"This item is pending payment through PAYPAL"

Got this message regarding the latest purchase this morning. The item still shows as unpaid (it actually shows checkout complete and the hourglass in the paid ($ sign) column -hovering the mouse over the hourglass gives the message in the title).


Looks like maybe eBay isn't able to talk to PAYPAL at the moment.

(I see nothing on the PAYPAL end about the transaction).


I have received payments from other sites through PAYPAL so it looks to only be an eBay-PAYPAL thing..... another day another adventure!

Message 1 of 11
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Re: "This item is pending payment through PAYPAL"

Might it be an e-cheque?

Message 2 of 11
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Re: "This item is pending payment through PAYPAL"

As far as I know no, they normally show as echeques in both ebay and PAYPAL. (unless they've changed how they do it)

There is nothing at all in PAYPAL proper regarding the transaction yet.

I haven't had any other ebay sales since so if anyone else has had sales that were ok since 10:07 eastern time this morning it would be good to know...

Message 3 of 11
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Re: "This item is pending payment through PAYPAL"

It could be an e-cheque as mentioned above.  I've also had this issue a handful of times in the past 3 months when a customer uses a credit card to pay with paypal without creating a paypal account and paypal finds an issue with the credit card they used ( a card the site doesn't accept but somehow passed through or some other issue).   The ebay seller dashboard will show checkout complete, but there is no fund or transaction on the paypal dashboard.  These have ended up not being easy to resolve...as the BUYER needs to contact paypal to see what the issue is with the card / transaction ..and many buyers are too busy / lazy to do so and expect the seller to figure it out...when there is nothing the seller can do.   I would message the buyer and ask if they paid via credit card and if they have an actual paypal account or used the option to not sign up for one.   All except one of the cases I've had like this ended with ebay instructing me to contact the buyer and tell them to contact paypal.  If nothing is heard back an unpaid item dispute is put forward and after the appropriate duration is closed.

Message 4 of 11
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Re: "This item is pending payment through PAYPAL"

THX for the suggestion!

The buyer is at 107, has been around since 2015 and has made a number of purchases in the last month.

I will message them and see what they see from their side.... will post what I hear back/happens.

Would still like to know if anyone's had successful payments since this morning??
Message 5 of 11
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Re: "This item is pending payment through PAYPAL"

Good day, 


Possibly check YOUR payment policy in the listing


If you are experiencing the issues we have been the last couple weeks, 


eBay is creating and replacing  OUR payment policy with a nonexistent email address to a PayPal account that doesn't exist, 


there has been no repair for this problem to date


customers that we have had paying us into this non existent account have had their payment enter limbo 


I have created new listings for their purchase with the proper policy for payment in place and once the transaction has been completed on the new listing proceed to cancel the one with payment stuck in limbo. 


this may or may not be applicable to your situation but it is similar to what has been occurring to us for weeks and on multiple transactions. 


if you are experiencing what we are, here is link. to further description of our problem - http://community.ebay.ca/t5/Site-Issues/eBay-is-creating-and-changing-OUR-business-policies-massive/...


In the past when we have received payment from e-cheque, bank transfer or eBay gift cards the transaction at least would now up in our PayPal account with a message to hold off on shipping and provide a timeline for payment processing. 



Message 6 of 11
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Re: "This item is pending payment through PAYPAL"

Interesting updates!


I actually clicked on the "check paypal transaction". (didn't do that before, just went into PAYPAL directly)


That was an eye opener! It said that the transaction was declined and that I refused the transaction.


Of course I didn't, and I have no blocks or policies of any kind, so I called the ebay support folks. They advised that the message I was seeing was a generic one (what a nasty generic message but anyway) and in the end that I should check with PAYPAL.

(if I look at the paypal transaction via the link I saw a paypal transaction id etc. If I logged onto PAYPAL proper I couldn't find anything).


I called PAYPAL and lickety split the support lady let me know that the buyers credit card was declined.


So I sent a message to the buyer letting them know what happened and asked them to advise if they wanted to cancel or whatever.


If there's any other news I'll post it!

Message 7 of 11
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Re: "This item is pending payment through PAYPAL"

PS I have to compliment both support teams, I wasn't on hold for more than 5 seconds with the ebay folks (but I get to use the fancy anchor store support group) or the PAYPAL support folks (sadly it took me too long to remember to say "AGENT" instead of trying to answer all the IVR questions).....
Message 8 of 11
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Re: "This item is pending payment through PAYPAL"

Hmmmm the saga may not yet be complete.


Messaged buyer asking if they wanted to cancel. They provided an "explanation" of the problem and advised that yes they wanted to cancel.


So the only option I have is to send a cancellation through as though it was a paid for lot (because it sort of shows as being paid).


The messaging says I need to refund now and the buyer needs to acknowledge that they received the refund.


I of course can't refund because I never got the money.


I sent the buyer a message asking them to approve the cancellation request.


Will be interesting to see what happens.


I foresee more calls to the support teams in my future....

Message 9 of 11
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Re: "This item is pending payment through PAYPAL"

Curious what the buyer's "explanation" was...
Message 10 of 11
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Re: "This item is pending payment through PAYPAL"

Well to avoid it being edited I'll have to paraphrase.


It was something to the affect that they by accident purchased and paid for everything that was in their shopping cart when they only wanted to pay for one.


The good news is that I was bracing myself for ebay automagically trying to pull the refund despite the fact that it was never ever actually paid for.


I was out of the office much of the day today, thankfully when I got home, I saw the usual message saying that it had been cancelled and all was well because it had not been paid for.


So I of course double checked in PAYPAL because one never knows, but nothing came out.


So now it looks like all ended well.



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