Best Offer Price??

Community Member

I'm doing some research on some items.Trying to get a feel for price etc. before I list.There are very few of these items and the ones I found that have sold say" best offer accepted",but I can't seem to find the $ amount. Is it possible?

Message 1 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

Another change they've just made.......... don't know if others have noticed.......

When listing items sellers have the option of putting a counter on when listing.

Now, it looks like ebay is over-riding that and you can see the number of watchers when you put your cursor over the gallery photo ..................


I haven't come across this, but then I usually list through Auctiva.  Maybe it's something new on the eBay listing tool. 


The visitor counter though is different from the "watcher" counter -- one is simply the number of hits, the other is the number of people who have put the item on their watch list, so I don't understand why eBay would make one cancel the other out. 


Concerning earlier posts on "Best Offer", I haven't been able to see the actual accepted offer/sold price on sold listings either, thank goodness!  I don't know how "toby"  is doing this, but hopefully it's not universally visible.  I use Best Offer quite a bit, often for similar items, and I wouldn't want the accepted price to be widely advertised, especially not for competitors to see.  Sometimes I have a reason for accepting a lower offer, and displaying the result openly would not necessarily be applicable to another situation in any case.   


Message 21 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

Hi Nan.


Yes, the "sold price" can be found on eBay. It requires a bit of detective work. 🙂


For example, take a lok at 300897463437 on (listed price $39)


Then look it up on (accepted price $34)



Message 22 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

Sold for:US $39.00 Best offer accepted


no where can i see it was sold for $34


If i find out that the "best offer" is now visable that gives me more reason to stop using it. Like others have stated it depends on the situation of the sale as to what I might accept as an "offer"

1 thing would be shipping. If someone offers me $35 for something i am asking $39 but shipping is going to cost me $5 i may not accept but if someone else offers me $34 and shipping is only going to cost $2 I might accept.

If people can now see that i sold it for $34 in 1 situation but not another you are going to be looking at ratings being dropped if They then bid $36 and i accept and then see i accepted someone else for $34

Message 23 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

"no where can i see it was sold for $34"


Please read post 21 again to understand how to find both prices (asked and sold)

Message 24 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

Please read post 21 again to understand how to find both prices (asked and sold)


I don't know how you do it, because I don't see the accepted price either... even if I follow your link and look at the item on .ca.... ?:|

Message 25 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

Here's what I see:


Sold for: US $39.00

Best offer accepted

Message 26 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

When I look at the listing on .ca (using MS-explorer), I get:


Ended: Apr 28, 201311:35:56 EDT

Sold For: US $34.00

Approximately C $34.93


When using Firefox, I get:


Ended: Apr 28, 2013 08:35:56 PDT

Price: US $39.00

Best offer accepted

Message 27 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

I use Internet Explorer.... maybe that is the problem?

Message 28 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

Please read post 21 again to understand how to find both prices (asked and sold)



Well EXCUSE me your HIGHNESS but apparently OTHER do not see what you see.




there seems to be a flaw as EBAY stated in the past (and part of the reason i use best offer) is that IF you accept best offer then NOBODY would know what you accepted!!

What would be the use of using best offer if everybody can see what you have accepted as they would NEVER offer more than you have accepted in the past an with 3 attempts at your BEST offer,they would be smart to start well below what you have accepted in the past and work your way up.

Message 29 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

Community Member

I dont see it either.. but I use EI.

Message 30 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

Please read post 21 again to understand how to find both prices (asked and sold)


But does this then mean that, when an item that was listed on is sold at Best Offer, a viewer would normally not be able to see the final (accepted) selling price unless they jumped back and forth between .com and .ca? 


I certainly hope this is the case.  Still, I don't understand why it should be invisible one way and visible the other.  Just a loophole, or???  Does this apply to items listed only on .ca?

Message 31 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

When I look at the listing on .ca (using MS-explorer), I get:


Ended: Apr 28, 201311:35:56 EDT

Sold For: US $34.00

Approximately C $34.93


Pierre, could it be that the reason you can see the final sold price is that you were the seller of this item? 


This certainly is the case for me when I've sold a "Best Offer"  item -- I, as seller, can see the actual sold price, but I always assumed others cannot.  Would this explain why none of the rest of us can see what you are seeing???

Message 32 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

Whoops -- sorry -- I went back and took another look at the item, and obviously it wasn't yours as seller. 


I have no idea why I can't see the final price, but I'm hoping this is some sort of glitch.

Message 33 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

I was not involved with that transaction in any way.  I picked the listing as an example of a sold listing with the "Best Offer" option.


When I tried a few minutes ago to duplicate the results from a few days ago, I no longer get the "sold" price, regardless of the site I visit (.ca or .com) or browser I use (MS-Explorer or Firefox)


However, there is always a way if you dig hard enough:;jsessionid=1B65F512F1A4D410E1D86ABC55D7030D?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.... 

Message 34 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

... and that works on either MS-Explorer or Firefox.


You may want to try other eBay international sites for the fun of it! 🙂

Message 35 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

Hi Nan.


The "official" answer to the question as offered by a "pink" today:


"The actual price accepted as Best Offer is no one's business other than that of the buyer and the seller agreeing to this price. Why would we allow prospective buyers to know what lower offers are accepted by a seller? This can only benefit buyers and disadvantage sellers, while defeating the purpose of having a set price on a listing. 

This change isn't unfair to buyers, rather is removes a disadvantage for sellers. Buyers still can send their Best Offers; not knowing what offers were accepted before just makes the process untainted by previous transactions."


While I understand why sellers using "Best Offer" want to hide the actual selling price, I still think it is unfair to buyers and other sellers who do not use the "Best Offer" option whcih was initiated years ago to minimize off-eBay transactions..


In the meantime, you can still get the actual selling price (best offer accepted) once you have the listing number and search that listing number on an international eBay site. 😉

Message 36 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

It was dumb to ever show it, especially when they put the accepted offers right in fb so you could see the sellers that accepted offers most of the time at a glance.  Can you imagine something like a car lot advertising their price, and with the ad putting a list of prices they actually sold for?  There is no point in even having a price if everyone sees the actual sale amount

Message 37 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

"a list of prices they actually sold for?"


The thing is eBay does it for ALL OTHER LISTINGS, fixed price or auction.

Message 38 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

I've been playing with this for a couple of weeks.


First .............. the Best Offer accepted disappeared on the US site and that was quite some time ago.


Then, about 2 weeks ago it disappeared from the .ca site......... at least for me on my computer.

It seems that some users can still see it even now.


When is disappeared from the .ca site I tried other sites such as the UK site and for me it the Best Offer accepted no longer appears there either.


This seems to be different for everyone................... but in time I'm guessing that either no one or everyone will see it as they figure out what they want to do with it.



I liked seeing it, but it will probably no longer be available anywhere before long.




Message 39 of 62
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Re: Best Offer Price??

"I liked seeing it"




According to eBay "Best Offer is no one's business"

Message 40 of 62
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