re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

So i am trying to use my store coupon worth 70$ to buy some items.. I have tried buy it now, and have tried putting the items in my cart, then i enter my coupon code, and the taxes, don't come off with the coupon.. It is asking me to pay the taxes..  I have checked my previous purchases, and the tax and shipping where included in the price. So my coupon covered everything, NowScreenshot_2020-03-25 Checkout eBay.png the taxes are separate, and the coupon doesn't pay them.. Can someone please tag tyler on this.. 

Message 1 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

yes, prices are exactly the same, but now there is a tax, that our coupon doesn't cover, which is wrong.. If i have a 70$ coupon, and my total is 55$, then my coupon should pay for it all.

Message 3 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

I tagged Tyler so we can see what he says.
Message 4 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

I agree, but it seems to be the general practice that the retailer uses the coupon to reduce the price of the item, but does not use it to pay the tax to the government.

Keep in mind that the retailer is (probably) still making a profit on the reduced price of the purchase.
The tax is paid by the buyer not the seller-- look at those Internet Sales Taxes from US states for an example.

Message 5 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??




Response from ebayshippingsuppliescanada:


1) In response to your inquiry, tax details are shown during the checkout process and are added depending on the ship to location that is selected at the top of the page. Unfortunately, as we are using eBay's system to do so it only happens during checkout as part of the automated process. Thank you for the opportunity to clarify and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by the confusion. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer service team if we can provide further assistance.


2) As such, a note was sent to our listing manager in hopes that he can assist in adding the details regarding sales tax to our listings shortly. 



Message 6 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

That is just saying that they add taxes which we already knew. The question is whether or not the coupon should cover the taxes.


I don't recall if I've paid taxes in the past as it has been a while since I've ordered from them but there are posts on the US boards from 2018 commenting that the coupon did not include tax so perhaps they just changed that so that it is the same in both countries?

Message 7 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

My last order from January of this year did not include tax. My concern is that nowhere, at this time was this change clearly expressed.  Like any amended policy. Buyers did not find out until check out. As per Last Man Standing...."Not cool. " I wouldn't have noticed either until my next purchase if it weren't for this discussion. The best surprise is no surprise.



Message 8 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

My own personal guess is that when they "canadianized" it they forgot or were able to avoid having to do the taxes because it was coming from the US.

It looks to me like they're coming from Uline in Vaughn Mills, now, but I could be wrong (they're shipped from Vaughn Mills, at least mine are). If that is the case that is probably what happened that caused them to now have to charge the taxes since they're shipping from within Canada now.

I also have this inkling there's some weird tax rule that says coupons like this can't cover the taxes, but again that's just a "spider sense" I'm sure there's someone here who knows more definitively.


Once Tyler is able to get the info on this I think we'll have some answers!

Message 9 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

my last order shipped from Canada as well, and there was no new tax, or separated tax.. I have no issue with how tax is charged, i Have issue, with the fact that my coupon won't pay taxes..


If my total is less than 70$ with tax included, then my 70$ coupon should pay for it all.

Message 10 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

Thanks for the tag on this @ricarmic - I've seen this in the past but I'm always hard pressed to get a straight answer as to whether or not this is how it should work or if it's a tech issue. I'll see if I can find out! Thanks for grabbing screenshots already too!

Message 11 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??



How it looked in January shipping to AB.

Shipping Supplies Invoice.JPG

Response/explanation from eBayShippingSupples in post above.



Message 12 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

As I remember it, not only was tax not covered by coupons, but the sales tax was on the original value of the item, before the value of the coupon was removed.

So if the value of the product was $100 and the value of the coupon was $50, at 10%  the buyer would pay $5 in sales taxes and $50 for the product.

Again, it's been a while and when I was dealing with it, Ontario had a separate GST and PST. 

Message 13 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

If a seller is registered with Canada Revenue Agency to collect GST/HST... then the tax on a purchase becomes an ITC ....... an Input Tax Credit ..... and the seller will get the tax back.


Maybe this is why the seller pays a tax on these purchases with an eBay coupon

Message 14 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

any updates,, coupon expires tomorrow..


and if the tax is now outside, the item, price ... then the coupon need to be updated to be used on the total purchase price.. If my purchase is 50$ including the tax, then my 70$ coupon should pay for it all, free and clear..  My coupon is to get free shipping supplies, if i spend more than 70$, then i expect to pay the difference, if i spend under my coupon value, then i shouldn't have to pay anything..

Message 15 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

so this means we must cover the pst/gst even though the shipping supplies coupon is for $70 and i'm only using $55 of it?

Message 16 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

i didn't see any tax calculation in Cda when I used my $70 voucher Dec 2019 for a purchase less than $70 so this is definitely a glitch or new and I don't think we should have to absorb the tax when the voucher does not exceed the total purchase 

Message 17 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

but they do not get the PST back ...
Message 18 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??


But some provinces consider the taxable amount to be the original price, while the coupon is the way you pay for it.

So if you buy a$40 doohickey at Staples, and have a $10 coupon, you would pay $30 in money and $10 in coupons. 

And the tax would be based on the $40 price.


Coupon= money.


Message 19 of 31
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Re: re. tax on ebay store shipping items???? Coupon not covering tax now??

well my coupon expires in 2.5 hrs : (
Message 20 of 31
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