PM
The workarounds suggested still work for me. I checked them again to see if ebay had somehow changed things which would render the tactic irrelevant and it all appeared as it should.
Add to Cart still provides a completely accurate postage for the buyer
This Auction listing is one where I removed Air Parcel Service and it fixed the rest
02-21-2018 05:26 PM
I'm interested to know why eBay refuses to admit these calculator issues are a problem for Canadian Sellers and US and Intl. buyers and to clearly explain on the listings why these features are not working as they should and what they are doing to resolve?
02-21-2018 07:25 PM
I thought eBay fixed this problem, it is back for me!
What awful customer service! Whoever made this software change should have tested it before putting it in use.
This is absolutely killing my sales.
02-22-2018 06:26 PM
Adding another thread to this round-up:
There are a handful of sellers who seem to be struggling to make the temporary fix-its work so I wonder as to the commonality between them.
Perhaps it's an imperial unit of measure conflict, as I use metric.
Going forward, if you as a seller are coming to report whether these suggested workarounds work for you or don't can you please note whether you're using metric or imperial units of measurement with your listings?
02-22-2018 06:45 PM
02-22-2018 06:55 PM - edited 02-22-2018 06:56 PM
We use Metric. Here's a screenshot of our shipping options for anything under 1kg. Obviously we'd need to change the shipping option to the US to Expedited otherwise, and lose Tracked Packet Int'l altogether if the weight was over 2kg.
02-22-2018 07:01 PM
Thank you.
I think it's important to determine the reason that these workarounds are functioning for some users and not others and, at the moment, I suspect a metric/imperial miscommunication.
I also use metric units of measurement and I'm not seeing any failures.