08-03-2013 01:09 PM
I always expect sales to drop off during the summer but I thought this year might be different. We're not having summer in Manitoba this year so I thought maybe people would start browsing eBay .
The warm weather didn't come until July -- we had two hot weeks and then cool temperatures for the last 3 weeks. We're lucky to get a high of 20 degrees and the long-range forecast is the same. So depressing Well, it gives us more time to dig out the jumper cables and shovels for the next 8 months of winter.
I hope the rest of the country is doing better.
08-03-2013 01:15 PM
I have experienced a steady drop in sales starting from mid April. I am now down 60% from my March sales. I sell mostly unique products that are quite different than anything else that is available, so I don’t think it's competition. Not all my products have sold well, but the ones that have sold well and consistently are just sitting around.
I don’t think it has anything to do with the new search engine and the 'best match' algorithm as I have seen other post on this. Some of my (historically) best selling items have to do with PICAXE microcontrollers. If you do a 'best match' search on ‘PICAXE’ the first 4 items are mine and I have 6 times in the first 10. The first 3 items and especially the 6th one in that search were all good sellers up until mid-April. They sold well last year this time too and all through summer. Now they no longer sell at all.
Something is amiss, and it's not just the summer doldrums.
08-03-2013 01:35 PM
@aztecmcuprototyping wrote:I have experienced a steady drop in sales starting from mid April. I am now down 60% from my March sales. I sell mostly unique products that are quite different than anything else that is available, so I don’t think it's competition. Not all my products have sold well, but the ones that have sold well and consistently are just sitting around.
I don’t think it has anything to do with the new search engine and the 'best match' algorithm as I have seen other post on this. Some of my (historically) best selling items have to do with PICAXE microcontrollers. If you do a 'best match' search on ‘PICAXE’ the first 4 items are mine and I have 6 times in the first 10. The first 3 items and especially the 6th one in that search were all good sellers up until mid-April. They sold well last year this time too and all through summer. Now they no longer sell at all.
Something is amiss, and it's not just the summer doldrums.
I completely agree with you! What convinces me this is not just a weather or holiday-related issue is when sellers are saying that items they could almost always count on to sell well and quickly are just sitting still. The watchers are there, but no sell-through.
I too have unique items that used to sell predictably well, yet sales have been sliding downward since Feb./March. What used to be my "hottest" sellers aren't selling at all. The last 3 weeks - absolutely no sales! This is almost unprecedented for my eBay store. I have some theories on this, and would be interested in others' views: see my posts #5, 13 and 27 on this thread and tell me what you think:
to 'jt libra' -- If it's any consolation, we're in the same boat here in Nova Scotia where summer is concerned -- July was an absolute wash-out, more rain (and harder downpours) than I can recall in any summer anywhere I've lived in Canada. In one month we got half our year's normal supply! Even Prince Rupert (the rain capital of Canada) is having a better summer...
08-03-2013 02:07 PM
Rose, when you say 'feeds', are you referring to all of the item pictures on the landing page?
08-03-2013 02:47 PM - edited 08-03-2013 02:49 PM
I have a feeling that US buyers are buying from their own more than ever.
OK.......... I get that.
What I don't get is: Why are the Canadian buyers not buying from me?
I know that my items are top notch and can compete with any and all sellers world-wide.
I also know that Canadian collectors and buyers are well represented in the areas I specialize in and they are buying.
With the GSP and US shipping issues, it's becoming more and more difficult for Canadians to buy from the States....................
They should be buying from home more than ever.
Are Canadians buying from you?
08-03-2013 03:53 PM
08-03-2013 03:54 PM
08-03-2013 04:28 PM
That's a similar breakdown for me .................. 10% to Canadians.
In my case the amount I charge for shipping has nothing to do with my actual cost.
I charge the same US sellers charge to ship within the States.
I have no viable theory as to why Canadians are not buying from me.
My items are the best with very competitive prices and low shipping costs............. and now, for a Canadian buying from the US it's more of a PITA than ever...................
So Where Are all the Canadian buyers?
I know they're buying from Americans, but why not from me?
08-03-2013 09:09 PM
Are Canadians buying from you?
Actually, this past year, my sales to Canadians have really increased. I would say it's now about 65% Canadian / 35% US. I have no explanation for it. I keep my shipping costs as low as possible and try to use lettermail whenever possible. For items requiring a parcel rate, I try whenever possible to combine items which, at one time, I would have sold separately, e.g. 3 full-size skin care items can be shipped for basically the same price as one. While the asking price is higher, they take about the same time to sell as one full-size item at a high shipping cost.
But still, overall, my sales are down quite a bit compared to the same time last year and I'm beginning to begrudge the time I spend on eBay to make a few extra dollars every month. If it was just an hour or two a day, I wouldn't mind but, many days, it's 5 or 6 hours when you factor in taking pictures, comparing prices, doing research on new products, re-listing, answering questions, packaging and on and on. Today I asked myself when was the last time I sat and read a book.
I'm seriously considering quitting this fall. I have a lot of stock which I'll try to sell in other ways. But the cost in time vs benefit is no longer worthwhile. I've learned a lot, I've "met" a lot of nice people on these boards and through sales and I have no regrets. I just think it's time to push the keyboard aside and "get a life"
08-04-2013 10:08 AM
"" I would say it's now about 65% Canadian / 35% US..........."""
That's the way it should be for Canadian sellers.
I wish I could do that, but I have no idea how to get Canadians to buy from me as opposed to US sellers.
I know my items are more than competitive and I know Canadians are buying.
I just have no idea why they're not buying from home (especially with the non-stop complaints re the GSP and US shipping costs).
08-06-2013 03:12 PM
Please explain why you think that 35% of your sales should be from Canadians?
08-06-2013 07:13 PM
Because I'm Canadian.
08-08-2013 03:25 AM
@i*m-still-here wrote:Because I'm Canadian.
I'm aware that you're Canadian but I'm curious why you think that 35% is the way that it should be? Basically you're saying that 1 of every 3 buyers that you have should be Canadian.but the number of potential buyers in Canada is tiny compared to potential buyers in the U.S. and other countries.
08-08-2013 09:42 AM - edited 08-08-2013 09:45 AM
pj, the post actually said 65% Canadian as jt-libra first posted it. I just agreed with the post without giving the actual breakdown much thought.
The point is that IMO MORE of my sales should be Canadian and I don't know if that should be 65% or 35% or 20%.
It's just that Canadians are buying exactly as would be expected by population percentage and not favoring Canadian sellers even when items are as good as better and without all the shipping hassles..................... and we are after all their own.
The buyer's board is one post after the other an on and on and on ad nauseam re the GSP.................. but those Canadian shoppers are not turning to Canadian sellers (at least not to me).
They're either there just letting off steam or leaving eBay. No?
08-04-2013 12:55 PM
@i*m-still-here wrote:I know my items are more than competitive and I know Canadians are buying.
I just have no idea why they're not buying from home (especially with the non-stop complaints re the GSP and US shipping costs).
You've brought up a mystery that I've never been able to solve - or resolve I should perhaps say -- despite offering free (or very discounted) shipping domestically on most items, lots of photos and listing information, competitive pricing and high quality.
Over the years it's been fairly consistent - only about 5% to 10% Canadian buyers. This has remained the case even with TRS status (which I was hoping would give me better exposure on eBay.ca).
I can't even come up with a theory on this. I think you're right that Canadians still prefer to buy the same type of articles from the U.S. still. But why? Is is a perception that prices and quality will be better from the States? Or is it just that Canadians log into eBay.com (rather than .ca) and hence get so many more U.S. listings than Canadian?
Whatever the explanation, I've tried hard to attract Canadian buyers, but still only get a domestic sale once in a while.
08-04-2013 01:08 PM
@pjcdn2005 wrote:Rose, when you say 'feeds', are you referring to all of the item pictures on the landing page?
Yes, that's it.
However keep in mind there are two "Feeds" - one is a general showcase before sign-in, the other is specific to the individual signing in.
It's the latter I find more interesting and actually more fraught with issues. EBay is compiling data on each buyer's habits and the results will become more and more accurately targeted as time goes on.
This may be good if you're a seller whose items appeal to a wide range of buyers. However if you're not, my concern is that as buyers start getting "sucked into" scrolling through their own Feeds (and I admit there is something about those Feeds that is enticing), they may stop bothering to do searches.
I have another "experiment" in the works to test a theory of mine about these Feeds. Since eBay won't tell us how they function, or how eBay's search parameters operate, the only way to form some concept of the system is to work backwards by deduction.
08-04-2013 01:30 PM
In my area, my belief is that one of the reasons Canadians buy from the US so they can avoid the taxes (many stamp packages are small and get across the border without catching taxes). (This is even true within Canada - provinces without HST will buy from me (in ON) because of the lower taxes)
I've had disucssions with buyers in the past that think they shouldn't have to pay taxes because they bought off ebay.com so some of them are for sure bying off .com with the expectation of not paying taxes.
Everything I list is on .com. Generally I get burned for the taxes, which is why, if you check my listings I charge shipping to Canadians whilst US customers get free shipping. If a Canadian lets me send an invoice, I zero out the shipping and bill them for the provincial portion of the HST and I cover the rest (I've always covered the 5% portion for customers, kind of an expectation in the stamp world)
I have for a long time tried to understand the waves, one week I have lots of sales to Canadians, the next week lots of USA, the next week it is all Russia and Australia, then again maybe USA..... My belief for this is that the ebay matching process varies who it favours, ie this week, it will show me to more Aussies and next week maybe more Canadians - with the purpose perhaps that it is not forever showing the same stuff to a given buyer - because none of us want buyers to get bored and stop looking!
08-04-2013 02:59 PM
What I figured out is eBay default search settings has some issues and they really need to fix it for the Canadian sellers or not everyone may survive if this keep happen for long time. For example if you type (Lenovo desktop computer) and hit enter on eBay.ca website>>>you will see ebay default settings is best match. I have no problem with that! Problem is left menu filter settings! there are one thing you must have to select to see the Canadian listing and thats call show items from Canada only!
My question is why not ebay doing it default as canada only then buyer may have the option to select ebay canada to see if someone selling the same items from USA. On canadian site eBay should display items from Canada first if same matched found, but ebay showing international sellers first even if they are low cost or higher cost.
We have seen our sales dropped too because of this new settings and promoting us/international sellers more than canadian sellers on ebay.ca. Also we have found ebay google products listing advertise from google search take buyers to a compare page for a certain product and as usual there is promoted USA/International sellers first for most of the time.
So I believe eBay is doing what he wants and we have to deal with it the way eBay think as the best.
But If there is a feture request, I would request to make default as (item from canada only). Which may increase sales for all of the canadian sellers!
08-04-2013 03:30 PM
But If there is a feture request, I would request to make default as (item from canada only). Which may increase sales for all of the canadian sellers!
Perhaps -- but I don't think ithat's realistic. I believe that many casual or infrequent Canadian buyers log on to eBay.com, not aware that there is also a .ca. I know I've had to explain to countless people that they could streamline their search significantly by logging on to .ca, thereby eliminating all the listings by sellers who don't ship to Canada. So I think it's safe to say that these people don't know a lot about menu options. If they do search on .ca, I'm actually a little uncomfortable with "force feeding" them items from Canadian sellers by default. Let them look around and compare prices. They may find that the items which appear to be most attractively presented and priced are indeed Canadian listings.
On the other hand, experienced buyers will choose several options when looking for a particular item. They may look first at those ending soonest, lowest combined shipping & handling and, like me, let's see just see what the Canadian sellers have to offer.
The market is based on competition and we have to roll with it.
08-04-2013 04:19 PM
My question is why not ebay doing it default as canada only then buyer may have the option to select ebay canada to see if someone selling the same items from USA. On canadian site eBay should display items from Canada first if same matched found, but ebay showing international sellers first even if they are low cost or higher cost.
And then .com would default to U.S. sellers only?? That would be a nightmare for Canadian sellers. Not all buyers are going to know that they can change the default. For those that don't know, I would rather that they see all items available to Canada on .ca and on .com without having to fiddle with the settings.
There have been a couple of times when listings originally done on .ca were not showing up on .com unless the searcher checked off 'worldwide'. (and perhaps North America) It was a glitch that lasted for a few days but sales were dismal during that time as buyers (including Canadian buyers) signed into .com were not seeing any items listed on .ca.