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New seller: item lost in the US mail

Hi, everyone, I made my first eBay sales about a month ago--five separate collectible sports programs from the 40s that had belonged to my grandfather that my mom might have thrown out. I'm in Canada, and four went to the US. Three of those were fine...

Resolved! Yet another shipping question. Canada Post options

Ok, I've looked into this a bit and feel fairly certain the answer but I want to ask to make sure I'm not missing something. So in my beginning days I got advice to ship everything within Canada Regular Parcel and US - Tracked Packet so i always had ...

End to end payment

In this month, I switched my payment to end to end payment from the original paypal payment. And on Tursday, Mar.16th, I received the payment, a CA$7 stamp order. But today I received the payment about CAD$5.64. The ebay charged about 20% of the paym...

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Resolved! Buyer wants a full refund...

Long story short, I messed up my quantity numbers and sold out of an item a buyer was expecting, I offered a substitution, they agreed to accept it.They received the substituted item and now do not want it and are not happy with it and want a full re...

Keep getting Technical errors when sending invoices

For the past few weeks, I tried multiple times to send invoices. I have been getting the same message over and over, stating:! There was a technical error - please try again in a moment.I actually had to cancel an order (from Singapour) last week bec...

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shipping to Brunei

Im trying to ship an item to Brunei,but Shippo,and Canada Post arent printing a shipping label for me. Does anyone know whether or not Canada Post has stopped shipping there during the Pandemic?Thanks

Buyers opening case that item not received

Looking for some suggestions/thoughts how to handle...Here is the scenario. Say, i have listed an item including an explicity condition in my listing 'if buyers buy without tracking shipping option or whatever, as a seller, i do not have any control ...

Managed Payments come to Canada

It's official Managed Payments will be arriving in Canada "later this year". Personally I'm not too concerned. Official announcement here:

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Would like to know why we have to pay a seller fee to PayPal for moneythat is not part of OUR sales transaction? Anyone else notice this? PayPal charged the commission on the taxcollected by eBay for the state of Nebraska and added it into my total f...

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Can I ship the item from another country

I just made my account at ebay Canada , and living in Canada too. My family is living in Asia and shipping items to me. Is it possible if my family can ship to buyer from Asia so that they dont need to ship to me first and I can save shipping cost? O...

Buyer unable to pay with Paypal

I am not on MP yet, but I just had this message from a buyerHi, I tried buying this all day yesterday but it just would not complete on paypal for some reason. This morning was to be my last attempt before giving up.

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Canada Post Tracked Packs To Europe Today Are Half Price? Huh? Must Be a Mirage....

Today I was costing a 250 gram shipment (35x27x1cm) to Italy. The total price on Snap Ship came to $24 ALL IN! Regular = Over $40. Then I checked the same shipment to the UK and got the same results. This is cheaper than Int Surface Parcel. See photo...

Ebay SIN Number

If they think im gonna give them my SIN number. Just like the bucks program they will reverse their decisions arbitrarily and they will still have my personal and sensitive information on file ready and waiting for hackers.

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Canada Post send parcels by stamps???

 Need advice for new seller here. I sell media and clothing and I found this photo online and it show someone sending a small parcel (definitely >20mm) using only stamps and dropping it in the red mailboxes. Is that actually possible or simply a gamb...


Resolved! Was paid but buyer wants to upscale shipping

I've already been paid by customer but they want to upscale the delivery method (one I do not list) from tracked packet USA to expedited USA. How do I send a revised invoice under Managed Payments for this extra cost?Do I have to refund and send a ne...

Flat rate and Calculated shipping for the same listing?

Hello everyone, This is my first post here even though I have been a member of Ebay since 2003! I retired recently and I'm enjoying the challenge of selling as something to keep busy and get rid of clutter around the house. I'm really impressed with ...

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To anyone selling Dr Seuss books

To anyone currently or planning to sell Dr Seuss books, please be warned. There was a seller on dot com that had a listing ended by eBay. See attached from news. (6 as per this story) -Lotz

Listings eligible to send offers

Good day fellow community members! Hey, have any of you guys tried sending offers to potential buyers, and if so, did you have any success? I am curious, but a little leery of intruding on somebody elses day with uninvited offers. Thanks in advance f...

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I'm a New seller and don't want to be ripped off .

Hi I'm new to ebay and I put up two items up to sell ,and I wanted to get the most i could for them ,so i may have even overpriced one or maybe even both , well after 2 days I got a offer for both by the same person and it looks to me the offer is wh...

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About Insuring a Return

Has anyone had experience with the following? I'm in the process of buying a return label for a buyer. I'm considering insuring the shipment but I don't know if there"s a point.I'm buying the label but the buyer is the shipper, so if a claim is to be...

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