SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

I don't post here often, but case anyone else has the same issue


 First time using Shippo today.

Created Shippo  account, and printed label.

Label printed successfully, so I assumed all was correct.


I took package to post office, their system would not accept it:

REASON – Distribution order blocked for credit.


I contacted Shippo support, their reply (in part):

"We've had other customers report this issue, and believe we know how to resolve it. We spoke directly with Canada Post, and they informed us that they are working to re-communicate the changes that are part of Shippo becoming the eBay suggested shipping option to their retail locations. ....

....To rectify the situation, Canada Post suggested that if the Post Office employee is selecting "On Account" as the payment method, it could be generating an incorrect response. The option that the Canada Post worker should be selecting is "Supplier Account". This will allow the packages to be accepted without error."



Message 1 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package



I've had workers at my postal outlet get lost in the CPC menus when doing originate scans -- but all of them had enough training to know they had to switch when one scan method failed.




Message 2 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

You don't have to pass it over the counter.

The PO probably has a postbox outside.

Drop your labelled package there.


The clerks have a metric tonne of information to learn and it changes constantly. You have your half of the receipt and don't really need it stamped.

Message 3 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

I never used to bring parcels inside to the post office but I usually do now if the package has delivery confirmation.  The one time that I didn't, the package wasn't scanned for a couple of days (past my handling time) so if it had arrived late, I would have received a ding for late shipping.

Message 4 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

Just dropped off 2 Small Pkt envelopes at my PO. The one that I used Shippo for the label didn't scan. Your work around of using Supplier Account didn't work either. However, the postal  employee was able to manage to scan and get me a receipt. The other pkg that I did on CP ShipScan or whatever it is called, scanned with no problem. My PO wants me to go in and explain all about Shippo next week, they have never heard of it before and want a heads up in case of other problems.

Message 5 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

My PO  was happy to  hear the solution, they  were puzzled why it wouldn't accept.

(and yes, it worked when I went back with the package ).

They had not been informed about Shippo,  said CP usually lets them know a few weeks after they need the info 😉



Anyway, just wanted to share what Shippo told me in case anyone else has the same thing happen

Message 6 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

Yep, got back from dropping off at the post office and there was a message on the machine saying that the shippo package wouldn't go. I can confirm that the "supplier account" work around did the trick once I explained what was happening.

Message 7 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

If you drop it in the red box, it will get scanned within a couple of hours of pickup time.


I had one package with a label that I took into the postal outlet right at pickup time.  I asked the clerk if the CP driver had already come; he had not.  I was relieved I made it, then the clerk told me he still had to check my package and that he didn't have time before the pickup so it wouldn't go out until the next day.  **bleep**???  The clerk said he had to check the dimensions and weight and verify that I didn't cheat.

Message 8 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package


If you drop it in the red box, it will get scanned within a couple of hours of pickup time."

Depends where you are.  They have taken all the pickup times off, my red box always said 9am.   Things would be scanned sometime after midnight, making it the next business day.  If I had put something in the box noon today (Friday before long weekend), it wouldnt' be scanned until Wednesday  

Message 9 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

We still have a 9am and a 3pm box near my house (the 5pm box became another 3pm last year), but I have seen the truck at random times.

I never thought that all the 9am postboxes miraculously got picked up at the exact moment anyway.  If they did the PO would have some sort of magic going for it. (Hmm, I should file that story idea away for a future use. A PO run by the fae? With brownies sorting and elves at the counter glamouring customers into using more expensive services? Needs work.)


On the other hand, I don't sell anything that is time-sensitive, and living on Vancouver Island, even something going from Victoria to Nanaimo takes the ferry over to the Richmond terminal and back before delivery.

Message 10 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

If you drop it in the red box, it will get scanned within a couple of hours of pickup time.


Perhaps that's true for you, but it isn't always true here. In most cases packages picked up in a drop box in this city are scanned when they go to the main sorting depot in a different city. They could be scanned that evening or not until the following business day.

Message 11 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

There is an announcement about this:

Message 12 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

I guess I'm 1 in a 1000 too?  Package did not scan right on July 4th in BC, the agent at the desk told me I had to take the package back but agreed to call the retail help line and they got it to scan thru.  Hope they get this fixed quick.

Message 13 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

You may want to read through this Wednesday's board hour -- see Post #40 especially.  EBay is blaming Canada Post, but why did this suddenly start as soon as Shippo came online and Paypal changed its shipping platform?  


I'm not convinced it isn't a Shippo (and possibly also Paypal) problem, but hopefully someone at eBay will pursue this.  


I also don't understand why, if a retail clerk can't scan a parcel, the same parcel will be able to be scanned if it's dropped in a box.  What's the difference?  They say it's a "retail clerk problem", but didn't explain exactly what that means.  What a fiasco this whole shipping thing is now.

Message 14 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

@rose-dee wrote:

... EBay is blaming Canada Post, but why did this suddenly start as soon as Shippo came online and Paypal changed its shipping platform?

It did not start with Shippo.  I've had a number of packages over the years where the postal clerk had to switch to a different page to get the scan to be accepted.



From what I see, the Canada Post system is not postal clerk friendly, it's computer friendly.  A properly designed system should scan the code and the computer should do the work of switching to the correct screen if needed, instead of relying on the memory of the clerk to do it.




And speaking of badly designed interfaces -- Shippo is also a top contender -- I should be able to select American or metric for measurements and have that be my setting. Instead of making multiple adjustments for a shipment.




Proper computer/human interface design is not something new (something I learned over 40 years ago), but it often the first casualty when it comes to programming deadlines and cost cutting.






Message 15 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

Hear hear.
Message 16 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

Speaking as a postal clerk, this appears to be both a Shippo and Canada Post issue (as well as an eBay issue in some regard).


The Shippo labels are different than the old labels that printed out on PayPal, and they are also different than the labels you would print out on Canada Post EST. If you look at the bottom right-hand corner of the label they say "SA" - meaning that the funds are being taken from a "supplier account" (in this case, the supplier is Shippo). The lady I was speaking to at the retail help desk told me it was similar to a company that was printing postage from a postal meter.


The problem is that when a Canada Post clerk scans the label into the computer as they normally would do when inducting a parcel, it defaults to "On Account" (i.e. as if you were printing off Canada Post website; in that case your 'account' is your SFSB account) - this is going to throw up the various errors because the system is under the impression that the label has not been paid for. The clerk has to be knowledgeable enough to identify that small "SA" on the label (which is normally not the case for pre-printed labels), and then switch the inducted method from "On Account" to "Supplier Account". I've been working as a postal clerk for over a year now and I didn't even know this, so the fact that the vast majority of clerks are having difficulty with this does not surprise me.


I would have to imagine Canada Post can reconfigure their RPOS to recognize the Shippo labels separately and automatically default to "Supplier  Account", but that probably requires some back-end work that isn't a high priority for them, and it also requires Canada Post to be in good communication with Shippo, which, from what I understand, they are not. eBay put out an announcement on July 30th saying that if the clerk was having trouble inducting the parcel they should call the retail help line - I had to call and speak with four representatives at the retail help line before anyone even knew what I was talking about.

Message 17 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

This is very much in line with what was told to me by my Postal counter manager, after my problem with Shippo described elsewhere in the thread.
Message 18 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package


Just a suggestion.



Message 19 of 57
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Re: SHIPPO. PO won't accept package

The manager at my local counter is a lovely lady who's worked there 20 years but I could all-too-easily imagine the more-recent hires having literally NO idea what to do with those on a parcel.
Message 20 of 57
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