
Will some body at Ebay damm well listen??? You cant put tracking ona $10 item that goes in a 10 cent envelope and has $1 stamp on it.     Please stop giving our money away dont see people say they dont receive so that you give them their money back? I am out of here I cant take this anymore, every week I argue with afaceless fool that just gives back money. Well I am closing my store and say good bye to $3000 a month in fees Ebay. Everyone listen,,, Shopify you will pay for it it in less than 6 months  this is **bleep**  at EBAY!!




Good BYE idiots

Message 1 of 6
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Re: Tracking

Community Member

I saw on one of your listings that you indicate Canada Post lettermail for both US and Canada shipping.  That gives a very tight, largley unrealistic, timeframe.  Using generic economy shipping gives a lot more time buffer:



letter post 3-7 business days
vs economy 2-18 business days



Canada Post Letter 6-10 business days
vs. Economy Int'l 12-36 business days

Message 2 of 6
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Re: Tracking

Community Member

If there were no eBay dispute mechanisms for buyers to use, how would you handle a buyer with a claim of an undelivered item?

Message 3 of 6
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Re: Tracking

You are right.

Tracking a $10 item is pointless.

Some things are not meant for mail order-- which includes any lowcost item that requires parcel rated shipping *.


So we go on the bases that Letter Post is reasonably fast and secure ,and that most people are honest.


For the times those concepts are wrong, we have Cookie Jar Insurance.

Which is just putting a few virtual pennies from each sale into a virtual cookie jar, for the times things go wrong.

Most sellers find that, especially over time, the Cookie Jar turns into a profit centre. Just like a "real" insurance company.

Another advantage is that CJI covers problems that third party insurance doesn't, like when we sell a red sweater but ship a blue one, or when the customer thinks the red sweater should have been scarlet not cherry. Or the dreaded late delivery.**


Low cost items can be a money loser, unless the normal purchase is of multiples. In my opinion, it is not profitable to ship anything that I was not paid at least $10.00 for.

Some sellers do find that most (though not all) sales will make that $10 minimum. Others will bundle items to make up the needed value.

Some use Free Shipping (DON'T PANIC!) to make the deal feel sweeter.

Which is cheaper?

A $2.49 item with $1.30 shipping or a $3.79 item with Free Shipping?

Which is more profitable?

Five $2.49 sales with $1.30 shipping on the first item and 50c on the other four (total $15.75) or five $3.79 items with Free Shipping (total $18.95)?

Surprisingly, more customers will go for the latter than the former. Not all, but most.


Don't forget to calculate in your monthly Shopify fees as you consider moving.








*Over 500gr or 2cm thickness.


** @byto253 has one answer to that.

Message 4 of 6
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Re: Tracking

Community Member

The ebay dispute mechanism is what gets a lot of people to buy in the first place, and keeps down the number of ripoff artists selling on the site, so it is good.   


The issue is the time frames for letterpost delivery, which is unrealistic so sellers have to fiddle around with work arounds.   

Message 5 of 6
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Re: Tracking

I've never thought of it this way, but it's true. It's definitely more of a legit platform now, than years prior because of better sellers (like us! Lol).

I find my buyers don't mind that I send lettermail, untracked. Even though I don't advertise it. And sometimes i have strange shipping methods to keep packages fairly flat.

I have very few INRs, but I'd like to think that's because I use larger bubble envelopes. Even for tiny items.  My theory is they're harder to misplace that way! 🙂

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