12-28-2020 03:07 PM
Tis the season to make lists. So here we go!! What high priority issues in eBay would you like corrected, updated or returned to their former state? Everyone has something in eBay that is a proverbial nuisance or the dreaded "PITA"!! Let's make it 20 to start. 1 per customer please! I believe something like this was started months back on dot com. Initiated by a eBay Team Member. Not sure if it went anywhere or if many are works in progress. Hit the quotes to add and remember to vote with your thumb if you feel it would make life easier for you as an eBay as a seller. Seeing how 2020 went it's always important to dream!!! Let's do what we can to make eBay better in 2021!!!!
CheerS!! Happy selling!!!!! And remember....Keep it clean!!!
12-28-2020 08:26 PM
To have the eBay sipping labels use the sellers CP small business account. So sellers can actually use their MP funds to pay for shipping labels and still use their CP small business account and reach volume discounts that are offered to CP users.
12-29-2020 01:11 PM
I would like for eBay to address and recognize problems with the shipping process the way it is set up now and how it has bee delt with. These last events ( covId-19, quarantines, shopping on line and Christmas) have all contributed to a high volume of packages that have overwhelmed the postal system. Now eBay could have answered this very important issue by letting sellers as well buyers know, that since the situation is dire, the company would allow more time for the items that are late to be delivered and prevent buyers from opening claims for items not arrived.
How many agree with this?
12-29-2020 02:05 PM
Tell Customer Service reps to send unhappy buyers to the Resolution Centre (sellers too) instead of soothing them and making impossible promises.
All too often we see complaints about CS reps who do not refer simple UIDs or INR/NAD problems to the Resolution Centre and as a result the unhappy member becomes a furious member.
In addition, when a buyer has been cozened past the Dispute deadline, CS reps should be authorized to refer the member to Paypal's Resolution Centre or their credit card chargeback service. Not doing this is short term thinking.
12-29-2020 03:16 PM
12-29-2020 04:16 PM
1. Stop charging fees on Canada Post fees. Fees on fees? Really?
2. Dump Shippo and their annoying link. And annoying fees.
3. ebay/PP continue their greedy ways. They have determined that by handling all payments, they get their cut immediately and sellers have to deal with any incorrect charges and angry customer fallout. My latest problem was an irate customer wanting to know why he has to pay outrageous shipping fees. I can no longer bill the customer directly. The mob was more responsible to their customers. I should bill the customer, not a computer generated ebay billing system!!
4. There are too many fees. Listing fees. Selling fees. Fees on shipping fees (yes, I mentioned this twice!) My latest fee assessed by ebay was $6.33 on a book that lists for $25.99! 24%. Crazy!
12-29-2020 04:32 PM
eBay has many higher priorities like making cosmetic changes to functionality that works perfectly fine while breaking it in the process. Frankly I'd prefer they didn't change anything. The result is likely to be worse and less efficient than it was originally. What they really need to change is 1) whoever is in charge of determining what needs to be changed, and 2) whoever thinks their changes actually improve the user experience.
12-29-2020 07:03 PM
Rectify the problems with combined shipping rates. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Sometimes my buyers get the message "This seller does not combine shipping" NOT TRUE!
12-30-2020 01:11 PM
12-30-2020 03:13 PM
@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:Tis the season to make lists. So here we go!! What high priority issues in eBay would you like corrected, updated or returned to their former state? Everyone has something in eBay that is a proverbial nuisance or the dreaded "PITA"!! Let's make it 20 to start. 1 per customer please! I believe something like this was started months back on dot com. Initiated by a eBay Team Member. Not sure if it went anywhere or if many are works in progress. Hit the quotes to add and remember to vote with your thumb if you feel it would make life easier for you as an eBay as a seller. Seeing how 2020 went it's always important to dream!!! Let's do what we can to make eBay better in 2021!!!!
Happy selling!!!!! And remember....Keep it clean!!!
- Make it possible to fix Item Specific requirements WITHIN the actual listing. An official error message denoting if anything is missing or a mandatory requirement prior to completing. Including a checkbox. "Do not show again" for non-mandatory requirements. In most cases sellers put that missing information in the actual listing. This will streamline the process.
- Quit making changes to the user interface. I understand you might need to make changes to your program, but leave my user interface alone. I'm sick of all the clutter and useless information that you keep adding, and not being able to find things that I used to count on
12-31-2020 06:14 AM - edited 12-31-2020 06:16 AM
You know Lotz, you are right.
In my view they are either a bunch of incompetents or they put there just as a smoke screen.
And that is putting it mildly
01-01-2021 10:57 AM
01-01-2021 12:50 PM
eBay needs to get a handle on their piracy problem.
There is music, movies and books to name a few items being sold either as very good knock offs or as shoddy creations from a computer and/or printer. These dealers are making quite a bit of cash while buyers get screwed over and legit sellers lose sales.
And eBay needs to get rid of the notion a seller's word is worth less than a buyer. Both buyer and seller are equal when reporting piracy because both are losing money with every transaction.
01-01-2021 01:47 PM - edited 01-01-2021 01:49 PM
Instead of this ridiculous 100,000 free listing promos, please give us non-store owners/sellers 500-1000 free listings per month for the entire year or for that matter indefinitely!
01-01-2021 04:59 PM
Please correct the issue that has existed for sellers when incorrect measurements for a parcel are inputted. It should advise there is an error based on the corresponding services offered before a listing is posted, not when a buyer attempts to make a purchase and advises them that no services are available. (You do get an instant error message if you happen to duplicate a service prior to being allowed to post the listing.)
PS. This issue has been reported on a regular basis on the dot ca board for many years.
01-01-2021 06:15 PM
One of my wishes was that we would get back the Best Offer emails alerts, but today I seem to have gotten my first one in years!? Maybe they are in the process of bringing it back?
01-01-2021 06:43 PM
@mmmcross wrote:One of my wishes was that we would get back the Best Offer emails alerts, but today I seem to have gotten my first one in years!? Maybe they are in the process of bringing it back?
Sorry @mmmcross but that is actually an issue with you.
I always get best offer e-mail alerts. That has never changed for me. It might be an issue with your set up or talk to eBay service to resolve it.
01-01-2021 07:56 PM
Thanks for letting me know. I've had other glitches with ebay emails, but that one was so consistent that I figured it was on their end.
01-02-2021 12:18 AM
Keep in mind that promotions are for the benefit of eBay not for the benefit of sellers or buyers.
Occasional ridiculous numbers of free listings are more flexible than a permanent change to the number of Free non-store and "free" Store subscription listings.
The blizzard of free listings already has some Premium (or higher) Store subscribers deciding that they could reduce their monthly charges by opting for a Basic Store, and list just as many items.
01-08-2021 10:26 AM
What I don't understand is why eBay would increase my promo listings to 150,000 for the .CA site but remove all promo listings (50,000) I received every month for the .COM. In 2020, I was finally able to list my entire inventory at once on .COM since 4 of 5 items I sell go to the USA. I plan to keep the Premium subscription since you never know when the promos will end and I'll continue on .CA but the listings on .COM were win/win for both me and eBay.
I contacted eBay and the CS rep agreed it seemed strange and said he would put a request to review the promos for the .COM listings on my subscription. No news since and for now I have to keep two sets of listings which unfortunately is twice the work for the same profit. Oh well.