08-27-2015 06:56 PM
I spent a long time on the phone a couple of weeks ago with Customer Support re: the fact that all my listings were switched (not by me!) from US dollars to Canadian dollars. They assured me it was a glitch that would be sorted out within 48 hours. Two weeks later it's still happening - I list in US and EBay switches my listings to Canadian. Another long wait and discussion with the Selling Department - they had no idea why this was happening but assured me a manager (or someone) would email me within 48 hours. This has not happened. I'm about to give up on EBay completely.
08-29-2015 06:02 PM
Hi Rose! A comment on your shipping vs .COM/.CA
I've always listed on .COM.
I sell virtually everything "free shipping" (aka built in shipping) on .COM
I also sell virtually everything "free shipping" to Canada
I charge everyone else shipping much of the time. - which has no fees because the "domestic" .COM is free shipping.
(note that I only use flat rate shipping and I build in an apportioned amount)
Usually in my case the shipping cost to USA is higher than the same to Canada (this is true of expedited usually too). This means if a Canadian buys, I actually have extra left over. However my particular (stamp collectors) buyers tend to expect me to eat the taxes so the "gain" in the shipping goes to help offset some the taxes I eat.
That was the long version of me saying that if you go "free shipping" in .COMland, you pay no fees on anybody else's shipping either... so you should be ok?
08-29-2015 08:22 PM
@ricarmic wrote:
That was the long version of me saying that if you go "free shipping" in .COMland, you pay no fees on anybody else's shipping either... so you should be ok?
Thanks so much for your response, 'ricarmic'. Unfortunately, over all the years I've been selling on eBay, I've never been able to budge my less than 5% Canadian buyer base any higher. So if I switch to .com, my current FVF-savings strategy (offering extensive free domestic shipping), won't work, since I rarely get anything but U.S. buyers.
The ancillary problem is that shipping to the U.S. for my particular items is almost always higher than within Canada. This is because I sell few things of lower value that can't go by lettermail in Canada, and use Expedited (or occasionally Xpresspost) for higher-priced items, which normally cost more to ship to the U.S. than within Canada.
So for me, listing on .com and offering free shipping to the U.S. in order to get a reduction on shipping FVFs will just mean throwing good money after bad. I really don't know what to do at this point. However, I know that every month I delay is another month I'm certainly losing U.S. customers because of the cart problem.
Basically, it boils down to the fact that I'm going to be losing money for certain if I switch to .com (paying higher FVFs plus loss of the FVF discounts I'm currently able to strategize), or losing money possibly if I list in $Cdn (by turning off US buyers). The question is which will be offset better by increased sales? I think only an experiment for a few months will answer that question. But which to try first? Yikes.
I'm not so much concerned about my U.S. buyers understanding the currency differences on a listing as I am about first impressions. For example, a U.S. buyer sees one of my items in search for $15.95, clicks on it and suddenly sees ca. $20. Will a hurried or inexperienced U.S. buyer just hit the back button, not caring or noticing that that figure is the Canadian equivalent? I really don't know.
The other issue is that, since all of my important competitors are in the U.S., I try to match or beat their prices. If I switch to listing in $Cdn, I'm going to spend an inordinate amount of time monitoring and adjusting prices. Just the thought of it makes my head spin.
Yecchh. I just wish eBay could fix what is broken.
08-29-2015 09:35 PM
Hi again Rose!
Well, I'm still of the mind that if you boost your price on .COM to cover the US expedited shipping and offer free (US) domestic shipping, you'd be surprised that things would still move because I'm a firm believer that free shipping boosts one's visibility.
I know at least in my (stamp) world, my "visible" price is higher than competitors, however the total price is usually on par or even cheaper when their added shipping is added, and I seem to still be selling stuff. (I compare all the time against some core competitors)
I think the increased visibility catches the combination of people who just buy the first thing they see (so they won't even know my price looks more expensive) and I'm more likely to be in their face because of free shipping as well as the experienced ones who see that the total price is on par and are more likely to see me because of free shipping....
However, as has been said many times here, my world and your world may be different, certainly an experiment might be worthwhile!
08-29-2015 09:36 PM
08-30-2015 12:06 PM - edited 08-30-2015 12:10 PM
Thanks so much for your responses, 'ricarmic' . I always appreciate your thoughtful replies.
The way I see it, staying on .ca and switching to listing in $Cdn is the easiest thing to do, but it's a band-aid measure with its own inherent issues. It doesn't solve the cart problem, in the sense that it still doesn't permit my almost exclusively U.S. buyers to use their cart for multiple purchases. It just forces them to use the old style checkout system.
I benefit from a number of cost-saving strategies by listing on .ca, as I've said, but it's conceivable that some of those may be discontinued by eBay in the not-too-distant future (including the ability to list in $US on .ca and the free subtitles on .cafr).
On the other hand, listing on .com will solve the cart problem completely, but it will increase my costs. Actually, when I think about it, the cost increases will be doubled, because not only will I be paying FVFs on everything I ship, but I will be losing the FVF savings I now get on .ca on everything I ship to the U.S. and elsewhere (which has helped me to continue to offer subsidized shipping to my U.S. customers).
If I were to implement free shipping to the U.S. on all items, I'd lose even more money which I would have to hope would be recouped through better sales due to the free shipping offer alone, not due to better visibility. Visibility in searches has never been an issue for me, because I have relatively few competitors. It seems at least one of my items is always near the top of page 1 on keyword searches. The reason may be at least partly connected with the fact that I offer free domestic shipping on a great many items, which I'd lose on .com unless I listed with free shipping there (Catch-22 in action!).
So the trade-off of offering free shipping to the U.S. on everything for the sake of better search placement is a dubious equation for me. None of my most important competitors offers free shipping across the board; it seems that people who sew don't object to paying reasonable shipping.
However, sewing patterns are very price-sensitive. Attempting to roll shipping into the price may not work as well as it does with other types of items. In other words, to remain truly competitive in my particular area, I would probably have to pay for the free shipping out of my own pocket.
If I list on .com and were to roll shipping into the item pricing, I'd have to balance off the very real potential loss of sales due to higher prices, against the potential gains due to offering free shipping across the board. In my categories, I don't think I'd come out ahead.
Of course, in the meantime, while I gnaw my fingernails, I suppose I could just stipulate IPR on all my listings (which are all currently listed in $US), in order to prevent U.S. buyers from being able to use the cart at all. If I'm not mistaken, IPR applies on .com to all items under a certain value anyway (is it $100 or $1000, can't recall). Perhaps the days of "payment accommodation" and layaway arrangements are gone in any event.
I dislike making radical changes that have uncertain outcomes. I prefer to make adaptations in small steps, then adjust further, or retreat to safer ground if things don't pan out. This is a real d----d if you do, d----d if you don't scenario, and I do resent the fact that eBay created this situation in the first place.
The more I consider this, the more I think that the smartest and least time-consuming "experiment" initially would be to specify IPR on every listing. It will have essentially the same effect on checkout for my U.S. buyers as switching to listing in $Cdn would have, without the potential misunderstandings around currency display and -- more importantly to me -- the price monitoring/adjusting issues and loss of FVF savings.
At some point I'm expecting we'll all be obligated to list exclusively in $Cdn on .ca, and those of us who have been happily listing in $US on .ca for years, will be forced to make a choice whether we like it or not.
08-30-2015 12:12 PM
09-04-2015 11:55 AM
Thanks for this - I've just tried listing on EBay.com but since I use GarageSale (a Mac app) for templates it automatically takes me back to Ebay.ca. My previous listings that were in Canadian dollars were all changed by EBay after I listed them - I listed them in US.
09-04-2015 12:13 PM
The answers were far more complicated than I ever anticipated. So much so, that if things don’t improve I will finish with EBay once and for all. I have been selling for more than 10 years, but recently sales have tanked. I had no idea that US buyers were not able to put more than one item in their cart and were being disconnected - that explains why I stopped getting multiple sales - and few sales at all. EBay used to offer free listings, but now that this is reduced to 20 per month, I find I am reluctant to take chances on repeat listings with little chance of selling. I have an ETSY shop where I have recently been doing much better, so perhaps that’s where I’ll put my focus if things at EBay.ca don’t get sorted out.
09-04-2015 04:38 PM
When using GarageSale, you have a choice of sites and currencies. To control the site and the currency, go to "Inspector">Advanced, scroll down to "eBay Site" and further down is "Currency". Nothing will change on the listing template until you make a change within it. Example, you change the currency.; then go the Inspector>Options, make a change in the dollar amount, then change it back - the new currency will now show up on the listing, but won't show up on "Inspector" until you go to another template and then come back to the one you just changed. Your listing and "Inspector" will now display the last currency you chose. Obviously, to list on the US site, you must list in USD, as Canada is the only eBay site where you have a choice of 2 currencies. You also must choose the site before you create an event - if your listing was previously for eBay Canada, once you have set up an event, you cannot change that. Some GarageSale users retain their old events for relisting purposes. If you have changed currency and/or site, you must set up a new event for the changed templates. I have been experimenting with both currency and listing site using GarageSale, and have never had a problem with it "taking me back" to either a site or currency I have not chosen.
The listings that were changed from USD to Canadian - I'm wondering if you used "Selling Manager" on eBay to relist, or used "Sell Similar". That would change them. When I have used the GarageSale functions to list, either singly or by "Events", none of my listings have had an unwanted currency change when activated. Sometimes, when in a hurry, I have chosen to relist unsold items through eBay Selling Manager because it is faster, but you cannot go that route if you have changed currency or site.
04-14-2016 08:18 AM
04-14-2016 02:10 PM
It looks like you have had 3 sales in the last 10 days which I realize isn't a lot but my sales have also been very slow this month and the majority of my items are .com in U.S. currency. I've listed on both sites for a few years. A few weeks ago when sellers were complaining how slow things were I was actually doing quite well so things do really seem to constantly change even without making changes to currency. Perhaps some sellers who have changed their currency are slower because of that or perhaps sales are slow right now just because that's the way things seem to work on eBay. It's good that you are going to give it some more time to see which is the case for you.
04-15-2016 04:18 PM
This is an old post from November of last year.
07-10-2016 03:18 PM
I absolutely agreed! I sell worldwide everyone, relates to USD. I just lost an hour of my life trying to "migrate" my listings to eBay.com with no success. Just a rant....
09:36 PM
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07:22 PM
Gawd, I hate this eBay policy and I hate PayPal also. Firstly, eBay markets their currency conversion cash cow as a benefit for both US buyers and Canadian sellers. I find it insulting that eBay thinks we can't see through their transparent nonsense. I LOVE the eBay app for my iPad but the apps downed from the Canadian site. I spend more time (and $) converting in eBay, converting in PayPal. I list in Canadian, get paid by USD buyers in USD. When I want to buy in USD I can't access USD in a Canadian PayPal app despite I can see it so I have to again convert (more $). eBay and PayPal have become an unnecessary complex pain in the ass just to get conversion fees. Total A-1 **bleep**.
04:23 AM
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07:22 PM
@007v1.1 wrote:
Gawd, I hate this eBay policy and I hate PayPal also. Firstly, eBay markets their currency conversion cash cow as a benefit for both US buyers and Canadian sellers. I find it insulting that eBay thinks we can't see through their transparent nonsense. I LOVE the eBay app for my iPad but the apps downed from the Canadian site. I spend more time (and $) converting in eBay, converting in PayPal. I list in Canadian, get paid by USD buyers in USD. When I want to buy in USD I can't access USD in a Canadian PayPal app despite I can see it so I have to again convert (more $). eBay and PayPal have become an unnecessary complex pain in the ass just to get conversion fees. Total A-1 **bleep**.
If you have US dollars in your PayPal account you can use them to pay for a $US purchase so I'm not sure what you mean when you say that you can't access it. Also, if you are listing in Canadian dollars, you should automatically be paid be Canadian regardless of where the buyer is located.
07-31-2016 06:27 AM
"you should automatically be paid be Canadian regardless of where the buyer is located."
Correct.... as long as the seller maintains a Cdn$ balance in his/her PayPal account.