04-01-2020 03:32 PM
Well - that's it I'm done.
Removed all my Listings and deleted them
I'm not going out for at least 2 or 3 weeks depending on circumstance.
Good Luck everybody
And Stay Safe
And keep yr stick on the ice.
04-05-2020 01:24 PM
04-05-2020 02:01 PM
the buyers are thinking the INR official process is a communication process which it is not. It is a claims process with time limits.
And yet the first suggestion is that the complainant Contact the Seller.
Buyers don't read.
This goes with the people who leave negative or neutral FB and then don't understand why they didn't get a refund -- or any response at all.
At least the system starts with less draconian instructions, at least the last one I saw, and requires the complainant to go to a second page before the Dispute starts.
04-05-2020 02:53 PM - edited 04-05-2020 02:54 PM
@femmefan1946 wrote:the buyers are thinking the INR official process is a communication process which it is not. It is a claims process with time limits.
And yet the first suggestion is that the complainant Contact the Seller.
Buyers don't read.
This goes with the people who leave negative or neutral FB and then don't understand why they didn't get a refund -- or any response at all.
At least the system starts with less draconian instructions, at least the last one I saw, and requires the complainant to go to a second page before the Dispute starts.
In my experience, it is less a "not reading" problem and moreso a "not understanding" problem. Many of those I've talked to on the phone profess to having poor computer/online/eBay skills, so I suspect they're picking the first thing that sounds/looks like it will do what they want to do. (ie how does one contact the seller, where do I go to do that?)
Now I must confess, I've never personally followed the INR process so I don't know for sure what they see, but I will say for 100% that I am much much more frequently these days just calling these folks, it is totally amazing how little they understand of the process, how things work, and especially how things they do can "hurt" me.
I happen to be in a relatively "happy" customer set, so I've not yet been ranted and raved at on the phone, and it has made life so much faster and quicker when I've called.
04-05-2020 03:56 PM - edited 04-05-2020 03:57 PM
eBay tells them to contact the seller and that is exactly what they do...they contact them the way ebay has set it up. When they click on to contact seller, it gives them a choice of topics one of which is 'I haven't received my item'. When they click on that, an inr opens. Most people are going to choose that topic if that is the problem and probably think they are just sending a message..not opening a claim. To most buyers, that is part of the communication process and eBay has intentionally set it up that way.
04-05-2020 04:18 PM
04-05-2020 04:35 PM
As far as I know the buyer still has to ask ebay to step in after 3 business days before a refund is given. But I think that on June 1 ebay 'may' refund automatically even if the buyer hasn't asked them to step in and if there is no proof of shipment.(they don't say that they will..just that they may refund) I have a problem with that because many of us don't use tracking and often when a buyer opens an inr and they are asked to wait a specific amount of time, they are willing to do so. Now, I would hesitate to ask them to wait.
04-05-2020 05:29 PM
04-05-2020 05:31 PM
Domestics thus far not had any delays, im just in a wait and see mode, sales up but may change. Internationals basically a wash, many closed or restricted, 2-4 week delays, surface ship only some countries, no air cargo for others, things are deteriorating, might joining crowd in the cerb line soon.
04-06-2020 11:55 AM
04-06-2020 12:13 PM
04-06-2020 12:28 PM - edited 04-06-2020 12:33 PM
The first things a basic income (hater) says is 'Your taxes will go up... Inflations..., THEY will stop working... bla, bla, bla..." all are wrong...
...and been proven in all the studies already done.
POLICY RESOLUTION 100 and push the PM's office with "messages" of support of it, the Liberal Party are heading that way anyways, and media boy Justin would love that "legacy" as his daddy was the first to test it in Manitoba with the NDP, back in the day...
04-06-2020 01:03 PM
04-06-2020 01:53 PM
But I think that on June 1 ebay 'may' refund automatically even if the buyer hasn't asked them to step in and if there is no proof of shipment.(they don't say that they will..just that they may refund)
I think we need some guidance here.
04-06-2020 02:24 PM
Hi @femmefan1946 - @pjcdn2005 is correct in their assessment of the Spring Seller Update (link here).
Specifically, from that page, "In addition, if proof of shipment is not provided within 3 business days after an “Item not received” case is opened, we may decide the case in the buyer’s favour without requiring the buyer to contact eBay."