That's it I'm done


Well - that's it I'm done.

Removed all my Listings and deleted them

I'm not going out for at least 2 or 3 weeks depending on circumstance.

Good Luck everybody


And Stay Safe

And keep yr stick on the ice.


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 1 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

To add to this, people are panicked and not in their right minds at the moment. You'll get panicked buyers that will have an itchy trigger finger and won't listen to logic or have an ounce of patience.

And unless you sell essential items people can't get online elsewhere, you'll get buyers that are boredom shopping, and then changing their minds later on, realizing they have no money.

AND... most notably, normally we can deal with problems and headaches fairly quickly when they arise. Not today. Try calling ANY customer service line and expect hours on hold.

I MAY bring back some listings if this drags on, but only ones that i can ship with CP tracking, insurance and only in Canada. At least that way, i won't fall victim to INRs and i can fill out tickets/claims online.
Message 41 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

the buyers are thinking the INR official process is a communication process which it is not. It is a claims process with time limits.


And yet the first suggestion is that the complainant Contact the Seller.


Buyers don't read.

This goes with the people who leave negative or neutral FB and then don't understand why they didn't get a refund -- or any response at all.

At least the system starts with less draconian instructions, at least the last one I saw, and requires the complainant to go to a second page before the Dispute starts.



Message 42 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

@femmefan1946 wrote:

the buyers are thinking the INR official process is a communication process which it is not. It is a claims process with time limits.


And yet the first suggestion is that the complainant Contact the Seller.


Buyers don't read.

This goes with the people who leave negative or neutral FB and then don't understand why they didn't get a refund -- or any response at all.

At least the system starts with less draconian instructions, at least the last one I saw, and requires the complainant to go to a second page before the Dispute starts.



In my experience, it is less a "not reading" problem and moreso a "not understanding" problem. Many of those I've talked to on the phone profess to having poor computer/online/eBay skills, so I suspect they're picking the first thing that sounds/looks like it will do what they want to do. (ie how does one contact the seller, where do I go to do that?)


Now I must confess, I've never personally followed the INR process so I don't know for sure what they see, but I will say for 100% that I am much much more frequently these days just calling these folks, it is totally amazing how little they understand of the process, how things work, and especially how things they do can "hurt" me.


I happen to be in a relatively "happy" customer set, so I've not yet been ranted and raved at on the phone, and it has made life so much faster and quicker when I've called.



Message 43 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

eBay tells them to contact the seller and that is exactly what they do...they contact them the way ebay has set it up.  When they click on to contact seller, it gives them a choice of topics one of which is 'I haven't received my item'. When they click on that, an inr opens. Most people are going to choose that topic if that is the problem and probably think they are just sending a message..not opening a claim.  To most buyers, that is part of the communication process and eBay has intentionally set it up that way.

Message 44 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

Hi pjc! THX for providing the blow by blow, which also explains exactly why they have no idea they've done something significant by clicking on that box.

I don't know how many times I've heard "I just wanted to let you know I haven't gotten it yet" either in the actual message or when I talk with them.

In the "good old days" not that long ago, if one replied to an INR with a message, it put the ball back in the buyers court awaiting a response from them. In those days if the buyer never did anything, the INR eventually died a quiet death. That is not the case now, the time limit expires and the automagic refund happens at the 5 day mark whether or not the buyer has responded. I do understand that some unscrupulous sellers in the good old days probably left things that way in the hope that the buyer didn't know they had to reply or do something else to move the INR forward which is why it is the way it is now. Still doesn't make me like it any better though.
Message 45 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

As far as I know the buyer still has to ask ebay to step in after 3 business days before a refund is given. But I think that on June 1 ebay 'may' refund automatically even if the buyer hasn't asked them to step in and if there is no proof of shipment.(they don't say that they will..just that they may refund)  I have a problem with that because many of us don't use tracking and often when a buyer opens an inr and they are asked to wait a specific amount of time, they are willing to do so.  Now, I would hesitate to ask them to wait.

Message 46 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

Well, I could be wrong but I don't think the buyer has to do anything anymore because I had exactly that case.

Buyer by accident opened INR, for a non tracked item. I communicate with them they are AOK to wait wayyyy more than the 5 days.

I send a message in the INR summarizing our call (so the "ball" is in their court).

The ball remains in their court on the INR status.

One the "expiry" day (or day before?) I got an email saying I had to do something "now" or it would be automagically refunded and I get a ding. It was not in those words, I can't remember exactly what it said, and sadly, despite the fact I keep the messages around MIA packages I did not keep that specific message for this one.

I think I called the support folks and as I understood it, yes I have to now do something, ie refund or prove delivery irregardless of what the buyer does/n't do.

As you note, 80-90% of my shipments are not tracked, which was the case for this item.

I really wish I had kept the message, I've got another one (the Toronto one) on the go that is fine to wait so I'll see if I get the message this time around. (Won't be till the 8th).
Message 47 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

Domestics thus far not had any delays, im just in a wait and see mode, sales up but may change.  Internationals basically a wash,  many closed or restricted, 2-4 week delays, surface ship only some countries, no air cargo for others, things are deteriorating, might joining crowd in the cerb line soon.

Message 48 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

bingo. same experience and practically same response for me. Right now I'm prepping my 2019 taxes. Staying open was just not an option with sales dropping thru the floor and yes, intl customers getting annoyed with "why aren't you shipping to my country anymore?" (excuse me? have you read a newspaper recently??? LOL) and yes, too many "where's my item, its not here yet Im annoyed" questions. How do you respond to that seriously now? Ridiculous. And let's face it, what is eBay going to do to protect us? if the customer doesn't get the item, they still force refund them, simple as that.

I've gotten really tired of companies everywhere telling me in this syrupy tone "we're here for you" and when I examine just what they have to offer, its sweet FA. ebay fee deferral? I applied for it, what the heck. So what happens? They take 100% of the months fees out and I get no notice of any decision either way...LOL. Congratulations guys, way to help me out. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Being Albertan, I find it on the very ironic end that the only person in this country that is doing anything to help me out is Justin Trudeau. CERB here I come, and god bless his heart for it, the only guy - I'd include Doug Ford too but I don't live in ON - anywhere looking out for me as a Canadian who has been (hopefully temporarily) put out of business in this schmozzle.
Message 49 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

I had a case like this last couple weeks of March, customer in ON, I'm in AB, they file inr claim after 10 days - pretty fast for a Canadian, and a new customer (under 10 feedbacks) - then I asked them to wait until the 1st and they didn't respond. So, standard MO for con artists - file pretty much the first day possible, and keep comms to absolute minimum. I got the message "resolve this matter by such and such date" you talk about a couple days later. Didn't do anything as resolution centre still said awaiting buyers response. So was contacted the day I shut down by buyer in a tersely worded response about how inconvenienced they were at which point I refunded them and added them onto my blocked buyer list. Of course I think the customer got the item, but as we all know that has nothing to do with it lol.
Message 50 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

The first things a basic income (hater) says is 'Your taxes will go up... Inflations..., THEY will stop working... bla, bla, bla..." all are wrong...


...and been proven in all the studies already done.


POLICY RESOLUTION 100 and push the PM's office with "messages" of support of it, the Liberal Party are heading that way anyways, and media boy Justin would love that "legacy" as his daddy was the first to test it in Manitoba with the NDP, back in the day...

Message 51 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

its making a lot of sense right now, but I think we'll have to wait for the colossal economic slump that's going to result from this 6 - 12 months from now for them to formally look to this as a longer term solution not as the band aid they are using it for as right now. Its looking up, CBC, Global and other media outlets have done pieces on UBI within the last two weeks. 30% unemployment forecasted in the US and locally here in Edmonton 50% of small businesses expected to be DOA by June 1. The African continent completely unprepared economically or socially for quarantine and expecting total economic collapse. The way I see it if technocrats (public health officials) are given the thumbs up to formulate domestic policy, government hands are being forced in this direction. More directly put, if Donnie is throwing $2000 at every American, its seriously being considered everywhere. Denmark paying 75% of every laid off person's salary indefinitely. BoJo (hack hack) doing similar for Britoners. This concept is being taken seriously internationally, trust me. UBI does seem like the way of the future in light of automation but crisis is forcing politicians hands in this direction, they never would have chosen this way out of their own free will. Hopefully it will sink in a little deeper. Meanwhile south of 49 Andrew Yang is going "yeah, I was talking about this a couple months ago wasn't, not even I thought they'd pull this one out of their hat so fast!" haha
Message 52 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done


But I think that on June 1 ebay 'may' refund automatically even if the buyer hasn't asked them to step in and if there is no proof of shipment.(they don't say that they will..just that they may refund)




I think we need some guidance here.

Message 53 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

Hi @femmefan1946 - @pjcdn2005 is correct in their assessment of the Spring Seller Update (link here). 


Specifically, from that page, "In addition, if proof of shipment is not provided within 3 business days after an “Item not received” case is opened, we may decide the case in the buyer’s favour without requiring the buyer to contact eBay."



Message 54 of 54
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