Shipping method switched by seller

HI 🙂 If anyone can offer any help it would be greatly appreciated. 

Current Ems shipping from Japan is having significant delays. 30 days plus for shipping. I found a long time seller who has now switched to Fedex because of the Ems delays. Their listings state Fedex as their shipping method. I ordered 1 item and it arrived very quickly with Fedex. I was very happy with the timeframe of the shipping so yesterday I ordered 2 more items from this same seller and their shipping still states Fedex as the shipping method. I woke up this morning to find that they have shipped Ems and not Fedex. I have reached out to the seller asking why they switched the shipping method and I included and screenshot of the listing with the shipping method as described.  I do not know how to resolve this. I do not want these items nor do I want my $$ tied up this long as I will not receive them until June and had done my due diligence before purchasing. I even messaged the seller prior to purchasing to confirm they are using Fedex to which they confirmed that yes they are using FEdex. Can someone please advise on how to navigate this situation? Thank you 

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Re: Shipping method switched by seller

I don't think much can be done until the package is late, then you would file an Item Not Received.  Feedback is about your only recourse.



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Re: Shipping method switched by seller

Sadly I feel you are right. It really is false advertising and there should be a way to navigate this to a better resolution. What that would be I am not sure. Thank you for responding.

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Re: Shipping method switched by seller

My concern about FedEx vs EMS has little to do with shipper and shipping times and more to do with money.

FedEx has a sneaky habit of handing over the shipment, then later billing the recipient for customs brokerage-- duty, sales taxes, and a brokerage fee of $25 or more.

I suspect your seller has satisfied himself that EMS is back on track with shipping and switched back to their former preference, which may also be a little cheaper with no post-delivery shocks for customers.


You can open a Dispute with eBay only after the last date for delivery has passed. Then you have 30 days to open one.

You can open a Dispute for Not As Described (with the NAD being the changed shipper) for 180 days following payment. If you lose this dispute, you cannot open one on eBay.


You can buy elsewhere, preferably in Canada and even better in your own city,  and then refuse the parcel when it arrives.

A refused parcel will take a long time to get back to the seller, since these are not given any priority by the postal system.  The seller is not required to refund you until he does have it back and even then a "refused" item is considered "delivered" and not eligible for the Money Back Guarantee.



Most of your purchases seem to have been fashion accessories.

I would counsel patience. You are not buying insulin. You can live without them for a couple of weeks.

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