Your Most Challenging Customer Service Moment

I'm not a patient person. I've never claimed, pretended, or even tried to be. Until I started selling on Ebay. I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about here - PEOPLE. Love em or hate em, they are the driving force behind our success - our customers. Some are great, some are awful. I just finished dealing with an awful one and need to get the bad taste out of my mouth.... what is your MOST CHALLENGING customer service moment on Ebay, where you bit your lip so hard it drew blood, where you ruined your keyboard by crying all over it, when you just about said  and close your Ebay account...?

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Re: Your Most Challenging Customer Service Moment

Someone who left me my first Negative ever due a Product Review: they didn't like what they bought and thought I should open the factory-sealed 'Collect them all!' packaged blind bag/mystery stickers to see what's inside of them before shipping the now unsealed stickers to make certain they were the 'good' ones that people would like.


That wasn't even the worst part, it was how the Feedback Specialists simply did not care how I felt about it or what I said; they couldn't be bothered to read my Item Description, didn't want to acknowledge the buyer's demonstrated history of leaving knee-jerk negative, neutral or nonsensical positive feedback reviews (think mashing the keyboard to produce random characters) and even THEN Customer Servie lied to me about a 'supervisor' that would follow-up the nest day which never happened. 


I felt like I'd been violated twice over. First by the buyer, and then by ebay Customer Service. 


My second-worst experience was a buyer who left me Neutral because I think she was mad someone outbid her at the last minute on a second item she wanted at auction. Something about a 'scam' because she couldn't combine shipping, although she hadn't bought more than one thing. Before that text was removed for violating policy, she taunted me about how I could do nothing about it due to the fact I was a dumb Canadian and she an American. She also called me some unpleasant words and names, most of which she misspelled. 


But that's only two of thousands and thousands of experiences. Less than one per cent of my sales. Like, a fraction of one per cent. 


There are strategies that help you avoid unpleasant people here. I'm certain other sellers will share. I, however, have to go now. I have been up all night packing orders. It's Christmas and I sell toys. Oy! 



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Re: Your Most Challenging Customer Service Moment

Two interesting ones come to mind:


(This was years ago) A fellow sent some messages offering lower prices, sometimes much lower than my listed prices. I responded politely that I could not offer a discount. He worked his way up to messages telling me my prices were way too high I would never sell them and that they were so high that they were going to report me to eBay. (in another thread we talked about blocking people who sent questions, this was an example of someone I blocked based on questions).  The part that made me smile is that someone else bought the item he was going to report me on for being priced too high the next day!! 🙂 (at the selling price)


More recently I had a buyer advise after they received their box that it wasn't the package they ordered and that they wanted to return it. (This was not a ho hum thing it was a $300 US box!) The type of item they wanted to return was ripe for cherry picking and returning and my mind was full of belief that this person was going to get one box, cherry pick it and then get a second "free" box out of the deal. I kept my wits, used my professional form letters and responded that if they returned the wrong box I would send the correct one. (I wanted to preserve the $300 sale) Some bizzare messages as in very short one words ensued from the buyer so I resorted to phoning them to figure out what was going on. This is when I met a very nice older lady who was trying to buy a box of stamps for her disabled husband. Her son had helped her a bit but after that she was on her own and she had all sorts of problems including doing things that generated a new "0" ID and purchasing the wrong package from me and being unable to respond properly to ebay messages. I got the first box back, sent the second "correct" box to her and learned a valuable lesson that while our seller minds tend to turn to "evil" reasons why buyers do things to us, they aren't always so......

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Re: Your Most Challenging Customer Service Moment

eBay hires CSReps who's first language is usually not English at minimum wage.


They get put through training which teaches them to match a script with the issue at hand.

They are not supposed to deviate from the script, although they can change scripts throughout  the process if they picked one that's not a good match the first time around.




eBay has set up a very labor intensive system which requires that they mediate (and this is a guess) millions of "incidents" every week.

Most of the scenarios are very complicated and even Judge Judy would struggle with many of them.


The reasons that this will lead to frustration and anger are numerous.


When customer and rep can't even understand what the other is saying because they don't speak the same language, there's just no where to go from there.


I feel sorry of the reps too.





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Re: Your Most Challenging Customer Service Moment

Oops.  I thought you meant CS reps.


You meant actual customers.


That makes my post above way off topic.  Sorry.



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Re: Your Most Challenging Customer Service Moment

Sylvie, it is only sort of off point, oftentimes the most frustrating part happens when one tries to enlist the help of ebay to resolve the situation!!!
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