Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

For all those who are trying out shippo, is there an option for them to bill in CAD instead of USD?


Simply put, i created a label last night and it gave me CAD amounts. I chose the $9.25CAD option.


However, after I created the label, in the unbilled tab, it shows a $6.99USD pending transaction instead of $9.25. While this might be roughly the same as $9.25 CAD, it screws up my accounting since it will only take money out of my account once it reaches a certain threshold or 7 days, versus with Paypal, it was itemized to each label I created.

Message 1 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

Your label is good.

But you can add the code by hand to the label if you want to feel more relaxed about it.


As I understand it the HS code is only required on "commercial" shipments.



Having an HS code can help get your package through customs screening quicker. I would recommend using them regardless of the nature of your shipments.



Message 21 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

Thanks. I agree so I added it manually to the label.

Message 22 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

The amount will be taken from your paypal account. Apparently there is a delay.

For now at least, you will have to manually mark your item as shipped in eBay.

Message 23 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

@blackranda2 wrote:

Although I have a Light Packets ship cost on my listings I had to print a Small Packets shipping label which I was aware would happen. The cost turned out to be a bit less than Light Packets which means I will have edit my shipping cost on all my listings as I use flat rate shipping.

Wow, you are lucky! Most of my items are under 200 grams and Shippo Small Packets doesn't even compare! Even with the discount, it costs me an additional $1 per package. Not worth it. Today, I used the Canada Post bar code, because I had to go to the PO anyway, but I can't do this every time.


This is regression on eBay's part to eliminate Light Packet. Very frustrating!!

Message 24 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

Have not used HS codes on any package since a few months after their introduction when I found it was not necessary to use HS codes unless designated as commercial shipments.

Message 25 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

Once again thanks for everyone's prompt replies. I just did that  a while ago and took my package to the PO. So it is on it's way and all appears to be well so far. If this works out I think I will like this new shipping service.

Message 26 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

I acquired several of the CN22 forms from local Postal outlet to use for Light Packet. Yes, it means filling out the forms by hand & going to the PO outlet counter to have them processed, but at least I can still use Light Packet rate.

Message 27 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

My package was under 200 grams and I received a good discount. I think maybe it was because I entered my Canada Post Solutions for Small Business number which you need to do to get the best discount. It took some time to link Shippo with eBay, PayPal and Canada Post for Small Business Solutions but seems to time well spent.

Message 28 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

All of this have been done. Maybe you get a bigger discount than the regular "Tier 1"? My Light Packet was $6.84 to the US. With shippo, the cost was a little bit over $8 ($8.04 I think, but not sure about the exact amount).


Going to the PO is a PITA, because I can't pay with PayPal. I have to use my own money then withdraw from PayPal. Not to mention I have to get there. For someone without a car, that is a REAL pain. I will probably just buy stamps and post everything by Letter Mail. Less trouble.

Message 29 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

Yes I think it was a better level than the regular Tier 1. I ship a lot of packages through Canada Post so this may be why.

Message 30 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

I know that US sellers don't put in HS codes so I wondered why we were told that we should do so.

However, if it is for commercial shipments, a package from a retailer isn't considered commercial?



Re light packet....Can you fill out the cn22 form attach it and then put it in the mail box or does the postal outlet do something with the package when you take it in?

Message 31 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

Light Packets get tossed into the bucket without so much as a glance at my postal counter.
Message 32 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

Wow! At my postal outlet they weigh it to be sure it is within the correct weight range and sometimes depending on the clerk they date stamp it.

Message 33 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

Mine recognize me and assume no funny business is forthcoming. My stuff goes straight into the bucket unless it's something that requires an acceptance scan.
Message 34 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

For those folks who may have had or who are [presently experiencing trouble getting acceptance at their postal counter with the Shippo labels, ebay Canada has this Announcement.



Message 35 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

@blackranda2 wrote:

Hi again. I just printed my first shipping label through Shippo. Although I have a Light Packets ship cost on my listings I had to print a Small Packets shipping label which I was aware would happen. The cost turned out to be a bit less than Light Packets which means I will have edit my shipping cost on all my listings as I use flat rate shipping. I found the set up to print the label through Shippo a bit complicated and also noticed there is no HS code on the label. I thought this was a requirement when shipping from Canada to the US? Does this mean the label I purchased is not any good? Another thing I noticed is there was no way to edit the content description on the label setup. They just used the title of the listing which is not actually an accurate description of the contents. No I don't know if this label can be used or not? I need to ship this package today or it will be delayed until after the holiday. Another thing I noticed is in my sold items this order has not been marked as shipped. And the payment has not come out of my PayPal account yet although it is marked as paid in my Shippo account. Do I manually have to mark it it as shipped? And how do I know if i can ship this order now or not? Wish this whole process was explained better and was less complicated.  If anyone has any advice please let me know asap so I can ship this today.

That rate is just to pacify us until year end then it goes away. In 2018 there won't be any light packet residual discounts

Message 36 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD



Please be careful when you post that you identify yourself as a 'pink' (eBay employee).


First because it is useful to know when you are speaking as the voice of eBay.


Second, because posters are constantly being accused of being employees when we respond to rants as being employees. (When of course we know we are actually UNPAID sockpuppets and cheerleaders.Smiley Frustrated)

Message 37 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

Just because it's been brought up - if you bring a parcel to a Canada Post location and purchase postage to an international destination, you will never be asked to put in an HS code, nor will the clerk have to do so. The RPOS system never asks for the HS code (although there is a spot if someone chooses to enter it), and we've been trained to just get a description and value for the manual customs form, that's all Canada Post requires to print/process the label. Obviously, if we had to look up HS codes for everything at the counter that would delay the process significantly.

Light/Small packet labels brought to the counter with a hand-filled CN22 will be processed as a normal transaction and weighed properly in order to print out a label showing the amount you've paid. If it's a pre-printed Light Packet label (soon to be not available) we just throw those in outgoing mail bin. If someone brings a Light Packet item with a hand-filled customs label and stamps already applied I'll usually quickly add it up and throw it on the scale to make sure it's fine, but for the most part the people that are doing that know the proper postage costs.

As for the issues with inducting Shippo labels, I can't comment on that. Haven't had anyone bring one by yet. We haven't been given any notice from the higher-ups regarding issues with inducting these things, but maybe an InfoMessage will come down the line in the next few days. The suggestion by eBay to urge the clerk "contact Canada Post's retail help desk" is frustrating, as that process can easily take 10-15 minutes assuming you're not on hold. If it's a peak time of day that's going to **bleep** off a lot of customers that might be waiting in line.
Message 38 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

dinomite, when we were first told to use the HS number, Canada Post told us that if they had to look it up at the Post Office there would be a $2 charge to look it up. And that's why we put the HS number on our pkgs. I can't remember how many years ago that directive was given, maybe 3 or 4 yrs ago? So now we don't need to put the HS number on? Nice of CP to let us know.

Message 39 of 55
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Re: Shippo! Charging USD instead of CAD

vintagenorth, I've heard lore that that was once the case. That is certainly NOT the case any longer. I've worked for Canada Post for over a year now and that rule has certainly never been in place for my tenure.

There is no $2 rule/charge that is currently in place at Canada Post. If you're sending a parcel internationally then we'll give you a customs form/label to fill out; all that is required of you is a description of the contents and their approximate value. Canada Post does still encourage people to use to pre-fill all the information for their international parcel; this creates a QR code that we can scan at the counter and makes the transaction go much quicker. I can't comment on whether or not requires you to put in an HS code, as I've never used it.
Message 40 of 55
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