03-25-2018 12:49 PM
This is the link to the expanded, full-detail version of the ebay MoneyBack Guarantee.
I'm sharing it here for other users (sellers and buyers alike) because the last time I tried to find it to look for a specific situation to see whether it would be eligible or ineligible under the ebay MoneyBack Guarantee, I couldn't locate it within the Help Pages. This time, I stumbled across it so I've made a note of its location.
If you read through this carefully, you may begin to suspect as do I that some of the procedures have quietly been made more specific as to what precisely ebay expects its sellers to do and what ebay will do if they don't. (I'm looking at you, Return Postage process.)
03-25-2018 04:25 PM - edited 03-25-2018 04:25 PM
What specifically are you referring to? That part hasn't been changed to one of the new help pages yet and I don't see any new information in there. It looks the same as it always has...what am I missing?
03-25-2018 05:10 PM
"....if an eBay-generated return shipping label is used for the return, the return shipping label cost is placed on the seller's invoice...."
I specifically recall suggesting ebay stipulate this about 18 to 24 months ago before we had the ability to generate Return Postage labels to USA buyers via Shippo. Are you clarifying this has read like that all along? There is no 'version' edition such as there is with the Ebay User Agreement so I cannot readily compare it to a previous point in time.... unless you happen to have a copy on hand to share.
03-25-2018 05:24 PM
As far as I can ever remember, this was a process that was not available to us. Now it appears that it is
@happy_pigeon Hello, can you please clarify what this means to ebay Canada sellers? Does it mean that ebay can and will purchase a Return Postage label on my behalf for a buyer in Azerbaijan if I ask it because I've discovered I cannot print my own Return postage label and I want to send it to them? I'd be ever so pleased if you could tell us that were the case.
03-25-2018 07:12 PM
Yes, it's read like that all along. Note it says that IF an ebay label is used, it doesn't say that we can use an ebay label. However US sellers can print their labels directly through ebay so they would be the ones to use that reimbursement method. Most of our help pages were direct copies of the US help pages with the odd Canadian specific thing added in.
03-25-2018 07:22 PM
Well I'm not happy pigeon and I'm sure that she will confirm that no, it does not mean that. Only USPS labels can be printed directly through ebay. US sellers can print through USPS labels directly through ebay or Paypal, we don't have that option and that hasn't changed. I agree that if we are required to pay for return shipping labels ebay should have a system where we can actually print the label and only be billed if the buyer uses it but I imagine that it would require them having an account for every post office in the world and I really doubt that they are doing to do that. Even if we could do that for just Canada and the US I would be happy but since we don't print labels through ebay, I don't see how they would set that up.
If a Canadian seller ships using USPS and has a US address they can input, I don't know if they can use ebay to print labels or if they have to go to a company such as stamps.com to print them.But if we can print labels through ebay when using USPS, then we should be able to print USPS return labels through there as well but that's just speculation.
03-25-2018 07:36 PM
03-25-2018 10:21 PM
I have managed to print one and send it to the customer. Who hasn't used it because.... there was nothing wrong with the item sent, I guess...
Now I'm waiting for the cost to be refunded.
I'll add that information to this thread when and if it happens.
03-26-2018 09:02 AM
Hi all,
I'm the one who generally updates the help pages, and there haven't been any changes to that one since August of last year. Someone mentioned the 'new' help pages--sadly, we won't be getting those for a while. It has rolled out to the US, and if I remember correctly, the UK and possibly Australia. It hasn't been extended to us yet
Just so that I can make sure I understand the question so that I don't completely bork the answer--are people curious as to whether or not eBay would ever print a return shipping label on their behalf and provide it to the buyer?
There are a few circumstances in which this would happen. Off the top of my head I can only come up with a couple, but if you need more I can ask one of my product managers.
If I've misunderstood the question, let me know and I'll answer the right one
03-26-2018 09:24 AM
Thank you, that somewhat explains the answer to my question.
I was hoping instead ebay had formally found a way to purchase postage Return labels from Australia Post, for example, so that if a seller had a SNAD return they could simply send the buyer a Return label as opposed to postage funds via Paypal for a return which is a workaround that sometimes causes more problems than it solves.
We can do some of that now via Shippo, thank you, but it isn't able to generate postage labels for every carrier in the world as far as I can tell. USPS is available but I don't think Royal Mail or Italiane Poste or Deutsche Poste et cetera are included in the spectrum of supported carriers.
03-26-2018 09:32 AM
For example, I recently sold an item to a buyer in Iceland. If it arrives crushed flat by Mjölnir, I'd need to send them a Return Label for their SNAD claim. This is what greets me when I attempt to generate a Return Label via Shippo's handy-dandy feature which allows us to do so.
No carriers available to me
03-26-2018 09:33 AM
There are no carriers available to me, a lowly ebay seller in Canada, but ebay as a corporation is omni-present, can the international branch(es) access one on my behalf?
03-26-2018 03:19 PM
Shippo allows Return labels to be printed. For at least the carriers associated with them.
Yes, I am aware of that but I am referring to labels purchased directly through ebay which can only be done on .com. Ebay has an account set up with USPS for return labels done on .com so that they get a special 'return' discount. They also don't have to specify that size or weight of the return package...I believe that is done when the item is processed and ebay is billed. Then in turn ebay bills the seller.
Perhaps it would be possible for ebay to set up automatic labels through Shippo...I don' t know but they are not going to do it for all postal services.
03-26-2018 03:33 PM
In an example as you have stated if the service used that allowed for a claim to be made, another work around would be just for the customer to take a few photos(package and contents) and description stating how they received the package and email to you. Then you would be able to submit a claim to Canadapost etc and have a refund cheque in approx 7 to 10 days and save the return costs. You could send a refund for items as soon as you have received confirmation the claim was approved. I had a customer recently in the USA, received a package that arrived with the contents removed and box retaped. Was pointless to return. Sent me photos and Canadapost processed the claim with an acknowledgement the same day & had cheque 1 week later. In that case I was able to send a replacement. Depends on your particular circumstances and inventory.
03-26-2018 03:44 PM - edited 03-26-2018 03:45 PM
@happy_pigeonwrote:Hi all,
I'm the one who generally updates the help pages, and there haven't been any changes to that one since August of last year. Someone mentioned the 'new' help pages--sadly, we won't be getting those for a while. It has rolled out to the US, and if I remember correctly, the UK and possibly Australia. It hasn't been extended to us yet
Just so that I can make sure I understand the question so that I don't completely bork the answer--are people curious as to whether or not eBay would ever print a return shipping label on their behalf and provide it to the buyer?
There are a few circumstances in which this would happen. Off the top of my head I can only come up with a couple, but if you need more I can ask one of my product managers.
- If you create a rule in your return preferences to automatically approve returns. Learn more.
- If a buyer opens a case in the Resolution Centre (item not received/significantly not as described, etc.) and/or a Money Back Guarantee case, and the seller is completely unresponsive. Learn more.
If I've misunderstood the question, let me know and I'll answer the right one
1. Hi, perhaps you can doublecheck on that information. I think that you understand the question but the info is not correct...it wouldn't be the first time that there was info in the .ca help pages that does not apply to us. In the first part of that page when it explains how to do a return after you approve it the info states ' Accept the return: Provide the buyer with an eBay return shipping label, or upload your own shipping label to send the item back to you." I believe that ebay will only create a label for domestic orders using USPS and since most Canadians don't use USPS there is no way for us to provide a label through ebay.
I believe the same is true for automatic returns so I'm certain that ebay doesn't automatically send the buyer a return label as they can't use their system to send a Canada Post label and even if the buyer is in the US and needed an USPS label, ebay doesn't automatically send out labels for international postage.
I recently had a return request from a buyer in Canada which was approved automatically as the listing was on .com and they approve all buyer requested/buyer pay return shipping returns automatically. My buyer was definitely not sent a return label.
I realize that we can provide a label in some cases ourselves and send it to the buyer but the question was about ebay automatically sending a label to the buyer and in Canada, I don't believe that happens.
2. The link for that refers to reimbursement for when the seller doesn't respond to a mbg problem. I believe that it says ebay will reimburse the buyer for original shipping and the cost of the item but I don't see anything about return shipping. I have heard of ebay sending a buyer a return label in a situation like that but again, that has only been with the US. It seems that most times if a buyer and international seller can't resolve an issue ebay does not require the item to be sent back so the buyer is reimbursed his original payment.
03-26-2018 03:58 PM
@happy_pigeonwrote:Hi all,
I'm the one who generally updates the help pages, and there haven't been any changes to that one since August of last year. Someone mentioned the 'new' help pages--sadly, we won't be getting those for a while. It has rolled out to the US, and if I remember correctly, the UK and possibly Australia. It hasn't been extended to us yet
Actually, the 'new' US help pages can be very difficult to navigate and in some cases, it is almost impossible to find the information. For example, last night a few posters on the US boards were trying to explain to a seller how handling time worked because they kept getting dinged for uploading their tracking numbers late. That was because they thought one handling day was based on business hours and that if someone purchased an item in the evening, they didn't have to upload that tracking number until a day later than they were supposed to. They wouldn't believe any of the explanations and a couple of us were trying to hunt down the wording that ebay uses(d) in the help pages to describe it. I could find it on .ca but never did find it on the .com help pages. In case you are wondering what I am referring to...
Handling time is measured by business days. Weekends and holidays aren't counted.
For example, if you specify 1-day handling time and a buyer pays for an item on Tuesday, you have until 11:59:59 PM Eastern Time on Wednesday to upload a tracking number. For a buyer's payment on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday a tracking number must be uploaded by 11:59:59 PM Eastern Time on Monday.
On .ca that is in the section about top rated seller since that who needs to meet that metric but we couldn't find it in that area in the new help pages. I checked a number of seller performance pages too but couldn't find anything to describe that. I believe that someone found it eventually but it took a while. Actually there should be a definition of handling time in a number of places so that new sellers understand how it works. It shouldn't have to be hunted down.
I think that quite a few US sellers are frustrated with the new help pages.
03-27-2018 08:35 AM
Thanks for the clarification To my understanding, eBay would only generate a shipping label on your behalf in very extreme cases; probably not something many here have experienced, since the vast majority of the members here are advanced sellers who would not just disappear on a transaction.
I'm still pretty sure that it's a possibility if you set your return rules in a certain way, but if no one here has personal experience with that, I can understand the hesitation to put much stock in that. I'll clarify with the product manager for shipping and returns.
Thanks also for the feedback on the US help pages further down in the thread. If we end up getting moved to the platform eventually--and I would not be surprised if it were a very long time until we do so, i.e. years--it will be good to keep in mind. I wonder if, and by how much, they re-wrote the content when they moved.
03-27-2018 10:25 AM
All right! I have clarification. As some suspected, my brain is scrambled Members who have said that eBay.ca does not currently have the ability to generate a return label on behalf of a seller are correct. So, I have some editing to do on the site
In the case of the Money Back Guarantee, or a similar case where the seller has basically disappeared and cannot/will not facilitate a return, eBay would issue a refund to the buyer and they would be allowed to keep the item.
03-27-2018 10:41 AM
03-27-2018 11:45 AM
Thank you for the update. 🙂