Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

This is extremely annoying.  Buyers are free to leave negative feedback for sellers, but a seller cannot leave negative feedback when a buyer does not pay.

Don't reply with any of that BS file a non paying bidder **bleep**.  That doesn't work and it doesn't do anything.  When I have a bad buyer, negative feedback is the best way to deal with it.

Message 1 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

Mr E has a good point. When I am buying, I always check the seller's neutrals and negatives, if the seller reacts negatively, I don't buy from them.....because a negative reaction to a buyer comment increases the chances that if I bought something from them and there was a legitimate issue, they would not look after it. I would not buy because of the comment ends with "buyer was an ???" if it simply said instead "buyer declined", I would see no issue and buy from them if they had something I was interested in.... non-paying buyers is a given, I actually had "Not received $0.00" (in the payments last 60 days section) for the first time in seemingly forever a couple days ago!! I almost always have something outstanding, usually they eventually pay but some do not....
Message 21 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

I will disagree. As there is a very limited space for feedback. We are not privy to the whole transaction. Some buyers are truly asses. I had one, a few years back from the US, asking where his item was 3 days after he'd paid. No exaggeration.
Message 22 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

Hi 73! Any seller who's sold enough stuff will encounter asses. How one deals with an ass is what (in my eyes) separates out professional sellers. A seller who deals with an ass professionally is very much more likely to help me if I buy something and have a legitimate issue (because I'm not an ass of course :-)) than one who doesn't. None of use likes bad buyers, but we will all have them. I too have had some very very bad ones. This is why I've written up "form letter" responses, as I've posted previously in other threads. My "professional" responses are nothing like what I "feel" like writing....because like most of us, they are very upsetting to get especially when undeserved (in our own eyes)....
Message 23 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

Hi ricarmic, I truly respect your way of thinking. And it try to act the same way. But sometimes, you want to vent or just to let other sellers know that that buyer dips a total ass. But I digress. Cheers.
Message 24 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

@cybertron_toys wrote:

Everything you've said is complete .  I've been on ebay a long time.

If they won't let us have negative feedback to give them, then they should allow us the ability to have immediate payment required when using buy it now without needing a special account.

It only takes a couple of clicks to upgrade your paypal account to a premier or business account so that you can accept immediate payment.

Yeah it also costs more money to have that account, it should be free, they make enough money off us as it is.

Message 25 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

@38e_avenue wrote:

@cybertron_toys wrote:

When I have a bad buyer, negative feedback is the best way to deal with it.

Not paying bidder - surely annoying, but surely not "bad". You simply need some patience, than file an unpaid item dispute - 4 days later you get your FVF back, and then you can relist the item. Don't forget to block the buyer.


Believe me, you should sell here for a little bit longer to really know, what a "bad buyer" can mean .....

I have horror stories to tell: I was blackmailed, insulted, humiliated and I even don't know anymore how many times a buyer has paid, and then charge back the payment. 


To survive on Ebay, you need to learn how to cope with all that situations.  

I've been selling on ebay a long time, I'm simply fed up with their BS

Message 26 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

@73rhc wrote:
Maybe the buyer was an ass!

The buyer was indeed an ass, I offered him a full refund, he refused and left me negative feedback, that was my only recourse, hardly seems fair.

Message 27 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

@73rhc wrote:
"Think about going to a department store such as Walmart ... pick up something... carry it around and leave it somewhere and not pay for it..... about the same as what happens on eBay...."

This has to be the most idiotic example. I'm sick of seeing this argument on these boards. Since when do you commit to buy when you pick something up at Walmart and walk around with it???

Clicking on Buy it now is a commitment to buy it.  It's the same as walking into walmart, picking up an item walking through the cash and telling the cashier too bad, I want it but I'm not paying.   Wait, what do you mean that's called theft???

Message 28 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

@cybertron_toys wrote:

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

@cybertron_toys wrote:

Everything you've said is complete .  I've been on ebay a long time.

If they won't let us have negative feedback to give them, then they should allow us the ability to have immediate payment required when using buy it now without needing a special account.

It only takes a couple of clicks to upgrade your paypal account to a premier or business account so that you can accept immediate payment.

Yeah it also costs more money to have that account, it should be free, they make enough money off us as it is.

In what way does it cost more?

Message 29 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

I have to agree with ricarmic.  It's unlikely that I would buy from a seller who uses name calling in feedback. Comments like that tend to reflect more negatively on the seller than on the buyer.



Message 30 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

Read post 27. Sometimes it's justified!
Message 31 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

I have to agree with ricarmic.  It's unlikely that I would buy from a seller who uses name calling in feedback. Comments like that tend to reflect more negatively on the seller than on the buyer.



Actually, no it doesn't.  My positive feedback speaks for itself.  I am exceptionally understanding and willing to make every effort to make someone happy.  I offer multiple shipping options, I even offered the guy the option to return the book he bought from me for a full refund even when I normally do not accept refunds as clearly stated in my listing.

When a buyer responds with, well you better do this or else.....  Then yeah, said buyer is an ass and should be called on it to warn other sellers.

Also, having a premium account with paypal costs money, it isn't free.

Message 32 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

Retaliation is immature.

Message 33 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

@mr.elmwood wrote:

Retaliation is immature.

Except I wasn't retaliating, I was merely stating a fact.

Message 34 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

It is the perception that counts .....


The most important thing to do on eBay  is to know  what NOT to do....  things  that will give people the wrong impression about who you are.


We as internet sellers do not have visual contact with our buyers.....  and it is because of this we must be careful what we say... for it is what we  say in written words that indicates who we are.


Sometimes it is also what we do...


Something like...  using the "wrong" newspaper  to  provide packing protection in a parcel


Buyer left a negative  because seller included the obituary section from a newspaper 


We must always give the right impression  for the last thing we see is the first thing a buyer sees...



Message 35 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

@cybertron_toys wrote:

@mr.elmwood wrote:

Retaliation is immature.

Except I wasn't retaliating, I was merely stating a fact.

Does not matter how you want to frame it. You still said something, rude, that the vast majority choose not to say. To me, your statement is not a 'fact", it is your personal interpretation of a situation.


There are three sides to every story: seller, buyer, what really happened. You want me to believe your side because you are name-calling? No.


You did not have to say anything, yet, you chose to to get the last word in, that is retaliation.

Message 36 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

You are wrong.  It is always best to warn others from a potential buyer who is being an ass.  Just because you won't do it does not mean what I did has any less merit.  Some people here evidently do not agree with you as given by their replies.

You are entitled to your opinion, but just remember that is just YOUR opinion only.


Also, given he was an ass, it was indeed a fact.

Message 37 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

Says you.

Message 38 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

There is more than one way to deal with problem buyers. If you check my feedback, it is currently 100%, however I have received negatives/neutrals in the last year. They were from problem buyers, as bad or even much worse actually than the example here. I left non-confrontational responses to the neg/neutral and followed the ebay process to report the buyer when appropriate. Apparently other sellers must have reported them as well, because they were NARU'd and along with that, away went the negatives/neutrals from my feedback too. I did not have to do anything extra, I didn't call eBay to ask for anything to be removed, it naturally was removed as the process unfolded. Unfortunately patience is required as the neg/neutrals were there for a few months before the buyer did enough bad things to get zapped.... but ultimately they were removed.


My own belief is that following the reporting process is more effective in protecting other sellers than placing comments in feedback, and it avoids the possible loss of potential customers who happen to read negativity from the original comment, however that is simply my opinion...

Message 39 of 49
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Re: Cannot leave Negative feedback for buyers who don't pay

@mr.elmwood wrote:
Says you.

I'm not going to argue with you, you're wrong, it's that simple.

Message 40 of 49
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