12-02-2009 02:47 AM
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12-03-2009 06:04 PM
Had the situation been reversed, dashboard showing discount of x% given but not applied to my invoice, i might be a tad more concerned. Anyway's, I phoned in Oct, was promised it would be looked after and if I saw no change for the Nov invoice I should phone them back.
Of course there was no change for Nov so I phoned, spoke to a very knowledgeable c/s rep, told me he was taking a "personal" interest in this case and will be escalating it immediately. He told me that it is just a glitch, easily fixable and will be done in 2 to 3 days and he will personally phone me to confirm.
Just looked, no changes yet but, well, its only been 3 days so, lets see if (a) the glitch does get fixed and (b) if rep follows through with his promised phone call.
12-03-2009 08:52 PM
12-10-2009 11:29 AM
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12-10-2009 07:25 PM
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12-12-2009 12:02 AM
12-15-2009 05:17 AM
12-15-2009 05:22 AM