08-05-2016 09:18 PM
is ebay finished in canada<no sales ,Barley make the sales to pay for the store,Store will be gone very soon,ever since ebay ruined it self i have no sales, can post has nothing to do with it,time of year has nothing to do with it, what else could it be? Ebay.ca of course fees went up ,27 per cent on my last envoice,was 22 per cent the month before,im really not getting it
08-05-2016 10:04 PM
I wouldn't be surprised! It is a sinking ship especially since they forced us to us the Canadian dollar if we want to list on .ca.
This was shared in a previous post by another seller regarding listing in Canadian funds but it shows how their sales have been cut in half. If you consider that the invoice figures = 9%. Sales in Jan 2016 were $56,782 and they went down in July 2016 to $16,801, that is a $37,981 drop. For you that say oh summer is slower, even last July 2015 they earned $43,611 as compared to this July of $16,801.
08-06-2016 12:05 AM
looks like im rite,looking back to 2013 i made 30 sales now nothing and i do mean nothing,im guessing ebay is done mainley of there greed to raise store rates,a new ceo who has no idea the earth is not flat,changinging the currency,oh my they have lost controll to the point no one is making money inc. ebay so they are taking it out on the good sellers who have made them many dollars,time to replace mangt and change there ways,,was a good place to conduct buissness till lately,
08-06-2016 12:28 AM
As I said the last time you posted these sentiments, sales are down for many of us but it's nothing to do with the switch to CAD. Buyers aren't shopping online in Canada since mid-June due to the looming threat of a postal strike-lockout.
08-06-2016 01:31 AM - edited 08-06-2016 01:32 AM
I don't think it is the Canadian buyers that are the issue. My sales to Canadians has increased but my sales to US buyers is nil on .ca.
On an average month I would sell say 50, 30 of those would be to US buyers and 10 would be to Canadians and 10 would be international. Now there is nil US buyers, they don't give a hoot about our postal issues.
08-06-2016 03:58 AM
Many people are still in Vacation mode which is traditionally from Jun.15-Aug.15/16. Potential buyers are preoccupied with travelling, numerous summer festivals, and camping, just to name a few...
Online shopping should pick-up in Mid to late August as people return to their regular schedules and kids return to school in early September.
Sales in July/16 was slow but steady for me as I list in USD and my main consumer base is in the USA and Europe.
Since Canada accounts for 5% of gross sales it has basically been non existent except for one "big" transaction in July/16.
The key to selling is when things are slow that you continue to increase your inventory.
Just keep listing items until something sells.....
08-06-2016 11:51 AM - edited 08-06-2016 11:52 AM
I agree with your comments, and would add that for those of us whose majority of buyers are American, there is a great deal of uncertainty right now in the U.S. that may be making people less apt to spend money unnecessarily.
Someone once noted that things stall in the U.S. economy until an election is decided -- and this one is particularly bizarre. That may also be playing a part.
I doubt many U.S. buyers are aware there is an ongoing postal issue here, so I can't see that being a significant explanation for the slowdown. July and early August are traditionally slow times for online shopping anyway. It's always a good time for R&D, R&R or, as you say, just more listing.
On the cynical side, I'd say things will just start to pick up toward September when we have to think about what the next Seller Update will bring us. Despite eBay's rah-rah-rah about the updates, I dread them.
08-06-2016 12:12 PM
08-06-2016 12:15 PM
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08-06-2016 11:44 PM