Vacation settings - how long before the listings disappear from my store?

I put my store on vacation and hid my items. I'm going in for shoulder surgery tomorrow, won't be able to sell for a few weeks. Anyone know how long before the items disappear from my store?


With my luck I'll sell something and I have to get up at 5:00 am to leave for the hospital. Just in case, I also changed my handling time to 3 days so if I have to I can try telling my DH how to find and package up an item for mailing. Oh boy!

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Re: Vacation settings - how long before the listings disappear from my store?

Just checked, you show zero listings for your posting ID.

Message 2 of 13
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Re: Vacation settings - how long before the listings disappear from my store?

You don't have to do anything about the Vacation listings for 89 days.

On Day 90 they will start to show up again.

Best wishes for your surgery.



Also vitamin E oil is really good at minimizing scar tissue.

Message 3 of 13
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Re: Vacation settings - how long before the listings disappear from my store?



If @vintagenorth  is using Sell Similar or Relist for 30 days vs GTC, wouldn't their items just end on schedule and end up available for relisting on their end dates?



Message 4 of 13
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Re: Vacation settings - how long before the listings disappear from my store?

Hi Lotz, I’m still using Turbo Lister to list my items on my various IDs. Well, I hope it’s still around when I get back; not looking forward to its demise. I have over 1500 items stored on TL.

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Re: Vacation settings - how long before the listings disappear from my store?

Community Member

Hi @vintagenorth - best of luck on your surgery, hope that it goes well and recovery is smooth!


When it comes to your listings - it can take up to 24 hours for listings to become fully hidden from search (and same for coming back from vacation). If you blocked purchases that should happen nearly immediately. 


I think changing your handling time was a good 'belt and suspenders' move, but I don't think your DH will have anything to worry about (and by extension, you won't have to worry about talking him through it Smiley Wink)


Rest up and we'll see you back soon!

Message 6 of 13
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Re: Vacation settings - how long before the listings disappear from my store?

30 day listings will no longer be an option in July. Best to be prepared.

GTC listings that relist will still be charged, even if the Store is On Vacation and viewing Blocked.

So it makes sense to actually end any GTC listings and probably all listings if the surgery and recovery time is not clear.

The seller does not get a refund on listing fees for unsold items, but all the closed items do go to her Unsold Items List for 90 days.


Makes one think about having someone with one's passwords in case of an emergency.

Message 7 of 13
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Re: Vacation settings - how long before the listings disappear from my store?



Personally, using the "privilege" of 30-Day Listings til the bitter end. Find it's the best way to tweak listings on the fly as they end. What will happen for most sellers once GTC kicks in, it'll become a situation of "Out of sight, out of mind or Faaaagetaboutit and they more than likely will". Who know? July could still be tentative!?!



Message 8 of 13
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Re: Vacation settings - how long before the listings disappear from my store?

I've been using GTC for years.

And I have something "ending" every day.

So I tend to check my Active Listings at some point every day and Close manually any that feel stale to me. 

100 views with no sale is stale, in my opinion.

It's Fixed Price/Buy It Now so buy it already!


I rarely have more than 10 items about to "close" on any given day, so doing this actually allows me to look ahead at least one and sometimes two or three days.


And with any luck, I have eBay open to print out orders anyway, so no biggie.


Message 9 of 13
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Re: Vacation settings - how long before the listings disappear from my store?

Not applicable

I thought last week eBay announced they cancelled GTC for Canadian site?

Message 10 of 13
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Re: Vacation settings - how long before the listings disappear from my store?

@Anonymous wrote:

I thought last week eBay announced they cancelled GTC for Canadian site?

Delayed, not cancelled.

Last GTC announcement:

Message 11 of 13
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Re: Vacation settings - how long before the listings disappear from my store?

Can you "bulk" adjust your handling time on all listings if you'll only be away for a few days?

Anyone do this instead of vacation mode?

I don't want to discourage sales, but also don't want to upset anyone if they don't notice the longer handling time...
Message 12 of 13
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Re: Vacation settings - how long before the listings disappear from my store?

Hi @teenytrinkets


You can definitely bulk edit your handling time and adjust it for the amount of time you'd be gone + the amount of time you'd need to fulfill orders once you return. 


I also recommend putting a line in your descriptions that you'll be away, or consider using the store vacation mode to put a blurb at the top saying the same thing. If you do that, just make sure you don't check the box that says 'hide and block purchases' when setting up your vacation. 



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